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Iun's Withdrawal After Last Dose

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#271 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 09:31 AM

Just had visit from another doc who has prescribed pregabalin (lyrica) 50mg twice daily for taking the edge off my anxiety... looking for thoughts??


He also wanted to up me to 20mg Lexapro but i think it is still early days of only 1 week 5mg and 1 week 15mg...

#272 fishinghat


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 09:39 AM

Lyrica - Moderately effective on anxiety. Typically used for pain. mild to moderate withdrawal. Not addictive.

Definitely too early to up the dose on the Lexapro unless you are desperate.

#273 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 09:46 AM

Thanks for reply Hat.


I am obviously having issues with the anxiety and now is really bringing home the depression as it is affecting life much more than it used to.


I just don't want to muddy the waters with more medication, or worry about yet another withdrawal, but at the same time, I am really struggling still with the Duloxetine withdrawal.


The doc today at least agreed that the Duloxetine is a nasty drug. Something I suppose...

#274 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 04:30 PM

Some really good news....!


On way back home from work, I went for the ultimate anxiety challenge... Christmas grocery shop on Friday night. It was full of people running around, bumping into people. I just floated around for about 20 minutes and found some bargains - then an old friend bumped into me and insisted on talking for another 10 minutes. No problem...


Just don't understand how my anxiety can swing so much. Even "normal" people would have avoided the supermarket at this time...

#275 Noush


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 04:55 PM

IUN That's fab news! Like you say, most people would avoid the Supermarket tonight! Are you finding your anxiety to be higher at certain times of the day? Mornings were always by far the worst when I was in withdrawal. I seemed to calm more as the day went on.

#276 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 21 December 2018 - 05:12 PM

Just had visit from another doc who has prescribed pregabalin (lyrica) 25mg twice daily for taking the edge off my anxiety... looking for thoughts??


There are many people on Benzo Buddies and Surviving Antidepressants who have an awful time getting off of Lyrica.  Be extremely cautious about taking it or a benzo.  They can both sneak up on you and snag you before you know it and then you're hooked. 

#277 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 05:19 PM

NOOOOOOSH - Absolutely. Morning can be the worst. But I think stress plays much more of a role in my anxiety.


For example, when the wife went to the town while I went to work, I was freaking out big time. All the possibilities were going through my head given her agoraphobia. But when I am in control, it doesn't seem to be an issue. My life has been subject to so much stress that is out of my control, and it is this that has given me the problems.


Whenever I get anxious, my attention is ALWAYS on the medication, the MH team, withdrawal etc.


GARDENLADY - Yes, yes, yes. 100% right. I have done my homework. I don't intend on using the Lyrica for very long. Just until the Lexapro kicks in. Don't take any benzo's. Not even valium anymore. I can see there could be another withdrawal on the horizon if I was not careful. But I think I am right in thinking that the withdrawal intensity is proportionate to the dose? So those up as far as the 400/600mg per day are going to have it tough. I will be sticking to 100mg (50mg twice a day). That is assuming it works...

#278 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 21 December 2018 - 05:47 PM

 But I think I am right in thinking that the withdrawal intensity is proportionate to the dose? So those up as far as the 400/600mg per day are going to have it tough. I will be sticking to 100mg (50mg twice a day). That is assuming it works...

No, one can't assume that withdrawal intensity is proportionate to the dose.  Many, many people become addicted/dependent on very small doses of all sort of psych drugs and can have long, tortuous tapers and withdrawals.  There are scads of such cases on Benzo Buddies and Surviving Antidepressants. That's why it's dangerous to fool around with even small or intermittent doses of any of these drugs.  


I became initially physically dependent (not psychologically) on clonazepam after infrequent use on small doses for insomnia.  These drugs are very sneaky and deceptive. 

#279 Noush


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:09 PM

IUN - I completely get you with what you said regarding life situations that are out of your control have made you how you are. I feel as though years of not being able to control two illnesses that my husband has been through & having to be the one that kept things together & was emotionally string for the both of us, completely depleted my brain of the chemicals needed to cope with anxiety & stresses normally. I think my brain & body were so used to being on high alert,that it then didn't know how to be any other way.

A friend of mine was of Lyrica for pain & weaned off recently in a very short space of time with no issues at all. She's now weaning off Duloxetine & is doing really well while currently on 30 beads down from her 40mg.

