Iun's Withdrawal After Last Dose
Posted 02 January 2019 - 02:07 PM
Oh isn't that the truth. For us who have suffered through 6, 8, 10 months or even 1 or 2 years of healing we really know that feeling but you must hold on to your patience.
- KathyInFL and invalidusername like this
Posted 02 January 2019 - 04:22 PM
Noush - I am nocturnal, or to give its medical name, delayed sleep phase disorder. Have been for about 15 years.
Hat - I know that patience is the way forward - it is the lack of control. If I could just get to a place where I can second guess a good half-day so I could prepare to do some work on the car or something, as there is very little life.
That said, I have done my full day of work, seen a mate and caught up for Christmas and whilst having a few stabs of stress here and there, I have been good. Totally done in having had 10 days off as a result, but in a better place overall
Posted 02 January 2019 - 05:48 PM
If I could just get to a place where I can second guess a good half-day so I could prepare to do some work on the car or something, as there is very little life.
If you stop fighting that thought it becomes a lot easier. That is another stressor.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 02 January 2019 - 06:23 PM
Thanks ever so much guys.
I take much more notice of other peoples opinion looking outside in as I am of course trapped in my brainium which sees everything through the wrong lens.
Let's all go with this then, and see if the hypothesis holds out... which it will!!!
Posted 03 January 2019 - 04:53 PM
Hi Noushka...
Overall, am fairing ok. Bit down - this is my perfectionism nagging at me, but I did full compliment of work and a trip around Tesco.Typical that the wife has taken a nose dive, so I am trying to raise my emotional shields without being too dismissive. Tough juggling act!
I really need to work on the perfectionism! I sort myself out with work, shopping and seeing friends etc, and then my brain says, ah but you can't go and see such and such in the O2 Arena can you? And I'm like.... "for goodness sake - give me a damn break!!"
How's the day for you?
Posted 03 January 2019 - 05:25 PM
I really need to work on the perfectionism! I sort myself out with work, shopping and seeing friends etc, and then my brain says, ah but you can't go and see such and such in the O2 Arena can you?
As much as we try to return to our previous routines, things such as stress levels, tolerance, hormonal balances etc. are different in these periods (Withdrawal/tapering). You have to be a bit more patient with yourself.
Posted 03 January 2019 - 05:38 PM
Absolutely. It is a real problem for me.
In fact, this withdrawal has been a bit of a wake up call as up until September, my logs show months of between 70-80% of "normal" days. Yet, I still was convinced at that time I was severely ill. I need to learn to appreciate the things I can do from the withdrawal times rather than what I cannot do.
I had some CBT sessions which the therapist found this out almost immediately. But we only have 8 sessions every 6 months until the NHS here in the UK.
Posted 04 January 2019 - 03:51 PM
Update for today... I have overdone it - but not by choice.
Have been going non-stop for 7 hours - no breaks - then a call-out and a road-rage incident (nothing to do with me!). No idea how I have done it and need to rest.
Still have passive depression in the background, but things have certainly been better than last week.
Had a bit of a wobble when I got stuck in a traffic jam. Couldn't turn around, couldn't move - and everyone getting irate. Was around 15-20 minutes. But I think that brings out the anxiety in anyone...
Posted 05 January 2019 - 02:09 AM
Posted 05 January 2019 - 11:49 AM
Posted 05 January 2019 - 12:27 PM
I'm pretty sure your depression will lift as your anxiety lifts.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 05 January 2019 - 01:06 PM
My parents are there for me - as is my sister - but after 16 months of this, time takes its toll on their compassion I feel. They want the best for me, but I have to be careful how much I speak about with my parents as they are getting on a bit and I don't like to bring them more worries than they already have with their own health. I have another friend which I see most weekends who has gone through her own mental health issues and therefore understands, but she has gone away for a couple of weeks.
I started to see the pattern that as my anxiety lifted, I felt I could do more things. So earlier in the week when I started back to work and stress levels were lower and I was very proud that I could take 10 days off and stay on top of my anxiety. But then the negative voice chimed in to say "yeah ok so you can work, but there's not much else going on in your life", and that's when it hit me. The perfectionism that I mentioned earlier in the week.
