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Weaning Off My Last 2Mg

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#1 Vinpin


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 06:44 PM

Hi all,


Thought I would move the trials and tribulations of my weaning off of Duloxetine (generic Cymbalta) over to this new thread, since the title of the old thread ("Impact of Cruise .....) is less relevant these days.


Short background on me:  Was on 60mg Duloxetine for ~ 12 years. About one year ago, mistakenly decided to come off abruptly with disastrous results and numerous maladies, most notably scary brain zaps. Went back on 60mg to stabilize, then down to 30mg beginning of 2018 and 20mg by Feb 2018 with only minor issues. Then all the fun started ..... I have not been without at least a dull headache since February - and some days its debilitating. Lots of dizziness, nausea and other flu-like symptoms, along with GI problems. Additionally, lots of anxiety, and quite of bit of up-and-down depression that, to be fair, is at least in part due to my frustration of not feeling well and not being able to move on with my life. (hard to know if a more systemic general Depressive Disorder is fully in-play at this point .....)


The good news is ...... I don't have work obligations (I have severe-to-profound hearing loss {started long before the Duloxetine} and stopped working as a Marketing Statistician about five years ago). So, the Duloxetine withdrawal is not compounded by the stress an everyday occupation brings (my heart goes out to all of you that do work, WHILE trying to get unhooked from this stuff). However, I do have household duties, family to host and visit in other parts of the country, as well as goals and aspirations of being a Mosaic Artist (I've completed a few pieces, but want so badly to do more and learn more.....)


For those interested in more about how my withdrawal has gone thus far, this thread has more details:






Here's what's helped me along the way:


  • Alprazolam (generic for Xanax, which is a type of Benzodiazepine, 0.5mg, 1-2 daily) - for the anxiety
  • Original Dramamine, Chewables (Dimenhydrinate 50 mg) - for the dizziness and relentless headache
  • Nauzene, Chewables - (Sodium Citrate Dihydrate 230mg) for the nausea
  • Green Apple Gatorade - for the nausea
  • Water - for everything; I should drink even more than I do .......
  • Walks in Bright Sunlight - for mood/Serotonin production
  • Light-to-moderate Exercise - for mood and lethargy (too much exercise has the opposite effect......)
  • Afternoon Naps - when its all too much (not every day, just as needed.....)
  • This Forum - notably the specifics on how to do the weaning off and at what pace (thanks to FH and Gail......)
  • Friends & Family



So now what's going on???? Lots! The goal was to be off of Duloxetine completely by end of year, go through the rest of the winter recovering from being totally off, and move on with my life in 2019. Not sure that's gonna happen......


Got down to 6 beads (1.5mg) about three weeks ago. Wanted to be somewhat OK for a family Thanksgiving trip this past week. I was at 1.5mg for 10 days before and thought I was stable, but then a few days before the trip got a massive headache with dizziness, nausea and even some mild brain zaps while trying to fall asleep. Had to add a couple of beads back in. So, was on 8 beads (2mg) until Friday.....and even so ..... I felt horrible for the trip, and wish I hadn't left home. I really asked too much of myself - it was five days of a constant party atmosphere, with lots of activities, rich food and noise. Wasn't anyone's fault but mine. With my hearing loss and the withdrawal symptoms, I was up the creek without a paddle ......


So today, back on the recovery trail. I suppose I should try to stabilize more, but my patience is really starting to wear thin. Over the holiday, I thought about just trying to push through this final bit by weaning off faster, even if I have to suffer through some very bad times. ( I know FH is going to disagree about this ...... lol........he preaches the slow route, and he's right ......) So, I dropped to 7 beads yesterday and today, and then planning 6 beads over each of the next four days. After that, not sure  ...... we'll see what condition I will be in....................


One final interesting factoid - over the last month, I've had a marked increase in neck pain, from the base of my neck up into my head. I went for a massage a couple of weeks ago, and am scheduled for another Wednesday. The massage therapist is very good, and has a PT background (with the Atlanta Falcons for 13 years, no less......), and she said I was "a mess", with an incredible amount of muscle tightness in my entire upper body. I think I read somewhere on this forum a deep muscle massage really makes a difference for those with significant withdrawal pain. The first one a couple of weeks ago felt good .... but all the muscle tightness is back with a vengeance. I may try some Ibuprofen again - it never helped my headache during this withdrawal, but maybe it will help with all these neck and muscle aches. I had the flu once before, and I'm convinced the aches and pains currently are just as bad as when I actually had the flu......