#280 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:30 PM

Gardenlady - I hear you completely, but having gone through Dulox and seen just how bad that has been - and still is - I do not want to be on the Lyrica any longer than necessary, but right now, it is breaking point. I simply cannot bear the stress the withdrawal is putting on me. I have done 5 weeks of hell - and knowing that I have just dropped Citalopram and started Lexapro, I can't see the next month getting much easier. Believe me, it is a last resort. I didn't want to go back onto Duloxetine. I will just have to ween very very carefully off the Lyrica - even if it only supports me for a month.


Noush - Again, it sounds exactly like what I am going through. The responsibility on us both.. immense. And you poor husband. My wife is currently sat next to me breaking into another pack of Valium because she is suicidal, and i am telling her it is for nerves, but she just doesn't care. It is painful. Very painful - and I need to try to get better while this is going on. And the high alert is just what it is. The switch is stuck on! I don't think our brains can tell the difference between anything. Our nerves get so sensitised and it takes so much to let them heal. Sometimes it just doesn't seem possible though - like unscrambling an egg!!

#281 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:42 PM

I'm so very sorry, IUN, that you and your wife are having such a difficult time.  What has happened to both of you because of these seductive drugs prescribed by ignorant doctors is nothing short of an atrocity. 

#282 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:49 PM

Ignorant doctors - I couldn't agree more.


They have a lot to answer for. If I had to energy for it, I would take the MH team to the cleaners. But after 2 years of court proceedings for the wife's visa, I think I will leave this for now :)

#283 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 10:36 AM

So I took my second dose of 50mg Pregabalin around 3am last night and the sleepiness came back and sent me right off to sleep. 


Did not stir for almost 10 hours!! Even then I have woken up still wanting to sleep again. Have been out for an hour to teach being half awake and got another in a few minutes, but have stopped for a cup of (green) tea. So been awake for 3 hours but all I want to do is lay and close my eyes. So drowsy.


Haven't yet taken my 12 hourly dose of another 50mg as I worry I will not be able to drive to my next lesson. 


On the mood front, I can say that even after 2 doses, my anxiety isn't so bad, but then this may be my mindset after my challenge yesterday! Instead, my depression has come back a bit telling me I am turning into a pill popper and I will become dependent - like one of those people who say "I will be fine as long as I take my pregabalin". I don't want to be one of these people. I don't want a pill to mask it. I never needed one before all this started. 


Again, thanks Elly bloody Lilly. 

#284 KathyInFL


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 11:17 AM

I seriously think every executive at Eli Lilly should have to take the C for a few months!

#285 Noush


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 12:00 PM

More than a few month Kathy. Let them take the bugger for 5 years & then try to get off it!

Does the Pregab come in 50mg pills? Just wondered if you can lower the dose to two doses
of 25mg? Then see how you are when that settles.

I think it's time your wife changed her Antidepressant if she is having to rely on Valium so much. She needs some therapy too. Is she on a waiting list or anything to see somebody?

#286 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 01:31 PM

Yes - its all about the withdrawal. Let them have it....


Funny thing about the pregab. I was sure the Doc said 25mg twice a day, but on the prescription was 50mg twice a day. I still haven't taken it as I am still tired. Done a hour lesson and then been to my friends for an hour - all trying to stay awake, but I've not worried as much about my anxiety. Could be the pregab, but after two doses? And with a half-life of 6-10 hours, it would have been out of my system by around 9am... 9 hours ago. Very confusing.


I want to try 25mg but the pills are full of white powder. No idea how to go about measuring that in half!!


Any tips girls??

#287 Noush


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:09 PM

No idea with that one I'm afraid. I'd probably call your GP on Monday & ask if they can prescribe 25mg capsules. Maybe that dose will be enough to take the edge off but not too sedating.

#288 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:21 PM

I have just emptied the powder out on a clean flat surface. Made a long line of the powder, and divided in half. Looked like a coke addict!! Nearly snorted it instead!! LOL


I have plenty of empty caps left over from the Dulox days, so split the dose between that. I might be a milligram or two out, but I don't think that will have too much effect - no more so that cutting a scored pill in half.

#289 Noush


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:38 PM

Maybe a line of coke would wake you up a bit right now!😂

I'm sure being slightly out won't matter too much. Splitting the dose to 25mg is worth a try. It's what I would do anyway.

How are you feeling now? Mood wise?

#290 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 03:13 PM

Well I look my 25mg dose and went out for a walk for 45 mins. I even got the wife out... and she went into a small grocery store with me... for 10 minutes!! She could feel a panic attack coming on, so I tried to help her face it and see it through, but it got too much - but tried to convince her it was a step in the right direction.


