My spouse has always had anxiety since he was young. He ended up in the ER thinking he had a heart attack but ended up being a panic attack. He has been on anxiety meds for about a year. He started out with taking Citalpram but it caused some side effects so switched to Zoloft. This past summer he had a cardiac arrest which they think it could of been one of the contributing factors. The cardiac doc changed his meds from Zoloft to Wellbutrin (summer time). The Wellbutrin also cause side effects oso his GP switched him to Cymbaltoa 20 mg around a month ago. Every one of the meds cause brain fog, dizziness, passing out and falling (broke some bones). So he was tired of feeling that way that he quit cold turkey. He still has uncontrollable muscle spasms, brain fog, lethargy, stuttering sometimes, dizziness, nausea, bowel problems, and pain, can't think straight, feels like air is coming out of his ears, and probably other symptoms that I'm not aware of.
He has to take atenolol, potassium, and b12.
I am having him take Omega 3. What can I do to help with the muscle spasms, lethargy, brain zaps, etc? Should he go to the Dr's? How long does these things last? Could any of this be permanent?