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#2491 Axlejames



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Posted 11 November 2022 - 10:47 AM

That is about right on the timing. 


Hang in there sir. You can make it.

Thank you brother 

#2492 Axlejames



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Posted 14 November 2022 - 05:42 PM

On my last drop still until Wed the light headedness is a norm for me now and pretty fatigued, however I have been utilizing tools ive learned seperating my thoughts from how i feel. Staying focues on the end goal no matter how long it takes. I personally have given myself a year to normal. I think that is enough time realisticially 

#2493 fishinghat


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Posted 15 November 2022 - 09:23 AM

Well AJ, I believe you have got a handle on this. Great perspective. Great job. Time and patience.

#2494 Axlejames



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Posted 17 November 2022 - 11:10 AM

depression, vertigo, naseua and general overall fatigue that is what has plagued me as i am off now as of 2 days ago . i know this is a process time is my friend in this malaise sucks. its nice to come here and tell ya how its going still coming to work and working it out . 

#2495 fishinghat


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Posted 17 November 2022 - 06:04 PM

So you are totally off the Zoloft? Right?

#2496 Axlejames



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Posted 18 November 2022 - 12:06 PM

So you are totally off the Zoloft? Right?

Yes 3 days off so far 

#2497 fishinghat


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Posted 18 November 2022 - 05:03 PM

That is fantastic!

#2498 invalidusername


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Posted 19 November 2022 - 09:48 AM

Hey AJ.. and Hat,


I am so sorry for my absence of late. I won't go into too much detail, but whilst my alcohol situation has improved a lot, my epilepsy has all of a sudden got worse. I have been feeling awful, and spent many days in bed and tests in hospital. There was a suspect growth on my temporal bone by my left ear, but fortunately was a false alarm. I am still a bit all over the place, but this is the place for me to be realising how much I need you guys.


Anyway - having caught up with the last couple of weeks messages, I cannot believe that you have maintained that drop off your Zoloft AJ. That is something else. 


So three days on ground zero... half life of around 24 hours, so you are between 1/4 and 1/8 left in your system. I would imagine that if you can get past the point of the week with minimal effects that you may well be on solid ground. Not forgetting there can be traces left in reverses around the body, but they will soon be depleted as well. 


Keep us posted and great news!!

#2499 Axlejames



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Posted 19 November 2022 - 10:54 AM

Hey AJ.. and Hat,


I am so sorry for my absence of late. I won't go into too much detail, but whilst my alcohol situation has improved a lot, my epilepsy has all of a sudden got worse. I have been feeling awful, and spent many days in bed and tests in hospital. There was a suspect growth on my temporal bone by my left ear, but fortunately was a false alarm. I am still a bit all over the place, but this is the place for me to be realising how much I need you guys.


Anyway - having caught up with the last couple of weeks messages, I cannot believe that you have maintained that drop off your Zoloft AJ. That is something else. 


So three days on ground zero... half life of around 24 hours, so you are between 1/4 and 1/8 left in your system. I would imagine that if you can get past the point of the week with minimal effects that you may well be on solid ground. Not forgetting there can be traces left in reverses around the body, but they will soon be depleted as well. 


Keep us posted and great news!!

First want to say i missed you bud i try and check back everyday to see if you had responded i am happy to hear from you. I am maintaining the best i can the worst is the vertigo and irritability but that is the brunt of it. I am not getting to anxious as I know what is causing it. I have recently tried accupuncture that has seemed to help a little and mostly just trying to remember to be kind to myself. I hope that you can get your epilepsy back under control brother i know that you can. This is difficult but I am managing even coming to work but i have a different mindset this time around I see it as a challenge to set up good bounderies becasue if i dont the results will be horrid like before. Love you guys 

#2500 invalidusername


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Posted 19 November 2022 - 08:17 PM

"remember to be kind to myself"


Absolutely - that is the very best thing you can do. As are the boundaries. It sounds like you have a good handle on these things. Keep that mindset my friend.