Anywho...... I will continue to provide occasional updates. I hope my experience over these final months will help someone else who is a long term user with many symptoms and is trying to come off without the assistance of cross-tapering via another SSRI...........................................




-Vince (VinPin)

#2 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:47 PM

Vince, Congrats on your progress, although it sounds as though you may have tapered too quickly.  The maximum recommended rate is no more than 10% per month and even less than that when getting to low doses such as 20 mg.  I have a feeling that it may be an explanation for your many symptoms and persistent headaches.  Have you considered a slower taper?  Just wondering why you went so quickly.  


However, it's great that you are still functioning despite your symptoms.  I'm tapering from 60 mg and am down to 24 mg.  I held at 48 mg for a year while I tapered a benzo and it's taken me 7 months to go from 48 mg to 24 mg, and it's been brutal even at that slow pace which hasn't exceeded 10% per month.  I'm having to go slower now so it may take another 2 years or more.  I'm housebound, can't relate to people, live alone and have lost siblings and friends to this disaster.  My personality has completed disintegrated and I don't know if it will ever return.  And, I still have such a long way to go.  


I wish I were as far along as you!

#3 gail


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 05:06 AM

Hello Vince,

Long time no see! I'm glad that you took the time to update. And next time you go on a trip, let me know. I will stop you from doing, like last time, but then you listened to your body.

Please, please, don't push through, take a look at Invalid username. The miseries he's going through.

If I had my word, one bead a month, no more. And that is if you're stable.

One way or the other, you will suffer withdrawal. But, that slow, it will be smoother.

Your post was very much detailed,thank you!

Edit I see that you have written on other posts, I must have missed the point that you had not been feeling good for a long time, sorry! So much to read today, and my brain is a bit slow. No, a lot slow! Like a sloth!

#4 gail


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 07:09 AM

Hello Gardenlady,

Stuck at 24mg. It doesn't seem that you are doing well.

I know we spoke about this but are you ready to cross taper?

This has been going on for a while now. Makes me sad to see you suffer.
Please consider the cross tapering, it can't be worse than it already is.

Please consider it. We have stories that ended pretty well by doing so.

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 10:12 AM

Vinpin - "Over the holiday, I thought about just trying to push through this final bit by weaning off faster, even if I have to suffer through some very bad times. ( I know FH is going to disagree about this ...... lol........he preaches the slow route, and he's right ......) So, I dropped to 7 beads yesterday and today, and then planning 6 beads over each of the next four days. After that, not sure ...... we'll see what condition I will be in...................."

Scary, very scary, lol

By the way, I totally agree with your list. Great job.

#6 Vinpin


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 11:23 AM

Hi all:


Thanks for all your responses!


Gardenlady: Nice to meet you! Yes agreed, it is fast compared to the weaning rates FH and others have recommended. I suppose part of my logic behind it is that if I can get to 0mg faster, then I will recover faster and move on with my life. 2018 feels like such a lost year.... I'm desperate for a better 2019, and am hoping I will have more of 2019 to enjoy if I can push through these last couple of mgs. Of course, it may not work out that way. My logic is also that I can always add some beads back if I go too fast (e.g., Thanksgiving). However, 12 years is a long time to be on Duloxetine, and I need to consider that requires a slower rate as well. Will keep your thoughts in mind as I set the weaning schedule each week. Sorry to hear about your struggles - best wishes to you!


Gail: ahhhhhhhh.... these trips......yes, you need to talk me out of them!!! :)  I live in the Atlanta area, and all my family lives elsewhere, scattered throughout the Plains and Rockies states. My Mom & Dad chose to live here for 7 years, but now have moved out to Colorado Springs to be closer to my sister and her family. And now they long to see me.....but of course won't take a trip here. They know about the withdrawal, but aren't really cognizant about how severe it is....and I also don't want to worry them, since they are the worrying type. So I need to figure out how best to approach that specific situation. I suppose the best thing I can do right now is muster up some more patience, and expect less from myself going through the withdrawal ..... generally I'm too hard on myself. I need to stop!!!


