No idea - I just thought it better to take the larger dose in the morning??
Off to the doc
Posted 05 December 2018 - 12:00 PM
Posted 05 December 2018 - 12:49 PM
Been to the doc - and he said he is scared to suggest anything and that I should go to ER if I feel that bad.
At the moment, my anxiety is way off the scale. My whole body was shaking at the doctors and I was sweating and couldn't make sentences.
I am sure this is because of the extra withdrawal - even 2 pills of it.
Should I take another 5mg now??
Posted 05 December 2018 - 01:01 PM
The doc said I shouldn't have stopped either.
Have I created this havoc I am in with the 2 doses of Lexapro?
I have just taken a 5mg dose of Lexapro as it is decided in the hopes it might calm these effects. I am sat in bed shaking and worried that I will end up getting sectioned.
But I still need a plan as to what I should take in the morning...
Posted 05 December 2018 - 02:37 PM
Posted 05 December 2018 - 03:08 PM
Don't forget 'Hat that I am still needing the support of one drug or another at the end of this. It is not my intention to come off the Lexapro asap. I am sincerely hoping that the Lexapro will fill the void that Citalopram couldn't fill (prior to the switch to Duloxetine).
I took the 5mg around 3 hours ago and I have stopped shaking and paranoia has settled a bit. I have been sat in bed with the wife with cups of tea and Googling this and that. I started writing some of my essay, and soon after I started I could feel the sting again, so I stopped. Overall still very anxious, but at a level that I have dealt with before.
Obviously it is difficult to say about the dose, as we cannot be sure of the efficiency of the Citalopram for me. If it isn't working, then 5mg of the Lexapro will have had a bigger effect than first thought. Therefore, the sudden drop - even after 2 doses - could well lead to increased anx/dep and hence a very nasty mini withdrawal.
Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:03 PM
Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:17 PM
Hi Noush - yes. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing we are back!
I have started to feel a little more edgy again, after a tiny bit of relief. It is at peak concentration around 3-4 hours so maybe I am just anxious that it should be making me all better by now. Trying to bear in mind what I was feeling 4 hours ago, but when I think about it, then it heightens my anxiety! Viscous circle...
Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:50 PM
Posted 05 December 2018 - 04:54 PM
Posted 05 December 2018 - 05:22 PM
NOUSH - I had a feeling you would be well aware of my issue here. Its been 5 hours and I am looking (or trying to look) at the fact it hasn't got worse. Just wish this could be maintained through to the morning, as they are always my worst. My alternative would have been to go back on Duloxetine, but just like you, I had dizzy spells and fatigue that wouldn't shift. Sure that is better than the moment, but would be a hurdle eventually, and I would be right back here again. Nearly 3 weeks since I stopped Duloxetine. I can't give in... as much as I want to.
HAT - Understood now what you were saying - and yes, wise. Realised that changing Citalopram from AM to PM and then back again in the space of three days cannot have been a wise move.Will hold off on the Lexapro for tonight, and get back to my 1pm/1am schedule.
OZ - Thanks... yes - you are right. Bloody meds. Although you do get to a point where you just don't care what is causing it, we should stay focused knowing that something bought about by the meds can only be temporary...
Posted 05 December 2018 - 08:14 PM
So almost 8 hours since taking the dose, and I still feel I have climbed out of what I went through. It has not got worse, and in fact a little better and managed to finish my study.
Sure I am very anxious about what tomorrow might bring, but I wanted to post this so that I can see in the next few days (as can other people looking for support) that it is possible to pull yourself out of these holes.
Hat and his two magic words...
Posted 06 December 2018 - 01:28 AM
Posted 06 December 2018 - 11:38 AM
Thanks guys.
Bit easier waking today - although still far from easy. Still trying to get the last seizure out of my mind. But been out and about for a couple of hours doing one lesson and buying bread. But I am so exhausted!!
I had 8 1/2 hours sleeps without even waking! Even when I did I was still wanting to fall asleep again. Anxiety is nagging at me, and the weak legs and stomach churning isn't helping, but this I know is already early effects of Lexapro and nervous exhaustion from yesterday.
Got a rest for a few more minutes so going to have a cup of green tea.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 03:55 PM
Hi Noush....
I have done a full day of work and done a shopping trip on way home. Might have tipped the balance a bit with the shopping, but no food in the flat and with an agoraphobic wife, I did what I had to.
Had some flashes of anxiety during work, and a bit at the grocery store, but just carried on. Overall for sure a better day than yesterday. Still some way to go, but for now I just need to rest!!
Another cup of green tea I think... or maybe camomile...?
Posted 06 December 2018 - 04:41 PM
True - there is still an element of caffiene in green tea - but I do not drink "regular" tea.. or coffee. I went with herbal in the end - lemonbalm with camomile. I buy the herbs in big bags and make in a teapot! How very English
The mrs... no she doesn't leave the house. Might get her out for a walk when it is dark. Occasionally she has braved the supermarket, but come back in a right state. It is tough and I want to help her, but doing the work, shopping etc myself is enough for me. But she does all the housework, makes me dinner and tea, and is a real gem when I have my difficult moments.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 04:56 PM
She managed 4 sessions of CBT at the end of last year, but it just didn't work for her. I would like her to try it again.
I can't say it around her, but yes, the responsibility is too much sometimes, and it is tough on my anxiety on days like today. But she can at least be at ease with me about it.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 05:13 PM
She has social-anxiety which leads to the agoraphobia. She also suffers with very bad OCD.
Currently on 10mg of Lexapro - she needs a review as she has been on this for almost 2 years now.
You have to laugh at these things sometimes to take away the fear. Everything about anxiety is of course fear of fear. If only it was as easy to treat as it is to say!!
Posted 06 December 2018 - 05:37 PM
Posted 06 December 2018 - 07:21 PM
My goodness Noush - that is EXACTLY what she has. It is not the counting, germ thing, it is repeated thoughts that require her ongoing attention when her anxiety is high. I thought it odd when she said about her OCD that I thought she would be straightening up the appartment with right angles and so forth. I must bring this to her attention. Is there anything that can be specifically useful for Pure O?
Hat - I had to read up on reverse isolation. The wife does get what is often referred to as cabin fever from being indoors 24/7. So do you currently choose whether to remain in isolation and thus remove yourself periodically? Or is it a case that the isolation remains the better option? It interests me as these last few days have done their damnedest to remind me just how much stress is outside my front door. I suppose it is a form of agoraphobia, but it is things like drivers being nasty on the road, having a flat on the car - something that will cause stress and put me into a few days of turmoil.
I read a book the other week "The Other Side of the Mountain" about a chap who runs away from a New York life and sets his own life in a woodland all on his own away from it all. It was a really calming read. I could relate to it very well.
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