IUN actually not unorthodox at all. It's in fact the exact thing you're SUPPOSED to be doing. My CBT-I doc said the people who struggle with insomnia the most, arepeople like myself who are 'doers'. Like need to take control of situations by taking some kind of action. So if you said "just do A, B, C and your sleep will be normal again!" I would be in luck because I'm great at doing stuff. But with sleep in particular, the more you 'do stuff' and focus on kind of an action/reaction response, you end up getting more and more stressed that sleep isn't coming. And the more you wait for sleep to come the less likely it will come, like lying awake and checking the clock and see it's 3 am and now you're stressed because if it's 3 am that means you might not sleep at all or you might only get 2 hours of sleep and feel like crap the next day. Now you're anxious and anxiety often overrides our need to sleep
The goal like you said is to stop pressuring yourself into sleeping and start letting sleep happen on its own. As you said SO HARD unless you really feel it. That's where I kind of am right now. I keep telling myself that I don't care if I don't sleep but deep down I'm still worried about not sleeping.
What's interesting is that I think what's stopping me personally from sleeping is that I'm too aware in those moments when you're about to go over the waterfall. It's kind of like I'm focusing on and watching for the sleep to come around the corner and when I notice that I'm starting to fall asleep I go AHA! and that wakes me up. I've forgotten what it feels like to just completely let go in that moment and let sleep wash over. So tricky!