FH: As always .... very grateful to receive a response from you. Hope its OK with you that I list what's worked for me, even though you've provided quite the wealth of similar information in the past. My thinking is that we are all different, and others who are similar to me (12 years on the drug, and trying to wean off without a cross taper) will learn from the info I post. But....question for you ...... I've been thinking more about the brain zaps and seizures of late ..... can you tell me if you have any knowledge of someone either dying or suffering a permanent disabling condition from a seizure or convulsion, occurring while either coming off Cymbalta/Duloxetine, or even while taking it???



Best to all,



#7 fishinghat


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 12:20 PM

" can you tell me if you have any knowledge of someone either dying or suffering a permanent disabling condition from a seizure or convulsion, occurring while either coming off Cymbalta/Duloxetine, or even while taking it???"

I can not think of one case like that. The seizures seem to be temporary except in the case of epileptic patients who were already experiencing these symptoms.

#8 invalidusername


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Posted 26 November 2018 - 06:40 PM

Hi Vince...


Your post has made interesting reading, and I really feel for you. It sounds like you have been doing your best with this all, and I think you know about the dangers of those last 10mg. As Gail has said, I am a walking disaster because of  the so-called support here in the UK, but given your kind input on my posts, you are aware of the madness!


You strike me as a very well-informed and educated chap and it has certainly gone a long way in helping you find your route forward, but underneath all this is our impossible drive to just get things done. Like you say, wanting to get on with your art, target 2019 to start your life again as you have wanted. This part is so difficult. The roller-coaster that is wrongfully entwined with recovery. As with all other ailments we endure in our lives, recoveries are very much a linear motion - be it a common cold, bone break and so forth. So when we keep going backwards and forwards with AD withdrawal, it can have such an impact. This is one of the hardest things for me to deal with. Either I'm getting better or I'm not. Why won't my brain make it's damn mind up!!


In terms of what I can offer, I can't see that I can go further than what you and 'Hat have already covered. Being such a subjective means of approaching methods of recovery, we do all we can, like you have very kindly highlighted with your list. Unfortunately I am allergic to antihistamines and all pain killers, so whilst I want to try Gail's magic flu mixture, Ibuprofen and wot not, it would only increase my already frequent trips to the ER :)


Thoughts are with you my friend.


And.. GARDENLADY. I know we have crossed paths already, but just to let you know you are also on my prayer agenda. I have seen and read so much of how these pills can pick your life clean piece by piece, and my goodness, I just want to embrace you in the only way I could think in giving you some peace.




Our presence in this school of life's lessons that we call our home.. for now... is done by our own choosing. One day it will all become apparent to us. Lessons are never meant to be easy, but our resultant benefit is why we are still here. Our true home awaits us - and guys, it's going to worth every moment we spend here.

#9 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 27 November 2018 - 12:16 AM

And.. GARDENLADY. I know we have crossed paths already, but just to let you know you are also on my prayer agenda. I have seen and read so much of how these pills can pick your life clean piece by piece, and my goodness, I just want to embrace you in the only way I could think in giving you some peace.


Thank you, IUN, for your kindness.  Your compassion for others is amazing, especially considering how much you are suffering, yourself.  I want to follow your example. 

#10 Vinpin


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Posted 27 November 2018 - 10:05 AM

Good morning everyone!


IUN: Thanks for your kind response .... much appreciated! I suppose I am somewhat educated on this topic ..... but certainly not to the degree FH is! FH is doing us a great service, by sorting through all the massive amounts of data, information and "misinformation" (dictionary.com's word of the year this year!!!!), which allows us to be more informed, and bring clarity to our own confusing circumstances. I think we all owe it to ourselves to become educated about our health, since our medical system is not setup to bring us the personalized care we so sorely need. Luckily, I have a PCP who is not only knowledgeable, but listens to me carefully. I bring him information about the Duloxetine and my withdrawal, and he listens, to ensure my symptoms are not necessarily impacted by an interaction from another condition or source separate from the Duloxetine. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones!


