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#91 fishinghat


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Posted 12 March 2019 - 02:03 PM

Well, I have been on the 3 Lion's Mane Mushroom capsules per day for 3 days. I feel a little better (10%). We will see what happens. I have noticed the following things about that product so far.

One capsule per day - No effect
Two capsules per day - Improved focus and clarity of mind and excellent in controlling benzo withdrawal symptoms.
Control of benzo symptoms lasted 4 weeks before pooping out.
Clarity of mind and focus has remained this whole time.

#92 invalidusername


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Posted 12 March 2019 - 03:44 PM

Unfortunately supplements do tend to require updosing after a while. I have had the same with suntheanine, ashwagandha and CBD. The only dose that has stayed put is the Kratom. But then again, I only take a dose once a week - if that, whereas the others have been daily supplements.


Hopefully the 3x will serve you well Hat.

#93 WisdomSeeker



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Posted 16 March 2019 - 02:54 AM

Hi Fishing Hat,


Excuse my intrusion. I have read these forums briefly a year or so ago when looking for information. I have since become one of the Admins of

a group and have been helping people taper safely off Cymbalta for over 2 years now. I started at 30mg. Now I'm at 1.5 mg.


But, that's not my question :)


I am also on .5 Klonopin (was generic but they kept switching it and got more and more ill due to that, so now on name brand) and I'm so freaked

out by everyone's stories of tapering/withdrawal from benzos. You rarely read anything positive or that someone is doing it without horrible suffering so I was so happy to find your post. I'm so glad you are doing well.


I am very sensitive to what I take and pretty much stay away from GABAergic substances in order to not make things worse. 

Thank you for offering a positive perspective and for also trying different things and reporting. Very kind.


My question is how do you reduce in such small amounts and how are you able to adjust them so easily according to your 

symptoms or lack thereof? I was told to go very very slowly and I am heeding that as I had a very bad experience with 

generics being changed. But, I haven't started my taper yet and no idea how to do that micro slowly with the Klonopin.

I have read at other sites but how are you doing it?


I wish the best for everyone here.


Thanks so much! Hope is above all, the most precious commodity. God Bless.

#94 fishinghat


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Posted 16 March 2019 - 08:04 AM

Welcome wisdomseeker


I have been a member of benzobuddies since 2004 and that is where I learned about water titration. My current situation is my fourth benzo withdrawal since and I have never suffered. I have also had two pdocs that have encouraged this method as well.


I will describe what procedures I do and you can ask questions from there.



Lets say I am on 3 mg of lorazepam per day.

Step one - Dissolve 9 mg of Lorazepam (a 3 day supply) in 600 ml of water.

Step 2 - Take 50 ml of this solution every 6 hours. This will provide you a more stable blood level of your benzo rather then taking it every 8 hours.

Step 4 - Once you decide to start tapering make up a new batch at the same 9 mg in 600 ml of water BUT this time remove 1 ml of the solution and replace with one ml of pure water and continue taking 50 ml every 6 hours. This is a 0.17% drop. Very small. If after a few days you feel no withdrawal then you can try dropping 2 ADDITIONAL mls each time. If after a few days and no problems then you can try removing 3 additional mls each time.

Step 5 -  At some point you will start to notice some light withdrawal, drop back to the previous rate and stay there to stabilize. Once stable then you can continue to drop at that rate with little to no withdrawal.


So, in my above example, I start by removing 1 ml of water from each batch and if no problems then I will make a new batch and remove 3 mls and replace with water. I was already removing 1 ml and now I am removing 2 mls more so a total of 3 mls. I continue on with the same dose for a few days and if no problem I will start dropping an additional 3 mls per batch. At this point I am already removing 3 mls each time so the next batch I will remove the same 3 mls plus an additional 3 mls. For the sake of this example, lets say at that point I start noticing some withdrawal. I will immediately stay at that dose until I recover. I will then go back to dropping 2 mls with every new batch I make. This will then allow me to drop the benzo smoothly will little to no withdrawal.


