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Comments by Members
Grand Mal Seizure And Mouth Spasms ?
Posted by justsayno on 02 April 2017 - 07:58 PM in How to Find Support
Was trying to work it out tonight. Looking for any patterns / similarities etc
Only obvious thing being that both seizures occurred after a dosage drop from 40 to 30 mg.
Grand Mal Seizure And Mouth Spasms ?
Posted by justsayno on 01 April 2017 - 02:26 PM in How to Find Support
Hi Gail
Far as I am aware No. In 28 years I've never had any seizures until I began taking Cymbalta.
Bead Counting Advice Doesn't Jive With My Capsule Contents
Posted by PtldFrank on 04 September 2016 - 04:44 PM in Weaning Off Cymbalta
Regarding seizures, that's a subject I do have personal experience with. The good news is that I'm seizure free for more than 10 years. The bad news is that I had half a dozen gran mal seizures in the 12 years prior, starting with wellbutrin. I tend to believe the seizures all came from the various meds (15-20 combinations) I went through. The only thing that seems to have stopped the seizures is the anti seizure medicine Keppra.
Involuntary Cold Turkey From 120Mg
Posted by Cassandra on 13 February 2015 - 10:32 AM in What are you feeling?
Hello world, this is Cassandra. It's been a rough month since I quit cymbalta and I think it'd be best to start from the very beginning.
I have been experiencing major depression as long as I can remember, at least from the age of 9 which is where my earliest memories are. I was put on my first antidepressant--celexa--5 or six years ago. I had been depressed before but when I started medication it just got worse. Five/six months ago I was put on cymbalta, first 60 mg then 120, and it got worse. I became violently suicidal and after a course of 12 ect treatments I attempted suicide by taking 2 bottles of cymbalta at once (my insurance had just switched me to where I could only get my meds in a 90 day supply--bad, bad idea to give someone who's suicidal a giant bag of meds.)
I woke up having seizures that went on for hours, and then on and off for a few days. When I got to the hospital, I was hallucinating, and couldn't stand or eat for days. I learned how to walk again and a month later I can ride my bike again.
Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl
Posted by FiveNotions on 24 December 2014 - 09:42 AM in ARE YOU NEW HERE? Words from the wise about Cymbalta
I was just talking with a friend about where I was last year this time ... compared to this year ... and it seemed more than worthy of a post in our "Positives" thread ...
Last year this time I was about 19 days into hard, cold turkey withdrawal ... I was overwhelmed with vertigo and nausea, confined almost totally to bed, and crawling to the bathroom to puke ... at one point, I just took my blanket and pillow in there and slept/lay curled up on the floor (less far to travel) ... I was unable to eat any solid foods, not even crackers ... and was living on broth and herb tea and water (didn't make for much to puke up, but I still did) ...
I was having constant muscle spasms, and had a couple of seizures (at least I assume that's what they were, I just blacked out and woke up on the floor) ... I was having auditory and visual hallucinations, constant cold, dripping sweats, and horrid general body aches and pains .... couldn't sleep much at all, just an hour or so at a time ... I hadn't showered, washed my hair, changed clothes, or changed my sheets, once ... and I simply did not care …
Article: Duloxetine Withdrawal Seizure [Cold Turkey Withdrawal]
Posted by FiveNotions on 03 January 2015 - 09:32 AM in Cymbalta in the News
I think I had at least 1, possibly 2, seizures during hard, cold turkey withdrawal ... but don't know for sure, was alone and woke up on the floor ... yet another reason not to quit this poison cold turkey!
Duloxetine Withdrawal Seizure [full text]
Psychiatry (Sept 2006)
http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2963463/From the article:
Much has been written about the use and side effects profile of duloxetine (Cymbalta®). We report a case of a patient who had generalized tonic clonic seizures after abruptly stopping duloxetine.
Case report. Ms. X was a 59-year-old Caucasian woman with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder recurrent severe without psychotic feature. She was stabilized on duloxetine 90mg p.o. daily.
She came to the emergency room with complaints of nausea, clear liquid vomitus, anxiety, “electical sensation” inside the body, restlessness, decreased liquid intake, abdominal pain, and decreased sleep.
She stopped taking her duloxetine two days previoiusly. She had two generalized tonic clonic seizures 20 minutes apart in the hospital.
Urine drug screen was negative. Urinalysis was negative. Complete blood count (CBC) was normal. Her sodium was 134, potassium was 2.5, chloride 86, glucose 110, calcium 9, and magnesium 1.5. Her blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were normal. Her liver function tests were normal except mildly elevated alkaline phosphatase of 126. Computed tomography (CT) scan of her head was negative. There was no sign of infection at the point of admission. She was stabilized and was then started on a different antidepressant due to her history of nonadherence. She had no further seizures during her hospital stay.
Posted by sarahb on 04 April 2014 - 10:59 AM in What are you feeling?
My mother has been on Cymbalta I think 90mg and she recently started having seizures. I wonder if there could be any correlation. I'm the one who was on it 5 days and found your group and has decided to get off. Now my thoughts are with my mom. I know different things about her health are shorting her health but I hate to think what this drug is doing to her and God forbid she needs to get off.
And Here I Am- Am I Screwed Forever?