On that note.... a request for FH....... :)


FH: Can you point to either a thread on one of the forum topics, or external web source, regarding the current state of civil lawsuit action against Eli Lilly? I've found info on this first case (link below), but wondering what has occurred since:




Is anyone pursuing a class action lawsuit against EL now? In the future?





#11 fishinghat


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Posted 27 November 2018 - 10:27 AM

Several class action lawsuits have been completed over the last few years. Most in regards to the withdrawal. The average settlements that I am familiar with is around $500 to $2000 per person depending on the extent of their symptoms.

More to follow

#12 fishinghat


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Posted 27 November 2018 - 10:38 AM

These websites include lawsuit history and/or current lawsuits.


#13 Vinpin


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Posted 28 November 2018 - 12:21 PM

Thanks FH.


Lots of lawsuits .. but also lots of firms no longer accepting cases.


I'm very surprised the awards have not been larger, considering a) some users must have experienced debilitating withdrawal that caused them miss work and collected either $0 or only partial STD/LTD payments compared to their compensation, and b. Eli Lilly more than likely have deep enough pockets to cover more substantial awards.


I don't think I would consider suing on my own.... I do feel strongly that Eli Lilly has been reckless and harmful to all Cymbalta User by failing to disclose complete, accurate information about the withdrawal effects. However, I would not be willing to put in all the time necessary to engage in a lawsuit. They have already cost me too much time, specifically the opportunity cost of what I could have been doing and enjoying if I wasn't so sickly from the withdrawal symptoms this past year. I want to move on with my life.


I've gone through the links, and learned quite a bit (thank you). But just to be clear .... there has yet to be a class action lawsuit where Cymbalta/Duloxetine Users, as litigants, were successful in obtaining compensation for all who have suffered through Cymbalta/Duloxetine withdrawal, correct? I want to make sure no Class Action reward notifications have gone out to such Users, and I didn't make it onto some list of such users (although, not sure how the class action law firm could even compile such a list .....pharmacies? insurance companies?....and then how would they know who is tapering down vs. taking the entire capsule???) Apologies if I missed a reference to this in your links ....


Thanks again!



#14 fishinghat


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Posted 28 November 2018 - 12:29 PM

"there has yet to be a class action lawsuit where Cymbalta/Duloxetine Users, as litigants, were successful in obtaining compensation for all who have suffered through Cymbalta/Duloxetine withdrawal, correct?"

There have indeed been a number of class action lawsuits that have held Eli Lilley accountable for its actions. The largest one I know of was 14,000 precipitants. The settlements of these suits is where I got the $500 to $2000 'rewards'. And should and could Eli Lilley pay more? Heck yes. But these quantities were determined by judges who though that was compensation enough. All litigation in these cases, once settled, have the settlement records sealed (so as not to prejudice people against a specific firm) and all internet records of the litigation removed.

#15 Vinpin


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Posted 05 December 2018 - 01:55 PM

FH: Apologies for the late thanks ..... but thanks.... :rolleyes:



#16 Vinpin


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Posted 05 December 2018 - 02:17 PM

Hi all,


Update on me ......


Struggled mightily last week - still trying to tolerate this 6 bead (1.5mg) level. It was tough dealing with the headaches and dizziness, and I napped every day last week. Just when I was ready to bump it up to 7 or 8 beads .... started feeling a little better on Sunday, and then Monday was terrific in comparison to last week. Decided to work out on my elliptical both yesterday and today, and I think that set me back some physically. Back to the headache, dizziness and overall lethargy. I might have to back off from my "jogging" pace on the elliptical when I do go on it - knowing I can easily go at a quicker pace, but that I will feel the effects of it later in the day..


But, the real problem is my general depression and malaise - especially over this situation. I feel like I have no worth and importance, not contributing anything to society, or being of any use to those around me. I've been trying to work on my mosaic art, and also started dabbling in developing a new Android app idea I had .... but I don't have the wherewithal for either - not producing anything near the quality I'm hoping for, and not enjoying either option. So concerned about my lack of sexual libido, too. My spouse is a saint and very understanding, but it just doesn't seem very fair for me to be so distant for such a long period of time. I'm trying to wait and let this all pass so I can move on with living my life the way I want, but boy, it is incredibly tough right now.