Whereas I would have a worse mood in the first half of the day, overcome that, and as a result feel better in the evening.... now I have a mood of something in-between, but it is 24/7. I don't seem to be able to overcome it, so I stay like it all day. Part of me misses the old way as I could at least relax for a few hours.
I hope this is a sign of improvement, and all part of the recovery.
Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:19 AM
Hi Guys - I know this isn't strictly a therapy forum, but I am finding myself in need of support today.
I woke up with the worst depression. My thoughts just aren't letting go now. The last few days have been better, but these symptoms have been creeping in gradually and I don't know what has caused it. But now I am so frustrated with the fact that the negativity just won't leave me alone. Every thought has something negative attached to it. I cannot see the point in doing anything as it simply will not help. I want to shout and scream, or hit my head on the wall. Self harm has also been a thought today.
It worries me that the longer this has been around, the more difficult it will be to shift, and I am worried because it just does not show any signs of going - or getting better, and I am on the edge of feeling suicidal again and am so scared. I cannot take this feeling any more.
Do you think this is still the pregabalin even after a week of it? Or the Lexapro after 3 weeks... or still the Dulox withdrawal?
Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:44 AM
I know I had a tough day on Friday, and I have had a very difficult week with the wife, but what is worrying is that there is no sign of it letting up. It is like the happy part of my brain is missing.
I have felt better because I have not been bad, not because I have been good. I have been able to work, study, eat and sleep, but as the week has gone on, I noticed that there was absolutely no happiness in any of these thing which had been there before. So whilst I had not been as bad as before, there was still no positive. I assumed this would follow after the bad not returning... but it hasn't. And obviously now, the bad is taking over because of this.
Posted 06 January 2019 - 11:03 AM
It will. You don't just go from sad to happy. You will start out with sad to tolerable, mediocre. Over the next few weeks you should start to see a few periods of happy but this is a long transition. At least be thankful you are getting some breaks in your suffering from time to time. I just worry about the self-harm feeling.
When I went through my withdrawal I had periods of extreme anger and would go out in the yard and beat on something with my fists but it was not because I wanted to hurt myself (although it did not feel good, lol) but to let out the frustration.
You still need to go easy on yourself. You are not healed yet but just beginning.
- gail and invalidusername like this
Posted 06 January 2019 - 11:13 AM
Thank you Hat.
It concerns me that after 1 week on 5mg and 3 weeks on 15mg Lexapro, that things should be a bit better,,, but maybe not?
The chain of events started on the 1st when I was feeling "ok" in the evening, but every now and again I would have a wave of depression for about 20 minutes. This continued until my evenings are now lying in wait for the next one to occur knowing they have repeatedly come back - although the times in-between haven't been that bad. Now my day is taken up with negativity realising that I have this issue permanently.
When I had some down time, I could look forward to it, but it seems that my brain is constantly threatening the bad times and I am wanting to shout "just get it over with, or give me a break".
It is a horrible feeling that I just cannot shake, and this is when I feel like self harming to try and release something of it. I don't want this at all.
Posted 06 January 2019 - 12:33 PM
There is plenty of frustration in there, yes.
Interestingly enough, I have also woken up to a very bad headache and fatigue. I am falling asleep looking at my laptop. Could be the generic brand? It is the 10mg that is the new brand - the 5mg is from my old supply. I could take 3 x 5mg of the old supply, but it will run out very quickly.
EDIT - just checked my notes and saw that I also had really bad brain zaps most of weds evening
Posted 06 January 2019 - 01:19 PM
Posted 06 January 2019 - 01:32 PM
I have been Googling but cannot find any notification of such rules, although I am sure there will be something in place. I am going to switch back to my old supply in the morning just to see what happens.
I am feeling mildly better than a couple of hours ago, but still in no mind to be undertaking anything enjoyable. But 4 days of work after 10 days off may well be calling for a rest anyway. As you have all said, I need to be kind to myself - as difficult as that might be right now.
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