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This Is Why The Nhs Mental Health Service Is So Bad...

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#1 invalidusername


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Posted 24 July 2019 - 03:17 PM

Had to put this as a new thread as I want it to be picked up by search engines so as many people as possible can read what I have to say.


As the "locals" here know, I have been waiting for psychotherapy for around 7 months - making numerous calls to the NHS services and getting nowhere.


Today, I had a call.


They informed me that I was being denied services because I went again what the doctor told me to do during my Cymbalta withdrawal.


Again, most here will already know, but for those that don't, the doctor took my cymbalta away from me during a meeting to force me into a cold turkey situation. His argument was that the low dose was causing the seizures I was having. 


I wanted to continue easing my 10mg down slowly, but he told me to stop there and then. I had a few beads left which meant I could come down over the following 7 days. Then all hell broke loose.


I was calling the offices every day asking for my meds back. I had ambulance crews out and a number of trips to the ER. I was told at the ER that I needed to go back on the Cymbalta. They could not give them to me because I was under the Mental Health team. They still did not return these. I even asked people here in the UK if they could send any!!


I walked into the office with the information leaflet with section 5.7 highlighted which clearly states that in the case of seizures that patients are immediately to go back to the next highest dose. They looked at the paper, gave it back to me and told me that "the doctor knows what he is doing" - and still no meds.


I still have seizures to this day, which could have been prevented had I been given the opportunity to ween correctly... and now I am being denied the services I so desperately need because I knew what I was talking about.


The doctor in question has since been fired from his position.

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