Thank you for your kind words. I certainly hope that all the prodding and poking will have stopped for a while. All of the testing and check-ups only makes me worse as you can imagine.


God Bless you both AJ and Hat. Take care - I will always be here.....

#2501 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2022 - 11:57 AM

I have been extremly irritable lately as I adjust. Not doing the best but hanging in there. 

#2502 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2022 - 12:39 PM

One thing ive noticed is the racing thoughts. example I can be thinking about a future scenario i may find myself in say dealing with a crappy co worker and i can play out an entire scenario of how it will go and my body reacts as if its happening right now. I am struggling with that because a lot of the time its stuff that makes  me angry or anxious. is this part of the SSRI withdrawl process will it ease up as I go along I am 1 week and a few days completely off from the meds. thanks 

#2503 invalidusername


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Posted 27 November 2022 - 11:59 AM

The issue is that the brain does not know the difference between a real scenario that is happening to you in that moment, or whether it is a thought. Your brain and emotions will react the same way. 


I cannot say if this is a result of the withdrawal, but I am sure it won't be helping. 


It is so easy to get caught on a train of thought that you are describing. And it is a very difficult situation to remedy. You need to divert your thoughts away from what you are stuck thinking about and break the cycle. The happiest moments in my life have been when I have managed to be not thinking  of anything at all. It is near impossible, but it is gradated, so you have have fewer thoughts and feel better.


I would strongly suggest you get a 4-7-8 breathing app for your phone. Use it and breathe using your diaphragm. It is scientifically shown that this exercise calms you down as the vagnus nerve (a very important part of the body for people like us) runs directly over the diaphragmatic area. The nerve is triggered with this breathing which sends a message to your brain to calm you down. 


So whenever this situation happens to me - and it DOES so much - I use this app. It is a good start.



#2504 Axlejames



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Posted 28 November 2022 - 12:54 PM

I have been irritable as all get out. Wife and I are constantly fighting. I really do not know what I am doing wrong. She wants me to go back on medication and I do not want to because i will just have do this all over again. Having trouble regulating my emotions. 

#2505 fishinghat


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Posted 28 November 2022 - 05:40 PM

I am afraid you are paying the price for a fast withdrawal. Unluckily going back on the medicine may or may not even work. Hang in there AJ.

#2506 invalidusername


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Posted 28 November 2022 - 06:20 PM

Quite, irritability is a textbook effect of a fast withdrawal - even slower withdrawals can have similar effects. But in a lot of cases, it doesn't generally last that long, but I would seriously not suggest reinstating them as Hat said...

#2507 Axlejames



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 05:34 PM

being self aware of my behaviour and irritability helps i am at least able to catch it and try to stop myself before i become irritated. I noticed to much sugar and caffeine makes things worse so been weaning back a little on those. 

#2508 fishinghat


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Posted 30 November 2022 - 09:05 AM

Good move. Heavy salted food can also aggravate the situation.

#2509 invalidusername


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Posted 01 December 2022 - 11:16 AM

Oh my goodness. Yes, Salt and caffeine will be the trigger to these things. Don't blame yourself. 


They are things that will only make things worse. Tea, Coffee, Energy drinks. Cut them back as best you can. I know how difficult it is, but it makes so much difference once you put it in place. Trust me.


I have seen so many people do this - myself included. I loved me my morning caffeine injection!!


This is totally normal. Just take it easy.  But I will tell you if you have gone thru AD withdrawal, then caffeine withdrawal will be a piece of cake to get thru. Honestly!! It doesn't even compare!!


Keep posting my friend - Hat and myself are here!!!


God Bless You

#2510 Axlejames



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Posted 01 December 2022 - 06:24 PM

Definitely understand the waves of withdrawal yesterday was a hard day i actually took the day off trying to rest and i did that ok, however i had this overwhelming feeling of sadness and loneliness. Today a little bit better again. Not so much anger or frustration able to handle it ok. This is a process for sure. Getting ready to go on vacation here in about a week and a half and im exited for that 

#2511 invalidusername


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Posted 02 December 2022 - 10:25 AM

Just like all withdrawals, there will be a rollercoaster. Just remember that they will pass and it is quite normal....

