I would do ANYTHING for just a few beads at the moment. I would even break into a pharmacy with the way I am feeling.
I know it is totally wrong, but if there is anyone in the UK that could help with beads. I am very serious - I don't know what else to do.
Paragraph 5.7...!! I'm having seizures still. I need be at least taking a few beads.
I finally had a call this morning at 9.32am from the MH team who said they would get the doctor to call asap today. Nothing by 1pm. I called back - again they will be in touch asap. Now 4.30pm and STILL nothing. Called back and now no answer at all.
KATHY - In the UK, when you get transferred to the MH Community, you are then under their direction for medication regarding all aspects of your mental health. No-one... absolutely no-one... at the ER, the GP, the on-call team... can give me medication. There are only 2 doctors who can give me what I need. I cannot call them directly, I have to go through the community who can only message them or email. This is utter BS as they all work in the same building. They need only walk into the room of one of these doctors and say...Matt really needs his meds sorting out, please call. The stress is unbearable.