I have an annual exam scheduled for Friday, but will not discuss a cross-taper with the doctor for now. Will hear about my Cholesterol levels, I think (I put on 10 lbs this year), and also plan on inquiring about my B12 levels (past problem) and magnesium (to see if a supplement there would help). Anyone have any other advice for my doctor's visit? (Or, in general??????????).


Best to all,



#17 fishinghat


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Posted 05 December 2018 - 02:40 PM

Yea, that physical activity can really knock you for a loop for a few days.

If you are having depression issues then you might have the dr check your vitamin D3 levels as well as testosterone. Both can drop markedly during withdrawal.

#18 Vinpin


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Posted 05 December 2018 - 02:47 PM

Hi FH,


OK, good to know! We will check the D3 and testosterone. Will respond back with the results!


As always, thanks a bunch.....



#19 fishinghat


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Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:48 PM

Let me know how the testosterone test comes out. Low testosterone seems to occur in about 5% of the men and 2% or so in the women during withdrawal. (not a scientific study, just an approximation based on what I have seen and heard.

#20 Vinpin


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Posted 10 December 2018 - 05:44 PM

Hi again,


Got preliminary blood test results back from the doctor - not the best. My main concern is my low white blood cell count, but I also have high cholesterol, low Vitamin D & B12 levels and a high potassium level. The doctor requested that I come in for a second blood screening, which will be this Thursday.


FH: I know a whole host of things can cause a low WBC count .... but can long-term Cymbalta Withdrawal/Discontinuation Syndrome? I've never heard of that before. I'm hoping its linked to the low B12 levels .... or maybe just a random high reading from a bacterial/viral infection, or even just an incorrect lab reading. Nevertheless .... I am super frightened that it could be something more serious, especially bone marrow or cancer (I had Hodgkin's Disease 23 years ago, and made a full recovery). I'm even wondering if having past radiation therapy/chemotherapy makes you prone to a low WBC.



#21 invalidusername


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Posted 10 December 2018 - 06:33 PM

Vince - don't know enough about the above to offer advice other than Vitamin D plays a role in the white blood cell production. Not sure the B12 does - thought that was red blood cells, iron and so forth. Hat will, I'm sure, set me straight if so.


Science stuff aside, I sincerely hope that the reading does turn out to be of a benign source. 

#22 fishinghat


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Posted 10 December 2018 - 06:58 PM

"I know a whole host of things can cause a low WBC count .... but can long-term Cymbalta Withdrawal/Discontinuation Syndrome?"

Not to the best of my knowledge.

However, as IUN said, there is a link between low white blood cell count and Vitamin D. See...

"past radiation therapy/chemotherapy makes you prone to a low WBC."
This is one of the most common sources of low wbc, as called leucopenia. A single major cat scan causes low wbc in about 20% of the cases. The effects are immediate after the cat scan and usually last 2 to 7 years but can last 20 years. Depending on how low your value is a simple cold or flu can be deadly. The good news is that in order to get that much radiation it has to be either a major cat scan (whole body, abdomen, chest, etc) or multiple cat scans in a short period of time. These days x-rays do not use a significant amount of radiation but there is also barium enemas, radiation therapy and other sources of radiation. About 28% of the people having a single large cat scan develops leucopenia.

I had an abdominal cat scan and two barium enemas in a 3 month period and my wbc dropped to 3, well below the lower limit. I have been placed in reverse isolation and it has been 3 years since I have been allowed to go out in public. At the rate my wbc is improving the drs say it may be another 4 or 5 years.

As it turns out there are simple ways to protect against this radiation source and anyone interested should let me know and I can supply information.

#23 Vinpin


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Posted 10 December 2018 - 10:42 PM

Thanks IUN & FH. Your responses makes me feel a little better, at least.


Low B12 has been an issue for me, as recent as earlier this year; I needed to administer weekly B12 injections to myself for about two months. Also, I'm seeing mixed signals on the web as to whether the B12 deficiency could actually cause a low WBC. Seems some sources are talking about association more than causation, and the association could be due to a third, confounding factor correlated to both the B12 and low WBC (e.g., anemia, cancer, etc.). But yes ...... I'm now seeing quite a bit on the direct connection between Vitamin D and low WBC.


