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New Cymbalta User Help

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#2161 frog


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Posted 19 July 2021 - 02:21 PM

I'm about to also start an antidepressant. Not sure which yet and it's nice to hear that it's improving your anxiety. My big worry is that I will take that big step to taking medication and it won't work, so it's encouraging that it's working for you knowing how much you've struggled. 


BTW I can't speak to SSRIs but I felt like I had trouble losing weight while on Cymbalta. I'm not a very active person so I wasn't looking for miracles but felt like I had to work extra hard to lose any weight. I lost at least 10 pounds since I stopped Cymbalta and have kept it off. On the other hand maybe all the stress and anxiety is responsible for that. Hard to say!

#2162 invalidusername


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Posted 19 July 2021 - 05:56 PM

Weird can be good.  lol


I'm weird :)

#2163 Axlejames



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Posted 20 July 2021 - 06:20 PM

Been extremely tired the last few days hoping that its just coming from being overly anxious

#2164 invalidusername


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Posted 20 July 2021 - 06:48 PM

Highly likely AJ. 


The brain is a muscle like any other. The more it works, the more exhausted you will be. After doing just an hour or so of research or number crunching, I can feel exhausted - like I have just done a 5 mile run.

#2165 Axlejames



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Posted 21 July 2021 - 07:10 PM

That is very true maybe i am working it and not knowing that i am pushing it to hard

#2166 fishinghat


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Posted 22 July 2021 - 08:22 AM

I totally agree with that statement AJ. Be kind to yourself.

#2167 Axlejames



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Posted 22 July 2021 - 06:00 PM

So meeting with my person today had some insight she said basically my body is still trying to adjust to not being so chaotic. Like an addict after they stop using it will take time for my body to adjust to not having the constant anxiety and tension that is why I may be feeling numb and kind of like im in a funk. That was pretty eye opening.

#2168 invalidusername


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Posted 24 July 2021 - 05:41 AM

There has been a lot going on for you AJ - this does make a lot of sense.


You really need to operate from a position of self-compassion. Need to open your eyes and see what has been going on. You are a working family-man with a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. So many people would crumble under the pressure, but you have put your best foot forward and carried on despite what might lay ahead. A veteran attitude and very admirable.


Give it time and it will settle, but it will settle quicker if you realise how much you have put in and give yourself due credit. 


We can offer as much support and we can sure see how much you are doing, but it is equally important, if not MORE important that you see this progress and stamina for yourself.

#2169 Axlejames



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Posted 24 July 2021 - 08:22 AM

There has been a lot going on for you AJ - this does make a lot of sense.


You really need to operate from a position of self-compassion. Need to open your eyes and see what has been going on. You are a working family-man with a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. So many people would crumble under the pressure, but you have put your best foot forward and carried on despite what might lay ahead. A veteran attitude and very admirable.


Give it time and it will settle, but it will settle quicker if you realise how much you have put in and give yourself due credit. 


We can offer as much support and we can sure see how much you are doing, but it is equally important, if not MORE important that you see this progress and stamina for yourself.

Thank you my friend as I have said before I dont always see it mostly because I am in it so getting outside perspective is helpful. I appreciate the support I get from  you guys. Lately I ve been trying to watch my sugar and caffeine intake cause I notice I dont get anxious so much as I become slightly manic not a good feeling cause that wears me down too. 

#2170 invalidusername


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Posted 24 July 2021 - 06:14 PM

Understandable - you'd do well to cut the caffeine down - or out altogether. The sugar isn't quite as necessary - a certain amount is beneficial to our diet, so don't break a sweat trying to do that....

#2171 Axlejames



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Posted 25 July 2021 - 07:26 PM

Was having a quesy feeling last few days now I have acid again not sure what has brought this on now. I know I feel anxious again but like body anxious not mind anxious

#2172 Axlejames



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Posted 28 July 2021 - 08:27 AM

Crazy last few days Monday I felt great one of the best days Ive had in a loooong  time. then yesteday not so good and now just meh again 

#2173 invalidusername


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 04:59 AM

body anxious not mind anxious


This is when you know it is the influence of the pills are not your own doing. I find this a bit easier as I know it is not my doing and that it will pass once the chemicals have settled themselves.

#2174 Axlejames



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 05:27 PM

This is when you know it is the influence of the pills are not your own doing. I find this a bit easier as I know it is not my doing and that it will pass once the chemicals have settled themselves.

That actually is a big help realizing its not me its the pills or its not me its the extra cup of coffee I didnt think twice about drinking changing some of my old habits like coffee is hard but i am working on it.

#2175 Axlejames



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Posted 31 July 2021 - 09:11 AM

I just feel off today. I am not sure what is going on with this but I do its like i have all these things I need to do but I am distracted by me being tired. I worry that i have some type of serious disease or that I am going to develop one. Been focused on death alot the last few days

#2176 invalidusername


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Posted 31 July 2021 - 09:50 AM

Ironic that I should be feeling the same way today. I am so exhausted - no doubt due to concerns for work and lack of time to do meditation and/or reading. The only difference is that I can rationalise courtesy of a lot of therapy. There is no difference to our circumstances, it is just how be process the information. There is no serious disease, and it is that which is causing you to think of your mortality.


I don't know if you have felt the same, but I often find myself keeping busy to prevent myself from thinking about these things, but the problem is this is not a good long term solution as we end up in the situation we are now - heading for a burnout - and then there is nothing we can do but sit there and think about the stuff that we tried our damnedest not to think about.


