New here so not sure what the normal protocol is but I have no one to talk to. Quick medical story .... I had spinal surgery to remove a rib and fuse the thoracic when 21. The operation went wrong, I bled out and kind of died for a bit. Took a few months in hospital to get over that. Basically my thorax are is kinda messed up along with the spine (and cataracts in both eyes along with dupitron nerve thingy in fingers). I did also suffer a collapsed lung - fluid caused/pneumothoracs thing - when 11 thanks to miss-diagnosed pneumonia (Had it for a few weeks as I continued going to school while my left arm and hand would occasionally seize up and was told the pain I had was growing pains - until on holiday with parents and hotel doc checked me over and thought I was having a heart attack...at 11 years old. Really doc?). Since I also have chronic asthma, I was in bad shape by the time I was taken to A and E.
I am now 39 years old and suffered pain, lung issues, and depression my entire life. Including memories of being a child at Christmas all bandaged up thanks to also having at the time a chronic outbreak of eczema. Add ontop some nightmarish events done to me as a child and you might say life has been quite a ride so far.
I have been on Cymalta/Duloxutine for over 7 years, along side years on gabapentin, clonazepam and buprenorphine. All for pain and depression.
Annnnyway, reason I am here is I decided to stop taking cymbalta (60mg dose). Too many meds are zombifying me and the GPs are doing nothing. So went cold turkey 5 days ago and now things are starting to turn sideways. Not slept in 2 days, mind racing, loss of balance, random muscle spasms, appetite up and down...so on and so on...Oh and my hands and feet are always freezing cold.
What I want to know is how long should I expect this to last? Will it get worse? Can it be fatal if I continue this way? And just what the hell! This drugs withdrawal is crazy. No one said one word about the risks involved. I figured I cud stop it safely because no one ever mentioned it when I list my meds. All the concern goes to the buprenorphine. Now I feel like I'm turning into a vampire. The feeling of total frustrated rage is also anger inducing itself. All this built up rage with no outlet. It is like being Bruce Banner trying to hulk out but nothing happens Trying to be easy going about this but today that is becoming a more challenging task.
Apologies for wall of text, grammar and spelling..the shakes make typing hard and my hands can not keep up with the brain. And just needed to vent a bit to people who might understand.