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An Update From Polly

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#91 Polly38


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Posted 20 March 2020 - 02:39 AM

Thanks IUN and LDN. It's not burning up, so no fever, just random hot sweats, then feeling cold, so maybe I am being over cautious. It's the cough, body aches and sore throat bothering me so I will keep an eye on it. You're right LDN, anxiety has a lot to answer for!

LDN, I understand your country home is in the Cotswolds - we are in Gloucestershire, so not far away at all. Enjoy the peace and quiet, fresh air and lovely scenery! IUN - I really hope things settle down for you. So pleased to hear about your wife. It sounds as if she has great courage and strength! Although this is an awful situation, it sounds as if it has affected her in a positive way to find the strength to go out, and also look after you when you are feeling vulnerable. Amazing! We have to keep reminding ourselves this is temporary and we WILL get through this.

Take care everyone and stay safe!❤

#92 gail


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Posted 20 March 2020 - 06:49 AM

Polly, hello,

I would pass the test for Corona. Dry cough, body aches, sore throat!!!!
Just to be on the safe side. love.

#93 invalidusername


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Posted 20 March 2020 - 06:35 PM

A fever is just that - a burning up and a general feeling of malaise that goes with it rather than just random sweating. A fever would make you feel properly crap. Not a great deal if you do test positive for it - if they test you at all that is.


Mrs Scrat says a many thanks for your kinds words. These really are tough times and whilst there is an end in sight, it is difficult not knowing when it is. For me the uncertainty is the nightmare...


Just a case of seeing how it all goes from here. As far as the UK, we are doing better than most of Europe in keeping the cases down.

#94 LDN


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Posted 21 March 2020 - 12:46 AM

Hi Polly! 


A beautiful hopeful post!! You are spot on! We WILL get through this!! 


I am in Somerset so pretty near you then!! We have an invasion of Rooks at the moment, they have taken over the garden!! Will take me time to get used them!! 


I really hope you are feeling a bit better! 


Lots of love and good energy to you!!

#95 Polly38


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Posted 25 March 2020 - 02:37 PM

Hi guys🙋‍♀️. A quick update from me.

The Amitriptyline seems to be working well. I am sleeping really well and that horrible anxious feeling has gone today. Yesterday I was feeling really short of breath yesterday but I think it was the increased anxiety over the Coronavirus. I'm trying not to watch too much news about it. The shortness of breath is much better today but the reflux has started again and if feels sore at the bottom of my oesophagus. I can cope with it though and am taking Gaviscon when I need to.

So I can recommend the lowest dose of Amitriptyline (10mg) for a good night's sleep!

Today we heard that my husband's uncle (who is 80 with diabetes) as the virus. He has been really poorly, but they're keeping him at home, as it's safer, and sending the rapid response team every day. It's all getting a bit close to home now and is very scary!

Thanks for the good wishes LDN. We're not too far away from you in Gloucestershire. I have a friend who lives in a small village in Somerset and we have stayed with her a few times - it's lovely there.

Stay safe everyone!


#96 invalidusername


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Posted 25 March 2020 - 06:48 PM

Hey Pol


Great to hear from you - especially at this time. Good to know everyone is keeping on. So glad to hear that the anxiety has abated - is the breath issue showing any signs of improvement at all?


Thanks for sharing about the Amit - Hat - note for the next eBook update!!


OMG! This is my first knowledge of someone that I can connect to that has the virus, and I am so sorry. Please pass our best to your husband, and lets hope for the very best in the defeat for his uncle.



#97 Polly38


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Posted 26 March 2020 - 03:29 PM

Thanks IUN. His uncle is still quite poorly and the son-in-law of one of their friends is very ill on a ventilator in hospital😢. He's only 46. Praying that he pulls through🙏.

My shortness of breath has showed some improvement. It was hardly there at all yesterday but back again on and off today. Is it possible that this is still withdrawal? This is the only symptom I'm left with and it has to go soon surely?🙏

Hope things are OK with you down there in Kent? Stay safe everyone ❤

#98 invalidusername


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Posted 26 March 2020 - 06:11 PM

46 is nothing at all - the poor fellow. Again, my condolences.


I still think the shortness of breath could be symptomatic - and unfortunately, it will be difficult at the moment with the added stress. Give that it has shown to be hardly there at all give me confidence in that statement. But you need to monitor it closely - and please please stay safe with this cv around.


Kent is bordering London and a lot of workers commute, so I expect we will have a sharp rise in cases this week before the peak.



#99 Polly38


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Posted 25 May 2020 - 04:13 PM

Hi All.

I have been in and out of the forum over the last few weeks but haven't posted anything, so apologies for that. I hope you are all coping OK with lockdown.

I gradually came off the Amitriptyline as it was making me feel really tired and lazy and I was constantly hungry and putting weight on. The pain in my stomach came back so I decided to give the Esomeprazole a try again after talking to my doctor and the pain has eased a lot. The doctor still wants me to have a CT scan on my liver and stomach, so I'm having one tomorrow (the appointment came through within 10 days so is much quicker in lockdown). I remembered what you said about taking Vitamin C before the scan Hat. I only have 1,000mg Vit C tablets so I took one today. Am I right in thinking I need to take another one tomorrow and is there anything else I can take to minimise the risk of the radiation please?

Thanks very much.


#100 invalidusername


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Posted 25 May 2020 - 05:01 PM

Hi Pol...


Great to hear from you, and you are absolutely right to query the right stuff prior to a scan, and Hat will be the one to answer this for you. 


Glad that the pain has eased with the Eso, but there is still the need to get to the bottom of it all - please let us know what comes of the scans...


Take care 



#101 fishinghat


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Posted 25 May 2020 - 05:03 PM

Very good. One today, one tomorrow (an hour before the test if possible0 and one the day after. Be sure and force fluids for 48 hours to flush the iodine out of your system as well.  Let us know how things turn out.

#102 frog


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 01:19 PM

Hi Polly! 

I was just thinking of you the other day. Was wondering how your breathing problem is going. Has it resolved? I'm pretty positive mine is mostly related to what remains of excess adrenaline/anxiety. Even when I do notice having to take a harder breath, it's not AS intense as it once was. There have even been some days recently where I didn't think about the breathing pretty much at all meaning it was probably pretty normal. Then there are other days where its noticeable right from the morning. I think eventually it'll hopefully just go away for good. 

#103 Polly38


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 04:34 PM

Thanks for the advice Hat. I had the scan today and am making sure I'm drinking plenty of water. Took Vit C yesterday and today and will take tomorrow. I should have the result in the next 2 weeks.

Hi Frog🙋‍♀️. Lovely to hear from you. Yes I still have the breathing issue - it's much the same as you - worse on some days, better on others. It's annoying more than anything. I have tried doing different breathing exercises, ignoring it etc but don't seem to be able to control it. Do you yawn a lot too - to try and get air in? I think I'm about a month behind you. I'm 6 months off. Have you been off 7 months? Really hope it disappears for us both soon!🤞

#104 frog


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 05:36 PM

It is very annoying indeed! 

I don't yawn much, but when it was at its worst I was getting a lot of random burps throughout the day. Which tells me that I was clearly taking in way more air than I actually needed so have to assume the shortness of breath wasn't real in so far as I wasn't actually short of breath. I've probably just been hyperventilating a bit because of adrenaline/anxiety. I rarely get the burps anymore which is consistent with overall improvement with the breathing. So hopefully it'll go away completely soonish :)

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