Another factor to it all has been the Pantoprazole I've been on - twice a day regimen. Been on this for awhile, and my doctor last week, even before seeing these results, said that the Pantoprazole is not only blocking vitamin absorption from healthy fruits & veggies, but also could be contributing to the fatigue/headaches/brain fog/muscle pain. He's backed the Pantoprazole off to once a day, and after seeing these results, I'm sure he's going to confirm staying with once a day.


So, I've been blaming all the fatigue/headaches/brain fog/muscle pain, etc on the Duloxetine Withdrawal, but that may not be the whole story - these vitamin deficiencies, or another underlying cause, could be at least a contributor. Add that to the list of dangers of Cymbalta/Duloxetine withdrawal -- assuming severe symptoms are directly caused by the withdrawal can mistakenly mask something else going on, and patients not going to the doctor to remedy other contributors suffer the consequences !!!!!


My 2nd blood draw is this Thursday - will keep everyone updated.....


Thanks again,



#24 fishinghat


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Posted 11 December 2018 - 09:11 AM

You are right Vinpin, you may be headed in the right direction. Your dr seems reasonable. Change one thing at a lime, in small increments and follow up with your input and any relevant blood tests and then reevaluate for further changes.

#25 Vinpin


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Posted 14 December 2018 - 07:42 PM

Quick update from me:


Doctor's visit from the 1st round of blood tests showed not only WBC low (count was 3,100; 4,000 - 11,000 is normal range), but also elevated counts of 'bad" blood cell types (Monocytes/Eosinophils/Basophils/Atypical Lymphocytes). Because of my past history of Hodgkin's Disease (which, unlike lymphoma, is a very treatable form of lymph cancer) 22 years ago, he was concerned by these counts (and, quite frankly, I am a mess worrying about it). He took another blood sample, but said regardless, he wanted me to see a Hematologist for a more in-depth blood work up and prognosis.


2nd round of blood tests came back this afternoon. Now, WBC and "bad" blood cell counts have returned back to their normal range. Great news, of course! However, now my platelets were high - they were 290 five days ago, and are now up to 476 (the normal range is 150-400 or 150-450, depending on the source). High platelet counts are associated with lots of conditions, but notably are an indicator of certain forms of cancers, including lymphoma. I had a somewhat high platelet count (411) when I was B12 deficient earlier in the year, but my understanding from medical literature is that B12 deficiency is correlated with a low platelet count, not high.


So, I've made an appointment with a Hematologist for 12/19, but of course am on pins and needles worrying. Ever since my Hodgkin's Disease, I don't handle things related to the "C" word very well. I'm trying to pragmatic, and if I were advising someone else, I would tell them to be pragmatic as well, and try to remember that there are a slew of more benign conditions that impact these base blood counts like WBC and Platelets. I'm also telling myself that blood results that are vacillating up and down significantly over just five days time don't point to any condition that is well advanced, even if it is the beginning of some sort of cancer. Early detection means a lot in cancer.


To the best of my knowledge .... the Cymbalta Withdrawal is not a direct culprit impacting these blood counts. There could be an indirect link, based on the stress my body is enduring from the withdrawal, along with the B12 & D deficiencies. FH or anyone: if you have any associative knowledge that is relevant, please let me know. In the meantime, my PCP and I agreed that the last thing I need right now is the more severe symptoms of the Cymbalta Withdrawal, so I've upped the bead count from 5 to 6 (had dropped it to 5 since Sunday, and had a few rough days this week). Will stay on the 6 beads indefinitely until this mess is resolved.


With any luck, I will have some results one way or another before Christmas. I pray for some good news.


Best to you all, and Happy Holidays to you and your families........



#26 invalidusername


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Posted 14 December 2018 - 09:55 PM

Hi Vin,


Just reading through the results, it baffles me how there can be such a difference between two tests. Of course it will not be doing your confidence in the matter any good. 


That said, I had a check-in with my health practitioners today, pulse 67, oxygen level 98%, temp 38C..... blood pressure 158/110!!!!


Needless to say I freaked out. Asked them to do it again, and 120/84, which given my state after the above was pretty damn good - but this is NHS issue equipment in the UK for goodness sake, so maybe I should be surprised at the level of anomalies and the frequency thereof in the current day.


