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Why Do Breathing Exercises? Respiratory Acidosis

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#1 invalidusername


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Posted 03 March 2019 - 12:30 PM

Please note - this post was written by FishingHat and posted by IUN due to technical difficulty.
Respiratory acidosis develops when air inhaled into and exhaled from the lungs does not get adequately exchanged between the carbon dioxide from the body for oxygen from the air. During periods of high stress people often hyperventilate. This hyperventilation is a fast respiratory rate but shallow. This leads to high CO2 levels especially in the lower parts of the lungs. These high CO2 levels cause a concurrent high CO2 levels in the blood which converts to carbonic acid and low blood pH. Blood with a low pH does not carry oxygen as well and results in a condition called hypercapnia.
The narrow pH range for normal function is between 7.35 and 7.45.
Acidemia, which is highly acidic blood, occurs when pH of the blood is lower than 7.35.
Respiratory acidosis occurs when breathing out does not get rid of enough CO2. The increased CO2 that remains results in an acidic state.
Doctors refer to the increased CO2 level in the bloodstream occurring as a result of respiratory acidosis as hypercapnia.
Symptoms can include:
⦁ headaches
⦁ memory loss
⦁ sleep disturbance
⦁ anxiety and personality changes
⦁ confusion
⦁ drowsiness
⦁ stupor
⦁ muscle jerking
⦁ reduced heart muscle function
⦁ disturbances in heart rhythm, producing arrhythmias
⦁ a drop in blood pressure
A person can prevent the onset of respiratory acidosis by maintaining healthy lung function (eg. breathing exercises)
Excerpts from ...
Chronic Adrenergic State
Conditions Associated with a Chronic Adrenergic State
Addresses the breathing difficulties associated with an adrenergic state.
Hyperventilation Syndrome
Dizziness, Lightheaded, Headaches, Presyncope or Syncope (fainting)
Shortness of Breath, Sighing and Yawning, Dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing)
Hypocapnia (low CO2 in blood), Respiratory Alkalosis (shift to high pH in the
Blood due to increased respiration)
It has recently been shown that excessive exercise, especially in athletes, will cause the generation of extra adrenaline. If these high levels of exercise go on for an extended period then the athlete can and usually does develop a chronic adrenergic state.
Respiratory – The hyperadrenergic state usually produces hyperventilation (an increase in frequency and depth of respiration) in order to supply oxygen for the increase in metabolism. In the chronic adrenergic state the increase in respiration eventually causes hypocapnia (decreased CO2 in the blood stream). This decrease in CO2 levels cause alkalosis (elevated pH) of the blood and respiratory system. At an elevated pH the hemoglobin increases its affinity for oxygen (the Bohr Effect). This causes an increase in the hyperventilation if physical activity continues, thereby continuing or worsening the hypocapnia. Once severe hypocapnia occurs it can be maintained by even normal breathing. Those with a chronic adrenergic state often show this breathing pattern. The increase in hemoglobin affinity to oxygen decreases the amount of oxygen available to the cells and increases muscle fatigue and cerebral perfusion. This helps account for the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and exercise intolerance in the chronic adrenergic state. The hypocapnia rapidly causes the development of hypophosphatemia (low phosphate in the blood) that further reduces oxygen availability to tissues. Once a hypocapnia state is generated the stresses of everyday life may create the potential for a self-perpetuating cycle.
Acute adrenergic state may cause hypercapnia (respiratory acidosis). In this condition the elevated CO2 in the blood competes with oxygen producing similar effects as hypocapnia.
Patients in a hypocapnia or hypercapnia situation can often correct their blood pH balance by doing breathing exercises. The key parts are..
Three deep breaths focused on the lower part of the lungs, if done properly the belly should extend out during these deep breaths.
Each deep breath is taken fairly slowly and deep followed by a 1 to 2 second pause and slowly exhaled.
After the three deep breaths are done then normal breathing is resumed.
This may be done as many time a day as necessary as long as sufficient times (s few minutes) are given after each set of deep breaths.
Caution - Due to the bloods poor oxygen carrying ability heavy exercising should be avoided. During heavy exercise the body will run low on oxygen easily and increased adrenaline will be released further aggravating the condition.

#2 invalidusername


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Posted 04 March 2019 - 10:07 AM

Interesting topic - and breathing exercises should never be underestimated. 


Fortunately I have a background in Tai Chi, which I really should have kept up, so breathing into the lowest part of the lungs, or "tain tien" comes naturally. Good to have more of the science behind it though.


Explains why headaches occur frequently after a seizure - as that certainly does affect the breathing.

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