Caution - Benzos do NOT totally dissolve in water so you must shake vigorously before pouring your 50 ml dose. It is recommended to use PEG (polyethylene glycol) to dissolve the benzo because it will totally dissolve in that material. Unluckily PEG can upset the stomach in some people (like me) and then water may have to be used.


So it goes like this.


9 mg lorazepam in 600 ml water, take 50 ml every 6 hours.

If no issues then 9 mg lorazepam in 600 ml, shake well, remove 1 ml and add back one ml of water.

A few days later if no issue decide to start removing 2 additional mls with each batch. So make up the 8 mg benzo in 600 ml and remove the 1 ml you were already doing plus 2 more mls and then replace with 3 mls water.

If no issues then go to dropping additional 3 mls with each batch. So remove the 3 mls you were already removing plus an additional 3 mls (total of 6 mls).

If withdrawal starts to show. Stay at that dose until you feel better. Then go back to dropping 2 additional mls with each new batch.


I have done this several times and am aware of several other individuals who have done the same with little to no problems.


Klonopin is considered by most drs to have the worst benzo withdrawal with lorazepam second. You are lucky that you are only on 0.5 mg. That will help and should only take you a year or so.


There is a new FDA warning that staying on a benzo too long increases the risk of dementia. Benzos are not to be used for a period of more than 4 months and withdrawal should be as quick as tolerated. This is the reason I am experimenting with one supplement at a time to see what will allow me to increase my drop rate. The best thing I have found so far is Lion's Mane Mushroom which stabilizes gaba and glutamate production. It has allowed me to double my drop rate. Other things I have tried have helped but too little to mention.  lol

I will also be trying Suntheanine once I finish testing the Lion's mane Mushroom. I will post the info for the LM Mushroom in a little bit on this thread but I would recommend that you go ahead and establish a safe water titration method first before adding supplements.

#95 fishinghat


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Posted 16 March 2019 - 08:40 AM

That product I use is …


There are several ways to prepare Lion's Mane and this one is double cooked in water which concentrates the components that control gaba and glutamate.

Please let us know if you have any other questions and your input is greatly appreciated a swell.

#96 WisdomSeeker



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Posted 17 March 2019 - 06:54 AM

Thanks so much for the detailed and helpful information! I recently joined BB as well. I know Cymbalta tapering back and forth, in and out, but, the benzo thing is so new to me and, to be honest, very confusing right now. I have periods where my brain is super clear and others when, not so much, plus there is some buzzing in my head (not zaps, but buzzing). Do you know why Klonopin is the hardest? I've also heard this. Even though long term benzos are awful and there is a lot of risk staying on it, I am actually trying to stabilize on the name brand after switching from generic (teva which was discontinued).  Also, I am quite low in my Cymbalta taper and want to finish it because it is very activating. But, I am also forced to do that slowly, as I am encountering a lot of stress and am looking to move out of a difficult 3rd floor walkup. My goal is to move, finish my Cymbalta taper, and slowly taper off the benzo. I will also follow my body/mind as far as not moving too quickly in between the two. My nervous system is extremely sensitive.  I'll check back to see how you are doing and what is helping! I'm concerned with not activating too much glutamate. When I first stopped Cymbalta Cold Turkey, not knowing better, on the fourth day I had a meal at Texas Roadhouse (not realizing until later that all their food is full  of MSG). Anyway, it went horribly. Luckily, I reinstated and have been doing a slow taper off since. I really need to keep my system balanced and calm as I am currently living alone without any help or family. My best friend is in Australia and that's a long ways away.  Thanks again for everything! I hope to be off these drugs soon (though slow tapering). The Cymbalta was given for Fibro and the Klonopin for sleep :( Hope this makes sense as haven't slept yet and it's early morning. 


