Hi Debbie and welcome to the forum!
I need to tell you that this could get worse quite quickly. The drop to 30mg would have been OK in most circumstances, but 30mg to nothing is by far from a good idea. During my time here I would advise that you reinstate the 30mg and wean a lot slower. You my be one of the few that only experience what you have already, but you won't know this for a few more days, and it is a question of whether you take the risk or not.
Gatorade is OK, but I would also get some Omega 3 with at least 2000mg of combined DHA/EPA. Regarding everything ear-wise, this is also very normal as you have serotonin receptors in the ear so being a serotonergic med, Cymbalta will throw these our of whack in a number of cases. But the good news is that they will clear after you settle, but this question of settling will have a big impact on how you come off them.
After 22 years on these drugs, to drop this quickly to having nothing in your system could be a recipe for disaster and I would advise you get back to a 30mg dose, sit on them for a good couple of weeks and then put a bead-dropping plan in place - of which we can help you with.
My friends will be along later to wish you a warm welcome, but I can assure you that their recommendation will be similar to that of my own.
Please feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to help!