#2512 Axlejames



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Posted 03 December 2022 - 10:42 AM

Going into week 3 off. I have days of just sadness and moments of fear and anxiety. The irritability is less and I am not as angry as I was. I have been pondering if I made a mistake maybe I should have just remained numb maybe I should have just kept being stagnant in life and let the meds keep me feeling like im wrapped in wool. IDK. This is hard not the hardest thing ive done but its up there. Everyday feels like its going by in a blink. I am unsure anymore if my feelings are real or if its just a reaction to withdrawl. I know that I am lacking in the seratonin department because that is what withdrwal does. I have those "bad thoughts" every now and again just thoughts and thats all nothing sticks thank God. I wish to feel normal again and I know that time is my only option in this. 

#2513 Axlejames



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Posted 03 December 2022 - 12:18 PM


#2514 fishinghat


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Posted 03 December 2022 - 02:29 PM

In my humble opinion, a medicine of last choice. It boggles the mind how many people come into the psych clinics and request these medicines because they are not happy in life, not depressed, just not happy. 

#2515 Axlejames



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Posted 03 December 2022 - 03:30 PM

In my humble opinion, a medicine of last choice. It boggles the mind how many people come into the psych clinics and request these medicines because they are not happy in life, not depressed, just not happy. 

This is the most frustrating thing about my situation as you know I am a combat vet and I came  home with issues the answer was to just put me on meds. I did not get put into therapy right away I did not even know that there was an option of getting psychotherapy to deal with it I was mixing alcohol and paxil and ended up in a rehabilitation program at the VA and finally I was told that psychotherapy might help. I look back and wish that I knew what I knew now. 

#2516 fishinghat


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Posted 04 December 2022 - 09:00 AM

So, so common a story. It is so sad a situation. You will make it in time AJ. We will keep working on this along with your drs we will find a path forward.

#2517 invalidusername


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Posted 04 December 2022 - 09:21 AM

As common a story as Hat says, it still hurts me to see that is going on. But it is all down the cost of it all. The average benzo or SSRI (off patent) costs less than 10cents to make. Call it $5 a year to keep you on pills, whereas getting the job done right and getting some counselling is $100 upwards for each session. 


Over here in the UK, unless you have silly money yourself to pay for therapy, you will get 6 sessions  - you then wait 9 months before you can apply for another 6 sessions. My wife has finally got her first set of 6 sessions after years of waiting - as they will not take you on if you have attempted suicide in a given period beforehand. She is on session 3 and is still explaining what she is going through. The "therapy" hasn't even started.


The paper you linked to is interesting - although quite old, but 80% odd placebo is quite a bold statement. 


Your serotonin will be up and down at the moment and it will take time to get back to where it needs to be, but in time it will get there. 


I think you would have gotten tired of being numb after a certain amount of time. The number of members who have quoted "being numb and not being able to feel anything" is such a frequent reason to want to stop. Whilst it might not sound to much when weighing up again anxiety and depression, it can be quite horrible. Depression is a majority of cases like this doesn't last and there will be a period, a break in the clouds where the sun shines back through and you FEEL good.  

#2518 Axlejames



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Posted 05 December 2022 - 05:08 PM

mornings are the worst lately and by 2pm i feel a little better 

#2519 fishinghat


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Posted 05 December 2022 - 05:51 PM

The "better" times will slowly get longer and the "worse" times will slowly get shorter.

#2520 invalidusername


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Posted 06 December 2022 - 08:24 PM

mornings are the worst lately and by 2pm i feel a little better 


Totally normal. Your serotonin levels will peak around this time and will level out a bit better.


Mornings are ALWAYS the worst during the transition from melatonin to serotonin. It is a rough ride, but just remember it is chemistry - nothing that you are doing.


Take it easy and avoid stress like the plague.... we are here for you.

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