Many say to taper off the benzo first, and that does make sense, but, to be honest, the Cymbalta always has been speedy and buzzy to me. The NRI element certainly doesn't help matters with the adrenaline issues. I suppose doing both together has its virtues. For one, you keep both as a whole unit as you reduce and don't send the other into an imbalance (which is, I believe what happened with me). In any case, we persevere and keep swimming. Onward and upward! :)





There are several ways to prepare Lion's Mane and this one is double cooked in water which concentrates the components that control gaba and glutamate.

Please let us know if you have any other questions and your input is greatly appreciated a swell.

#97 fishinghat


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 08:17 AM

"Do you know why Klonopin is the hardest?"

I don't know why but and can find research that states that but no explanation.

"(teva which was discontinued)"

Boy teva has sure had its problems with Cymbalta over the last few years.

"I will also follow my body/mind as far as not moving too quickly in between the two."

Excellent idea. Research says wait two years to do another withdrawal but from what I have seen here I would say 6 months to a year and start dropping very slowly. Of course everyone is different.

There are other meds rather than benzos that help with anxiety. They are not addictive and no withdrawal but those drs love benzos. In your case I agree that the Cymbalta should be done first.

By the way sublingual melatonin works well to improve sleep. Benzos can help with sleep but they block deep (REM) sleep so mit is not as restful.

God bless and we are always here for you.

#98 invalidusername


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 09:20 AM

There are other meds rather than benzos that help with anxiety. They are not addictive and no withdrawal but those drs love benzos. 


It's all in the money isn't it guys. Benzos have been around a long time... they are cheap as chips to prescribe... hence doctors love them. Or at least they do over here.


Again, as I have explained before on the site, in the UK, each patient is given a budget by the NHS - so every time a patient cashes in a prescription or has a test, it subtracts from this budget. If the patient bypasses their budget, the doctor has to explain this - why they have "wasted" the NHS's money. It puts them at risk and they don't like it 


Nice to meet you WisdomSeeker, and welcome to the site.

#99 fishinghat


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 10:04 AM

The psych clinic I go to have changed there policy concerning benzos about 3 years ago. They will not prescribe Xanax period. A patient may only be on a benzo for 4 months or less unless in the process of weaning. People after my own heart.

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Posted 17 March 2019 - 12:53 PM

Yes - as it should be. Aside from the 5mg I took earlier this week, I haven't taken one since last year. But in respect to those that do take them, I can see why - and if  I was in situation similar to our Kathy, then I would be reaching for them more frequently.

#101 fishinghat


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 02:49 PM

There are those who simply have no option. 'You got to do what you got tp do.'

#102 KathyInFL


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 08:30 PM

Yes - as it should be. Aside from the 5mg I took earlier this week, I haven't taken one since last year. But in respect to those that do take them, I can see why - and if  I was in situation similar to our Kathy, then I would be reaching for them more frequently.


But I only take 1 or 2 a week... I did take one last night.... I hate the fact that I rely on this drug. I have some anxiety right now, but will not take one. I will take one to fly in the morning. Sheese!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad I don't take them more often, I'd be in trouble with the large amount that my pdoc gives me. 

#103 invalidusername


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 09:25 PM

Maybe we could make you some flavoured ones?! :)


Banana benzos, vanilla valium, lemon lorazepam??

#104 KathyInFL


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 09:55 PM

For me or hat?

#105 invalidusername


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Posted 17 March 2019 - 10:38 PM

I don't think Hat would go near a benzo... even if it were Lion's Mane Mushroom flavour :)

#106 WisdomSeeker



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Posted 18 March 2019 - 02:57 AM

God bless you too, Hat! You're quite wonderful. It's ironic that I am a holistic cranio-sacral therapist and fell into all this. I always try natural means and have no idea how this nightmare truly happened. These doctors seem to catch people when they're vulnerable or grieving and also lie about the drugs as you well know. But, that's the past. What's important is now.  It's tricky isn't it. I'm on 15 beads of Cymbalta so I have to go slow but then have to wait in between tapers and also don't want to hit benzo tolerance if not there already. All while having to move I'm not sure where. 


