Thanks for the info on Buspar. That's probably not going to be good enough. I guess it's just confusing to me how medications that are called anti-depressants like Lexapro can be effective for anxiety (I do not have depression) so I feel skeptical about them. But I trust it if people who suffer from chronic anxiety say they help.
I think this trip has absolutely sent me out of control. This may be impatient but I don't feel like I can take a year or two off my life to slowly build up. We have a much bigger and busier trip planned in October to attend a cousin's wedding and both mine and my husband's families live across the country including my grandparents in their 80s who I want to spend time with. I also feel guilty because I feel like I'm holding my husband and even myself back from enjoying everything California has to offer which was the biggest reason we left everything behind and moved out here a couple years ago.
COVID definitely made everything way worse for sure. During the time where I would have needed small exposures the most, we were told to stay home so instead of expanding my confidence I just became EXTRA attached to being at home.
It's the physical effects of the anxiety that really get to me. They are so intense it's unbearable and it can be impossible to rationalize with them in that state. CBT and all the therapy tricks are great but I'm only just learning how to use them so they don't work when I really need them. We're leaving for the airport in a few hours and I just took propranolol because I was starting to shake and it made a big difference. I'm still nervous and the thoughts are still there but because I'm not completely consumed by the shaking and jitteriness I feel more confident that I can actually make it out the door.
In an ideal world I'd like to take medication for a year or two while I regain confidence in my body and my ability to do normal things, in the meantime I will continue to work with my therapist on addressing the actual anxiety and thoughts and when I'm ready I will SLOWLY taper off with the assistance of a competent psychiatrist.
I am definitely curious though how I will feel when I come back from this trip, whether the anxiety will melt away now that the "danger" is gone. Will definitely report back