Well I am at that 5 week point off Duloxetine today, so am for sure through to the other side. I can see how it would become more difficult each time, unless of course one went completely cold turkey from 60mg to nothing. I still can't believe how bad it is just from the last 10mg to nothing, but everyone did say... Again, I will always have the annoyance of not having had the choice.
I think Juli's schedule is a good way forward. You could get the 5mg to start and increase through 7.5mg and 12.5mg by halving these through the process? Really depends how sensitise people are, and this is why I was very apprehensive about taking the plunge from 5mg straight to 15mg. Now been a week totally off the Citalopram and the 15mg Lexapro (plus the week of 5mg Lexapro). Still in that phase of not knowing what to expect from one day to the next.
However, today I have not woken with quite as much anxiety as before, but feel very uncomfortable in knowing that I have taken this big step with my meds and do not know if they will work etc etc. Time will improve no doubt, but it is the Dulox withdrawal, the Citalopram withdrawal and the start up of the Lexapro all playing on my mind today about what will happen. Can't find perspective if that makes sense...??