Yes, I am in a thread in Benzo Buddies where teva discontinuing their version of Clonazepam which seemed to release at a different rate than the others, etc. really threw people for a loop and continues to do so. Then, my doc decided she didn't want to write at all since I was having difficulty with generics, so that's always good for some panic.


Thanks for the welcome, IUN! I would love to know more about which CBD oil you take. I am a blogger so I was sent 3 different kinds to review. All of them gave me a headache and made me feel unwell/worse. I did, however, find a wonderful CBD salve that a friend makes that I have used for SI joint pain, general muscle pain, fibro pain, etc. which seems to work well with no bad effects for me. 


Also, I noticed you mentioned Kratom. Why do you only do it once a week? I think it's awesome and had been using it, but, after the benzo fiasco when my whole system got messed up (generic issue - teva discontinued), I stopped it completely for a month or so. Had to do physical work the other day and took some - as usual, it felt good, but, I think it can be very stimulating which results in worse sleep issues for me, so unfortunately I'm not taking it at the moment. It's sad though because it helped amazingly with anxiety, mood, energy, motivation, clarity of thinking, and pain.


Wish you all good night and sweet dreams. Thanks again for the kind welcome.



"Do you know why Klonopin is the hardest?"

I don't know why but and can find research that states that but no explanation.

"(teva which was discontinued)"

Boy teva has sure had its problems with Cymbalta over the last few years.

"I will also follow my body/mind as far as not moving too quickly in between the two."

Excellent idea. Research says wait two years to do another withdrawal but from what I have seen here I would say 6 months to a year and start dropping very slowly. Of course everyone is different.

There are other meds rather than benzos that help with anxiety. They are not addictive and no withdrawal but those drs love benzos. In your case I agree that the Cymbalta should be done first.

By the way sublingual melatonin works well to improve sleep. Benzos can help with sleep but they block deep (REM) sleep so mit is not as restful.

God bless and we are always here for you.

#107 fishinghat


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Posted 18 March 2019 - 08:16 AM

Hi Wisdomseeker

You know I am surprised that the dr didn't switch you from clonazepam to diazepam and then have you come off that as it has less side effects, easier to come off of and is usually less problematic in the generic version.

#108 invalidusername


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Posted 18 March 2019 - 09:25 AM

Hi WisdomSeeker,
Useful for you being a blogger and to be sent all this wonderful stuff! The CBD I used was from The Oil Connection. I found them on eBay and once I corroborated their story regarding their son and the success they had with it (was all true), I opted for their brand. It initially worked, but I found myself needing a higher and higher dose, and as you know, that can get very expensive. I use it periodically when I need a relaxation booster before sleep. I also use KSM-66 Ashwagandha for the same purpose. I tend to just use whichever I feel like at the time - they both seem to have the same effect.
Good to have another advocate of Kratom here. It truly is wonderful stuff, and the only consistent supplement I have found. It never fails to make me feel better. I could easily take it more than once a week, but as I am monitoring my progress I need to know how my system is working off the back of just the antidepressants. If I took Kratom all the time, it would mask what was really going on. It is ideal for withdrawal effects as you know you are not having to set up doses and so forth, but when I am in the middle of trying to find the right combination of drug and dose, I cannot be mixing things as it would feed me false data. 
So while we are on the subject, can I ask which strain you are using? I assume you are aware of both red and white vein, which are used for anxiety and depression respectively? I have only used red vein myself and it really relaxes me. It started to kick in around 20 minutes, depending on when I last ate (I always leave it at least 2 hours) with a full effect coming in around the 60 minutes. It will then last at that level for around 4 hours, and then 1-2 hours of tailing off, but I am usually asleep at this point.
It would be so easy to take it curing the day for anxiety, but I use the method of getting on with the day whilst feeling as I do. But wow is it hard some days. It is all about feeling the fear and getting on with it anyway. I acknowledge that there are days when the "getting on with it" just isn't possible, and this generally occurs when I have too much stress. I am trying my best to control the stress so I can maintain my day as best I can.