It is all about finding that balance, but it is so difficult... I really do understand where you are my friend. 

#2177 Axlejames



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Posted 31 July 2021 - 10:23 AM

Ironic that I should be feeling the same way today. I am so exhausted - no doubt to concerns for work and lack of time to do meditation and/or reading. The only difference is that I can rationalise courtesy of a lot of therapy. There is no difference to our circumstances, it is just how be process the information. There is no serious disease, and it is that which is causing you to think of your mortality.


I don't know if you have felt the same, but I often find myself keeping busy to prevent myself from thinking about these things, but the problem is this is not a good long term solution as we end up in the situation we are now - heading for a burnout - and then there is nothing we can do by sit there and think about the stuff that we tried our damnedest not to think about.


It is all about find that balance, but it is so difficult... I really do understand where you are my friend. 

Thank you brother and yes i do try to keep busy I think that is my issue is that today i got nothing going on and so i just ruminate. I too am trying to find that balance I have been neglecting my meditations for online gaming and tv. I did start reading a good book tho called unfuck yourself its decent and I can notice a slight change in my mindset.

#2178 invalidusername


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Posted 31 July 2021 - 10:53 AM

Downloaded a sample of this book - there were a few titles of the same name, but the Gary John Bishop seemed to be the main runner with regards to reviews and such, so opted for that one - not sure of that is the one you have?


Ruminating is the enemy and it trying its best to get to me today. But I know it is because I want to relax and unwind... and working non-stop for the last two weeks, my system cannot understand simply "doing nothing". If it doesn't hit a threshold of being busy enough, it will default into ruminating. Very difficult situation.


We need to slowly bring in little bits of time where were stop all the distractions and learn to quieten our minds again.

#2179 Axlejames



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Posted 31 July 2021 - 03:31 PM

I think I know what has set in motion the fatigue and stuff for me. I live in MN and we have had the smoke from the canadian wildfires in our atmosphere since Wed and its been in the back of my mind what if I get lung cancer from inhaling this stuff and its been really weighing on me even tho the meds help me not obsess to much about it I have been worried about it. and now with the covid stuff coming back I worry about that too.

#2180 invalidusername


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Posted 31 July 2021 - 04:46 PM

From where you are, wildfire smoke will not give you cancer - sufficient exposure could cause pulmonary (lung) issues but highly unlikely to cause cancer and although possible, the people likely to suffer the cancerous effects of the smoke are firefighters who are exposed to it frequently. 


You would have plenty of signs before it got to be a problem as well. I really understand your health anxiety, which is why I respond to you. I have had it myself, and still get bits sneaking in from time to time. A bad day, a shock, and that will trigger it. 


Covid is a whole other ball game, but you have dodged it thus far - been to a theme park... think as rationally as possible - the odds are in your favour on this one too.


I know it isn't easy. I have had such a bad anxiety day myself - worst in a year I would say. But it all comes down to how we react to it. Anxiety is part of life brother. It is in our genes - it is NOT your fault that you feel this way. It is built-in from your great great great great great grandfather who used to leg it from dinosaurs. 


I'm with you AJ. Always...

#2181 fishinghat


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Posted 31 July 2021 - 05:06 PM

With this delta virus going around how could you not feel thia way?

#2182 Axlejames



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Posted 03 August 2021 - 11:11 AM

So it took a little over a year to recover in 2018 now i a m in the same situation again its harder this go round cause of Covid and stuff like that for me to get there but I am getting there 

#2183 Axlejames



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Posted 03 August 2021 - 02:33 PM

Its pretty crazy too cause at least back in 2018 2019 I had the existential stuff to distract me but this go round I ve kind of solved most of that stuff for myself for the most part so nothing really to distract or for me to use to avoid. 

#2184 invalidusername


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Posted 03 August 2021 - 05:26 PM

A difficult path to tread, but this is the best way forward. If we brush our feelings and concerns under the carpet, they will still be there to uncover at a later date.


Better to face them head on - never easy I know - but when you get on top of them, it will stay that way.

#2185 Axlejames



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Posted 06 August 2021 - 08:44 AM

Well some days are better than others still concerned over covid but trying to put in perspective the kind of person I am. There is a chance ive already had it but not sure. Not sure on the vaccine either still so just trying to live my life the best I can. 

#2186 fishinghat


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Posted 06 August 2021 - 10:10 AM

Hang in there AJ. Slow but steady wins the race. You will continue to improve even though it may be slow.

#2187 Axlejames



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Posted 10 August 2021 - 09:52 AM

Back to having neutral days dont know if that is good or bad. Still feel anxious about death 

#2188 fishinghat


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 10:03 AM

Good times will return. 

#2189 invalidusername


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 06:49 PM

Back to having neutral days dont know if that is good or bad. Still feel anxious about death 


Given the whole pandemic thing, these sort of thoughts are on a lot of people's mind at the moment - don't feel you are alone in this. 


Keep going about your days as normal, and try to do something positive to steer the direction of these thoughts. For example, every time such a thought comes into your head, take a deep breath, hold for a few seconds, let it out slowly. 


Will give some something else to focus on, and will be good for the anxiety.

#2190 Axlejames



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Posted 11 August 2021 - 09:11 AM

This morning i was getting ready and the last few days ive had a slight ache in my throat and i cleared my throat and was spitting up blood. Not sure what that means its stopped now but I am concerned 

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