Obviously I am happy to hear of the second set of results, but equally understandable of you still being very on-edge about the whole situation. Who wouldn't after all. 


Can't really respond further on your post as it goes further out of my range of expertise, but I am sure Hat will have something to add tomorrow.


All the best for the forthcoming days,



#27 fishinghat


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Posted 15 December 2018 - 09:32 AM


"FH or anyone: if you have any associative knowledge that is relevant, please let me know."

Not aware of anything off the top of my head but I will head of to the books/research as soon as I catch up on posts.

You haven't been through any radiological imaging lately have you?

"Asked them to do it again, and 120/84"
BP readings in drs offices are one of my pet peeves. They have been trained poorly on how to do this and then rush through it. I have had to ask several times to have my bp checked a second time and tell them how I want it checked. They usually say 'Well it doesn't really make much difference." The second reading ALWAYS comes out good. Idiots.

#28 fishinghat


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Posted 15 December 2018 - 09:54 AM

This is the only reference to Cymbalta and white blood cells I could find. Nothing in regards to the Cymbalta withdrawal.

105,030 people reported to have side effects when taking Cymbalta.
Among them, 430 people (0.41%) have White blood cell count decreased


I found no members that mention a low white blood cell count during withdrawal.

#29 fishinghat


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Posted 25 December 2018 - 12:34 PM


How have you been doing?

Been wondering about your vitamin D status, etc. You alright?

#30 Vinpin


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Posted 11 January 2019 - 11:10 AM

Hi fishinghat (and all others):


Happy New Year to all!


It's been a whirlwind for me the last few weeks, between the holidays, travel and my health. Sorry for going incognito for awhile I'll try to keep my update as short as can be.....


It seems as though the low WBC count and high lymphocyte count, which initially alarmed me greatly, was a lab error. I've had three more draws since, and they have returned normal results for both counts. The platelet count still is a bit high, although it has dropped from 476 to 442, which is really only marginally above normal, if that. Further confirmatory blood panels didn't show indications of any of the more serious conditions that would directly cause a high platelet count, including cancers of different types. Because of my Hodgkin's Disease background from over 20 years ago I was very worried, so needless to say I am quite relieved on this front. :rolleyes:


The additional tests did reflect a couple of liver enzyme measures that were somewhat high. My Oncologist told me this could be due to diet, general high cholesterol, or what's called a "fatty liver". So, we did ANOTHER blood draw this week, to rule out more serious liver conditions, and I'm waiting on those results. Additionally, I may opt to have an ultrasound done on my liver - for more peace of mind that everything is OK there. I don't really eat as well as I could, so I suspect my diet is the culprit here. But it will be nice to have confirmation that it is nothing terribly serious.


In terms of Vitamins, still working on taking supplements for the Vitamin B12 & D. Been taking weekly Vitamin D supplements, and although we haven't rechecked those levels, I suspect I'm gaining ground there. There's been a bit of a mixup on the B12, though. I thought the injection I received was one month's dose, but doctor called back yesterday and said it's only a one week dose. In December, my B12 level was 217 - with 400 being the low end of the normal range. So, I've gone about a month without B12 injection - and I think its really affecting my memory and cognitive ability. I have an appt Tues 1/15 with him, to get this straightened out.


On the Cymbalta front, the wild ride continues ..............................(-;    I had upped my daily dosage back to 6 beads per day in early December, on the recommendation of my doctor due to these other health concerns cropping up. That turned out to be a real blessing, because it allowed me to stabilize, and I was able to get through the holidays and my travels fairly well. After the good news of the blood tests, I resumed the drop - went down to 5 beads last Tuesday (10 days ago). Of course, it hit me hard ...... been mostly flu like symptoms, but without too many GI issues luckily. I am considering dropping to 4 beads next Tuesday (after 2 weeks on 5 beads). I'm not sure my friend Gail on this forum would agree with only two weeks on 5 beads.....but I just want to get done with this whole thing already! Doesn't going through the drops more quickly bring me to the finish line quicker --- even if it makes for a tough few months now???  


One other question for FH & everyone ...... when I get to 4 beads, is there any advantage to taking 2 beads every 12 hours, instead of 4 beads every 24 hours?


Thanks all, and Happy Friday! :rolleyes:



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