#109 WisdomSeeker



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Posted 18 March 2019 - 06:41 PM

Hi Hat, My doctor is one who is fine with prescribing, but, could care less about follow up. I needed a clonazepam refill a year ago and she refused to fill it unless I came in even though I've been her patient for ages. Told me to go to ER psych. Hmmm. I've never even been to a psychiatrist. Told her all about how you cannot stop benzos CT and she didn't care at all. She has no interest in tapering me off Cymbalta nor clonazepam. I did the Cymbalta by bead counting over years and still finishing up. When I mentioned it to her once, she said, "everyone loves it till they want to stop it". I never loved it btw. She wanted to refer me to a psychiatrist because I had asked her to write for the clonazepam teva ODT wafers which were not disontinued and thus I would have the same formula. My last refill before that I had tried name brand Klonopin. When my insurance wouldn't cover and wanted more info from her as to why I needed name brand (which I did), she instead wanted to refer me to a psychiatrist to deal with it. She really doesn't want to get involved with things. As to Cymbalta, previously I had been on a very very low dose of Percocet (got maybe 15 .5 and only took 1/2 of that for breakthrough pain. Instead, she said she decided to shift me over to Cymbalta as it was indicated for fibro. Said it was a miracle, helping so many of her patients with fibro pain. Side effects, I asked? None she said. What about if I want to stop it? No problem she said.


Anyway, yeah, so she is not someone I would talk to about tapering or switching benzos. Also, I met a friend online who is a MD tapering off of benzos. She switched from (I think Xanax) to Valium and still had an awful time tapering. She just finished (yay!) but it was horrific for her. I'm not keen on switching as my nervous system has been through too much. At first, even the name brand was hard to switch back to even though when I was initially prescribed Klonopin, I was on the name brand.


I feel really bad because I do not want to interrupt your thread. :( This is supposed to be about your experiments and successes with your progress and supplements, etc. 


On that note, I was wondering if you tried Niacin. It helped me a bit at first, but, then got stimulating, so I had to stop it. One of my best friends in Sweden who had a horrible time with Cymbalta w/d and did a very slow taper, still had bad symptoms when off of it. She said Inositol is helping her greatly. I wasn't sure about that with my other meds so I'm not taking it even though I have a bag full of it here from Bulk Supplements.


IUN, you mention Ashwagandha. Have two bottles of that here I had bought before my Cymbalta taper but then found out that Ashwagandha is serotonergic and in my group we don't recommend it, so I'm not going to take it now. Maybe in the future.


Hat, I also follow Ayurveda and so realized I really need warming spices in my life. Ginger is one I've always loved. But, I have added cardamom which has many benefits including being anxiolytic. Was wondering if you ever tried that? I do a cup of decaf when I get up with cardamom and cinnamon. Really good I find.


The other thing that has been incredible for me is acupuncture. Haven't been able to get it for a year though. Hoping to move back to where I used to live so that I can see my acupuncturist again. I truly believe acupuncture helps calm the nervous system as well as having a huge range of other benefits.


Also, magnesium has a paradoxical effect on me (and a few others I know) and actually makes us wired. I can tolerate it in foods or epsom salt baths though. I wish it worked for me.





Hi Wisdomseeker

You know I am surprised that the dr didn't switch you from clonazepam to diazepam and then have you come off that as it has less side effects, easier to come off of and is usually less problematic in the generic version.

#110 WisdomSeeker



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Posted 18 March 2019 - 06:51 PM

IUN, as far as the Kratom, I use red and greens. Whites can be really stimulating. A red with a white though or a blend of the 3 is okay for me. 

I started using only reds but even they have some stimulation (less than the others and better for pain!) but they never help me sleep. Do you ever have sleep problems? I really need to find something to help that won't interact badly with the stupid benzo (or Cymbalta). I do drink tart cherry juice. A friend who is an anti-depressant expert told me to have a bowl of oatmeal before bed to also help with blood sugar. I do that sometimes. Almonds also.