My depression has lifted since earlier, and anxiety is there in the background but not as threatening. Overall, this is a very good day so far. Haven't seen the likes of these for... hmmm.. 3 weeks. So whilst I am trying to look positive, my confidence is still suffering a knock. But the old me is in there and trying to come out!! I have at least seen it today!

#291 Noush


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 03:32 PM

That's amazing! I wonder if the Pregab is taking the edge off the anxiety & the Lexapro is starting to kick in!

Well done to your wife! Has she ever had CBT?

#292 fishinghat


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 04:20 PM

More than a few month Kathy. Let them take the bugger for 5 years & then try to get off it!

Does the Pregab come in 50mg pills? Just wondered if you can lower the dose to two doses
of 25mg? Then see how you are when that settles.

I think it's time your wife changed her Antidepressant if she is having to rely on Valium so much. She needs some therapy too. Is she on a waiting list or anything to see somebody?

It does Noush and that is an excellent idea. If 25 mg is enough then that would reduce the risk of addiction and the severity of any potential withdrawal.

#293 fishinghat


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 04:22 PM

I have just emptied the powder out on a clean flat surface. Made a long line of the powder, and divided in half. Looked like a coke addict!! Nearly snorted it instead!! LOL
I have plenty of empty caps left over from the Dulox days, so split the dose between that. I might be a milligram or two out, but I don't think that will have too much effect - no more so that cutting a scored pill in half.


#294 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 05:50 PM

HAT - I was also looking along the same lines in keeping the Pregabalin dose low to reduce risks, but gardenlady is of the opposite opinion as she states above;


"No, one can't assume that withdrawal intensity is proportionate to the dose."


Whilst there may indeed be evidence to state that people can get hooked on pills at low dose and have withdrawal at that level, it will remain subjective in that if I was one of the unlucky ones to have withdrawal and/or addiction at a low dose, it would nonetheless be easier to recover from a lower dose. Others may have intense symptoms at low doses compared to the luckier ones at higher doses. 


But if it is a case that it is always the last few mg that is the same to all, then she may be right and I am just starting closer towards the finish line where we all fall down!


NOUSH - I sincerely hope both of those statements are true! Mood is still stable and I am putting a low of pressure on my brain with research statistics!! Wife was grateful to you for your thanks to her!

#295 fishinghat


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 06:54 PM

"it will remain subjective "

That is a key point. While the intensity may wind up as bad as if you took 50 mg you will have less distance down to zero though and should be quicker to recover. Key word should.

#296 juli


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 07:18 PM

Hi IUN.  Sounds like things are going in the right direction.  I wouldn't worry too much about the anxiety med.  We need what we need right?  So happy to hear that you had a pretty good day.  That Lexapro is starting to do it's job :)

#297 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 08:01 PM

"it will remain subjective "

That is a key point. While the intensity may wind up as bad as if you took 50 mg you will have less distance down to zero though and should be quicker to recover. Key word should.


Yes - and even if the intensity IS the same, given the lesser distance, the TIME to ween off will (or "should") reduce, and thus in turn, reduce the intensity from a temporal perspective. Or for those I may confuse... it's easier to hold a withdrawal of 1 month than it is over 3 months as it tends to get worse the longer it gets because it gets us down! 


I'm sure there is an equation here... intensity over time, relative to the symptoms of withdrawal. Some symptoms appear worse after a certain time has passed, even if they are improving. Am I overthinking this??

#298 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2018 - 08:06 PM

Hi IUN.  Sounds like things are going in the right direction.  I wouldn't worry too much about the anxiety med.  We need what we need right?  So happy to hear that you had a pretty good day.  That Lexapro is starting to do it's job :)


Thanks Juli. I am really encouraged by today, but there is still doubt nagging at me. I just need to accept the not-so-good days as and when they come. I'm so bad at that!! I will expect things to always improve or stay the same. I will continue to report back...

#299 Guest_gardenlady_*

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Posted 22 December 2018 - 08:45 PM

.....it would nonetheless be easier to recover from a lower dose. 

As much as one would like this to be true, it isn't.  The only rule about prescription drug withdrawal is that there are no rules.  If you check out the various forums, you'll see that there are scads of people who have atrocious withdrawals after using for a short time, on low doses and/or who tapered slowly.  Then again, many people can cold turkey off of a high-dose after long term use with no problem.  


There is no rhyme, reason or formula to this phenomenon as much as our logic demands and craves.  There are no assumptions other than the fact that there can be no assumptions.  Our intuition rebels at this, but it's the way it is, nevertheless.   It's a totally unpredictable conundrum. 

#300 Noush


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Posted 23 December 2018 - 08:15 AM

So how did you sleep with just the 25mg of Pregab?

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