Posted by jenniesue on 09 December 2013 - 12:49 PM in ARE YOU NEW HERE? Words from the wise about Cymbalta
The DVT/Blood Clots were after I lost a pregnancy. Yes I was placed on Cymbalta for pain. The seizures I had started within 2 weeks of taking Cymbalta. Yes I have discussed all issues with my Dr. and they give me a diagnosis of something else, and have told me just keep taking the Cymbalta. Where do I start to get off of this evil med? I go to see my Dr. Monday Dec 15.
Seen The New Commercials?
Posted by Pixi on 10 June 2012 - 02:32 AM in Cymbalta in the News
I'd thought I was unsubscribed...but this thing emailed me for a reply so here goes. I can't believe it's almost a year to the day since I made the post on here. That means I've been totally Cymbalta free for 6 months! I took my healthcare into my own hands & I'm glad I had the fortitude to go through this & come out as well as I have.
I'm taking nothing for depression/neuropathy and still having the odd brain zap & dizziness - my "Cymbalta moments" as I call it. . Still having seizures at night, bouts of horrible dementia and just wish I'd never listened to the Doctors & allowed myself to be their labrat for this evil drug. Depression is still much better off it and bladder control is almost back to normal. The ONLY way to go is wean slowly, count the grains even tho it's tedious - over months, even if you're only just on it a few weeks, start to cut it down really slowly - your brain is way more delicate than you know. This shit does pretty weird things to you - that's how it's supposed to work - alter your neurology. Don't let them mess with you. It caused me DID/MPD, made my diabetic neuropathy 100 times worse & a host of other shit I've probably posted about elsewhere on this forum.
Seizures From Cymbalta
Posted by Namaste on 02 May 2012 - 02:04 AM in Weaning Off Cymbalta
Doctor changed celexa to cymbalta And was ok with it for a month and
I started Having hives, itching and bruises. My doctor stopped cymbalta and gave me prednisone. Then i started having seizures where i was fully aware of what was happening so I'm now on lamictal for seizures. Anyone of you having the same experience?
My Chapter Of Hell
Posted by distill on 06 December 2011 - 02:55 AM in ARE YOU NEW HERE? Words from the wise about Cymbalta
I have already wrote this once, but if I can help out another person then I've done what I set out to do.
I know some people have done great while taking it but the withdrawal is what gets them. I was not depressed, I was injured on the job crush three disc in my lower back. I was put on it for sciatic help.
I had a house, cars, and my best friend for a fiance. Within two weeks of taking it I lost my mind. Manic aggression, seizures, nightmares, etc. I did things I never wouldve done before this. Its like i either knew what i was doing and didnt care or i flat out dont remember. We were losing the house and my demeanor drove her away. Workers comp denied paying for all psychological meds and I flat out couldn't afford $400 for 90days. That was in January of this year.
Neuropathy As A Side Effect?
Posted by cookie on 28 November 2011 - 11:57 AM in Weaning Off Cymbalta
Dear Pixi
I took cymbalta for depression, other than than I was a pretty healthy person. After 6 years of taking it, I have sugar problems and now I am experiencing prickling sensations and pin & needles. I also have problems remembering names. I also experienced seizures and problems with my joints which I never had prior to the medication
Check In On Your Progress Here!
Posted by CindiEponabri on 16 October 2011 - 01:31 AM in Weaning Off Cymbalta
1) Method you're using
Counting bead method, kinda... I take out about 1/4 of the beads out of one of the two capsules for each day's dosage, for a week. The following week it will be 1/2 of the beads of one capsule.
2) Starting dose
3) Current dose
105mg (roughly)
4) Withdrawal symptoms you're having
more pain, anxiety, dizziness, tired, nausea, cold/flu symptoms, nightmares, itching,
5) Things that have improved.
Seizures.. we had thought they were being caused from the Oxycotin, but now I see it was from the Cymbalta, because for the most part they are now gone. I have a little one every now and then.
My Story
Posted by cookie on 26 July 2011 - 02:25 PM in Weaning Off Cymbalta
Dear Imdone:
.....However I learned to differentiate the initiall symptoms from withdrawals. I took the medication for severe depression. When I reduced dose I started experiencing asthma, itching, joint pain, problems finding words to talk and comprehending language, dizziness, vomiting, seizures, facial tics, sensitivity to noises and light, tremors, allergies, sore throat, etc which I definitely didn´t have when my depression appeared 6 years ago.
I'm new to this forum.... hope this is how it is done.
I took 15 weeks to get up to the 30mg dose of Duloxetine (Cymbalta) but I started to get suicidal thoughts, big mood swings, abnormal arm and leg movements with crossed arms outstretched etc. So my DRs decided I needed to come off the medication, and then I started to feel weak and fall and get what seems to be seizures with big muscle spasms causing my body to arc and my limbs to shake, but my Dr tells me they aren't true seizures... just related to the medication! This happens 2 to 4 times a day, and is a horrible experience. I don't lose consciousness, and I can tell when one is coming on due to a tingle in my legs, and a headache and nausea...
i'm down to 20mg per day, about to go alternate days....
Anyone else had this severe reaction and did it go quickly after you finished the medication tapering?
My last adverse reaction took over 3 months to be out of my system after the last tablet. I'm very sensitive to these meds. They probably won't prescribe another, but I'm worried about these seizure-like things continuing much longer.