I would love it if I found a CBD oil that helps me but I'm not up for feeling bad. I know that I can no longer do pot even though it's legal where I live. And even though CBD oil generally has no THC or a tiny amount, it still doesn't make me feel good but bad instead :(


I feel that the Kratom helped me a lot with my Cymbalta withdrawal, but, now with the benzos in play, and the sleep issue, I have had to cut way down.

I do know what you mean about it affecting your perception of the effects of your dosages, etc. Are you still on ADs? If I didn't have a problem with sleep, I'd be fine with using it as needed. It is amazing for bad pain and so many other things. I have also seen through the groups I'm in how many thousands of people it has helped. Really happy for them.


As far as feeling the fear etc., yeah, I hear you, but, I'm most probably older than you and the physical is a huge problem as well. I live alone and trying to move a whole apartment, drag trash down 3 flights and carry groceries including water gallons becomes near to impossible. I do it, but, suffer greatly during and afterward. Also, pain is that invisible thing that no one sees and they just expect you to be able to do things. 


Not to minimize fear or anxiety because when my benzo was messed up, what I went through was pretty horrific. I've since realized how many types of anxiety there are and the iatrogenic ones are the worst. 


Hat, sorry to interrupt, once again.


Best to all! Wishing peace, healing and joy to all.

#111 fishinghat


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Posted 19 March 2019 - 08:45 AM

Don't worry about hijacking my thread. What ever it takes to get you some help. No problem here.

I can't take Niacin as it tears up my stomach.

"She said Inositol is helping her greatly." That is something on my to do list. It has also some possibility in helping my pssd so I will probably give it a whirl later. One thing at a time.

"Ginger is one I've always loved. But, I have added cardamom which has many benefits including being anxiolytic. Was wondering if you ever tried that?"

I have tried ginger for other ailments and it also upset my stomach. Cardamom has not had enough research one on it, especially with drug interactions and safety.

"Also, magnesium has a paradoxical effect on me (and a few others I know) and actually makes us wired. I can tolerate it in foods or epsom salt baths though. I wish it worked for me."

Several of our members have had that reaction as well.

Just a note on the benzo withdrawal. My first withdrawal was from clonazepam and it was over a one year period. It was horrific. I have since come off of clonazepam (once more), and lorazepam (3 times) with NO issues. The secret is the slow withdrawal, The clonazepam would take me around 3 or 3 1/2 years at a 3 mg a day dosage. The weaning rate must be very slow to be withdrawal free. I am currently coming off 6 mg (a very high dose) of lorazepam. I am on my 4th year of weaning and down to around 1 mg a day. No withdrawal. It can be done but requires great patience and the great thing is at that rate you can simply go on with life as normal.

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Posted 19 March 2019 - 04:39 PM

Well Hat - you've done a fine job of teaching me slow! When I finally come off Citalopram or Lexapro, I will be taking years. A quality of life is far more important, and having been on the damn stuff for 14 years, whats the rush!! :)
Wisdom - I am very fortunate that I do not really have sleep issues - but did have about a year ago, so know exactly what it is like. I only use reds myself as anything else will stimulate too much. My one of choice is Rad Riau. Plain and simple relaxation. No euphoria or silliness. I like just to be relaxed - best way to combat anxiety that won't shift. Works every time. I sometimes combine with a Borneo for a bit of extra lift, but will 2/3 riau to 1/3 borneo. 
Interesting on the oatmeal as I have just this week started to do that! I bought some from the supermarket last night and wondered how I had forgotten about it for so long! 
I am still very much on AD's - currently 10mg Lexapro and 10mg Celexa. This is pending review by new p-doc, but just stabalising after being a guinea pig for the NHS here in the UK. So by iatrogenic anxiety you mean anxiety bought about by the effects of a drug rather than your own circumstances?
I also live on 3rd floor, but fortunately in relatively good shape for 40-something. I sure hope you can find a way of maintaining the kratom as it is so good for pain. I am reading more and more about it, so if I find anything that I may think would be of use, I will be sure to let you know. 

