Hi wandering2 and welcome to the forum....
Hat is always there with the right advice for such people as yourself. There is never any knowing the length of the "sentence" following the withdrawal, but we can go by the averages.
Your focus here is that things have improved. Sure they have taken a few months, but yes, this is absolutely normal. Where people talk of things continuing for 2 years or so, it is often a specific complaint - for myself it was seizures. These cam about as a result of the cymbalta. Everything else cleared up within around 6-7 months, but I still have the occasional seizure. They were initially at least once or twice a week, if not more. Now, if I am fortunate, I can go a couple of months between episodes, and they are less intense. It is my fond hope that that will go altogether in time.
Again, as Hat said, the eBook would be great reading at this point, and please feel free to drop in any time - perhaps start your own thread so you can document your progress. We often encourage our members to do this, so they can see their improvements, not matter how small. I look back on my posts 3 years ago and it shocks me to see what I was going through. If only the 2021 me could have spoken to the 2018 me and told me everything would be alright! You will be there.....