Update: I just got out of locked facility for the last week. Anxiety got the better of me and bad thoughts came up. I am not fully recovered yet but getting there back on Zoloft 50 mg and Lamotragine 25 mg. Love you all
New Cymbalta User Help
Posted 23 January 2021 - 08:57 AM
I was wondering how you were doing AJ. Don't feel bad about going in. You have to do what you have to do.
You are going to need some patience until the Zoloft kicks in.
I am so depressed today. I ve been crying all morning not sure what to do. When I was in it was so nice having people to care for me and like minded patients that understood what I was going through. Now Im all alone I cant tell if its the zoloft or if I am actually depressed I know that Zoloft can cause depression initially. I don't have thoughts of hurting myself I'm just so depressed.
Posted 23 January 2021 - 06:02 PM
I just realized a few hours ago I had a nervous breakdown that is the only way I can describe this. So now I know how to treat it a bit. My feet are cold and sweaty that is a new thing I am dealing with, however this happened 2 years ago to so I hope its nothing serious. Today was difficult for sure but I am trying to remain optimistic I have to do 45 days of counseling in February
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 26 January 2021 - 07:41 PM
Hi AJ...
Catching up here and really upset to be reading the last few posts. But yes, all you are going through, all the symptoms are classic anxiety. Like I said before, it is that you are anxious about getting anxious. It is a viscous circle.
When you are not anxious, you worry about the next time you will be anxious. Am I right?
It is a no-win situation.
You need to understand that as bad as it can seem, it never gets any worse than it has - and you can deal with that. You need to befriend your anxiety. If you are scared of it, then it creates in you exactly what it has. I know it is hard, but you just have to tell it to bring it on. Let the anxiety happen. You will deal with it and it will end. Game over.
The more you let it control you, the longer it will hang around.
That said, I will include you in prayers as I have been there and know how difficult it can be. But the answer is in just letting it happen. It is nasty, but if you run away, anxiety will always get the better of you.
You are a veteran - you have faced far worse than anxiety - things that aren't really there - things are are 99.9% not likely to happen. You can do this. I know if always gets people like yourself - Hat is a veteran too and he had some of the worst anxiety I will probably ever find in a person. But we are both living examples of proof that it can be overcome.
God Bless you AJ...
Posted 27 January 2021 - 10:26 AM
Hi AJ...
Catching up here and really upset to be reading the last few posts. But yes, all you are going through, all the symptoms are classic anxiety. Like I said before, it is that you are anxious about getting anxious. It is a viscous circle.
When you are not anxious, you worry about the next time you will be anxious. Am I right?
It is a no-win situation.
You need to understand that as bad as it can seem, it never gets any worse than it has - and you can deal with that. You need to befriend your anxiety. If you are scared of it, then it creates in you exactly what it has. I know it is hard, but you just have to tell it to bring it on. Let the anxiety happen. You will deal with it and it will end. Game over.
The more you let it control you, the longer it will hang around.
That said, I will include you in prayers as I have been there and know how difficult it can be. But the answer is in just letting it happen. It is nasty, but if you run away, anxiety will always get the better of you.
You are a veteran - you have faced far worse than anxiety - things that aren't really there - things are are 99.9% not likely to happen. You can do this. I know if always gets people like yourself - Hat is a veteran too and he had some of the worst anxiety I will probably ever find in a person. But we are both living examples of proof that it can be overcome.
God Bless you AJ...
Thank you and I know your right
Posted 28 January 2021 - 07:14 PM
So this is what is happening I don't get heartburn acid indigestion right away its as the day progresses so by the 5 pm I start getting acid indigestion could this be from the Zoloft ? Not sure what else it could be I am eating pretty proper now the other thing I wonder is if I went from not eating to eating regular again is it just an adjustment now. Any Advice is welcomed
Posted 29 January 2021 - 05:28 PM
Stomach issues are so complicated it is hard to know what to try.
Do you think they will ever go away? Today has been a hard day lots of crying spells and just overall anxiety and depression the acid is back. I am so lost right now and not even sure what to do anymore. I am at my wits end with all of this just feel so broken. Not sure what to do next
Posted 31 January 2021 - 11:25 AM
I believe I had a nervous breakdown and now I am in the recovery phase of it. I am doing the best I can some days are waaay harder than others right now I am dealing with stomach butterflies and general sadness. I believe a lot of this is emotional breakdown stuff. Has any of you gone through this type of breakdown ? Now its like every feeling feels 100 percent stronger than normal. If I feel sad or alone it feels like I will be sad and alone forever if I feel happy its like extreme happiness. I am at a loss for what I can and or should be doing.
Posted 31 January 2021 - 01:51 PM
I went through a massive one in 2001. I was working 80 to 95 hours a week and various legal issues as well and just finally collapsed. It was so severe that I was medicated, put in isolation for 2 years and not allowed any phone calls or direct contact with anyone except my wife. Even at the end of two years I was tolerable but not back to normal. The key thing was to get away from all stress and things that stimulate.
Posted 31 January 2021 - 03:08 PM
I went through a massive one in 2001. I was working 80 to 95 hours a week and various legal issues as well and just finally collapsed. It was so severe that I was medicated, put in isolation for 2 years and not allowed any phone calls or direct contact with anyone except my wife. Even at the end of two years I was tolerable but not back to normal. The key thing was to get away from all stress and things that stimulate.
Wow I think you told me this before I am sorry. I appreciate all of your help my friend for me this is like history repeating itself because everything that is happening and has happened happened 2 years ago when I was going through withdrawal. The stomach issues is my major focus right now what I have not been focusing on is the fact that I am eating again. That I ate something with a little spice last night got a mild upset stomach but mostly tolerated it with minimal acid issues. I am getting better and I need to stop focusing on what isn't better yet which is the slow digestion, cramps, and gurling sounds. I am hoping and guessing that this will be something that will get better as well Time and patience is one thing I learned from you on here. I keep telling myself that. Not to get gross but my bowel movements are frequent and a normal color which tells me what I feel in my stomach is most likely emotional issues and not physical. I love you man and appreciate all the time you take to respond on here and am grateful beyond words. Thank you
Posted 31 January 2021 - 05:17 PM
No problem AJ. I wish there was more I could do.
In my mind I keep coming back to the many comments about your stress levels and especially the ones associated with your work. I really wish you could get that part under control. I think it would help considerable. Easier said than done though.
Posted 01 February 2021 - 04:20 PM
No problem AJ. I wish there was more I could do.
In my mind I keep coming back to the many comments about your stress levels and especially the ones associated with your work. I really wish you could get that part under control. I think it would help considerable. Easier said than done though.
They fired my boss last week and Hired someone else who is doing waaaay more work so thankfully my job is getting a little less chaotic. My stomach is getting a little better its slow but getting there. I did try and schedule an appoinment with my primary doc to just make sure physically I am ok. It is getting better its just slow.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 02 February 2021 - 06:06 PM
I really think the key is the anxiety. Once you get it under control everything else should improve.
Absolutely. As Hat said, it is never straightforward but this is what is causing you all the issues. I have no doubt. No-one is meant to take on more than a certain amount, it is just not done. We are only human, so I hope for your sake that this new boss pulls his weight a bit better than the old one.
Being self-employed you'd think it would be easier, but it is good that there is no-one to answer to, but the downside is that the responsibility ends with me. So if a client is upset, I have to deal with it, rather than be shouted at having had someone else deal with it.
Two-sides of the same coin. Stress will find a way into any employment if you let it.
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