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Posted 21 March 2019 - 09:25 AM

There have been two recent research articles that have become very populat on the internet for the use of magnesium to treat depression. These articles have received storng critisism for ligitimate resons. I have included a summary of each with a note afterward to show the main criticisms.

Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment.
Case histories are presented showing rapid recovery (less than 7 days) from major depression using 125-300 mg of magnesium (as glycinate and taurinate) with each meal and at bedtime. Magnesium was found usually effective for treatment of depression in general use.

NOTE -This article was written by Mr and Mrs George Eby who own Coldcure inc. They do sell supplements but since recent complaints have become common they have closed their website and appear to be out of business. Please note these dosages are very high and no monitoring for high magnesium or low calcium were performed. Also only a short term test. This was a short-term test only.

Role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression: A randomized clinical trial
Between June 2015 and May 2016, 112 participants provided analyzable data. Consumption of magnesium chloride for 6 weeks resulted in a clinically significant net improvement in PHQ-9 scores of -6.0 points (CI -7.9, -4.2; P<0.001) and net improvement in Generalized Anxiety Disorders-7 scores of -4.5 points (CI -6.6, -2.4; P<0.001). Average adherence was 83% by pill count. The supplements were well tolerated and 61% of participants reported they would use magnesium in the future. Similar effects were observed regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, baseline magnesium level, or use of antidepressant treatments. Effects were observed within two weeks. Magnesium is effective for mild-to-moderate depression in adults. It works quickly and is well tolerated without the need for close monitoring for toxicity.

Daily supplementation with 248 mg of elemental magnesium as four 500 mg tablets of magnesium chloride per day leads to a significant decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, or use of antidepressant medications. While the cross over design of this trial is robust in controlling for internal biases, it would be reassuring to see the results replicated in larger clinical trials that test long term efficacy and provide additional data on subgroups. However, this efficacy trial showed magnesium supplements may be a fast, safe, and easily accessible alternative, or adjunct, to starting or increasing the dose of antidepressant medications.

NOTE - This research was done by drs at the following institution... Center for Clinical and Translational Science, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, United States of America It was published by PLOS publications which is a non-profit organization. Plos journals contain no advertisement and the authors simply pay to have their research published.
This research has been criticized for the use of magnesium chloride as it is poorly absorbed and is very hard on the stomach. In addition it involved magnesium intake far above recommended doses with no mention of magnesium or calcium blood tests being performed. This research was for a maximum of 6 weeks.

#114 gail


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Posted 21 March 2019 - 11:45 AM

That's a good article Fishinghat.

Should someone want to experiment this, what type of Magnesium should be taken?
Thank you!

#115 fishinghat


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Posted 21 March 2019 - 01:26 PM

Gail, I would highly recommend that no one try these huge doses of magnesium Calcium will surely plummet and other symptoms would possibly ensue. We are talking about doses of 800 to 1000 mg a day. Drs do not recommend taking more than 300 mg per day as it lowers serum calcium.

The most absorbable magnesium supplement is chelated magnesium. It has no detrimental effect on digestion.

#116 gail


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Posted 21 March 2019 - 04:44 PM

Oh, I see! Thank you Einstein!

#117 fishinghat


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Posted 28 March 2019 - 12:42 PM

Well, been on the higher dose of Lion's Mane mushroom for 24 days and it has shown no sign of pooping out. I am dropping at the rate of 0.83% per day. I started at 0.17% per day. Very little symptoms.

#118 invalidusername


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Posted 28 March 2019 - 04:58 PM

Fantastic news, Hat. So this is the 3x dose now?


Let's hope it goes the distance...

#119 fishinghat


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Posted 28 March 2019 - 05:07 PM

Yup. And my fingers are crossed.

#120 invalidusername


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Posted 28 March 2019 - 05:36 PM

As are mine, Sir, as are mine.


You have certainly done your work to get this far.

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