New Cymbalta User Help
Posted 18 December 2018 - 07:26 PM
Neurotransmitters out of control during the withdrawal. Especially adrenaline. Time.
Dude - you forgot "patience"
- fishinghat, gail and KathyInFL like this
Posted 19 December 2018 - 11:05 AM
That can happen with some people, but make sure these aren't symptoms that you have prior to taking the oil. It helps to relax, it doesn't necessarily relieve too much anxiety.
You may also not have a good batch - I have seen a number of people find one supplier to be quite bad having the same symptoms. It is important to find a CBD supplier with history, a good reputation and reviews.
Posted 20 December 2018 - 10:21 AM
They absolutely go hand in hand.
I wanted to share something that I do which always kicks off my anxiety in the morning. When I wake, if I am not feeling too bad, my head will insist on testing my anxiety level. Could I go to the supermarket? Could I go to the shops? Eventually I will reach a point that says "no - that scares me", and that is it. All it takes. I get depressed and anxious because I found that point. I try to tell myself that it is better than previous weeks or days, but it just doesn't work.
Perfectionism. This has always been an issue for me.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 20 December 2018 - 11:29 AM
I could swear that we are related. My thinking goes the same but after my morning decaf coffee, after I wrote, as I do every day.
Then I close the book. What will I do for my day, write a small list. Then, it usually starts there, like, oh no, I forgot this, shit, probably better if it hadn't cross my mind. This morning as I was doing this, it crossed my mind that my daughter's friend was coming to give me little things. Oh no, how will I manage? I run the water for a quick bath, I must say that all that anxiety stopped as I pulled the plug of the bath!
Now, Scrat, we know what to do with our list, in the bath tub it goes. I must admit that prior the bath, I was so mad at God for letting me live with this monster, I came very close to swearing at God! And praying at the same time God to not let me do this! He said yes.
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 20 December 2018 - 01:05 PM
The list is a horrible thing and it needs to get fixed and something that I went through in some detail during my last CBT sessions. The therapist had a mantra for me.. "drop the rope". This is because I was always playing tug 'o war with myself (if you know that?). I refuse just to stop fighting myself with the anxiety. I am way too tough on myself.
Problem with therapy provided by the NHS here in the UK is that you only get 8 sessions (45 minutes each). Obviously half of those are you getting all your info across to the therapist, so you really don't have a lot of time. The last lot I have was with an amazing woman, and she was genuinely disappointed when we had to stop as we have just started getting beneath the surface of my perfectionism.
You then have to wait 6 months before you can refer back - and then 6-8 weeks before they can fit you back in. So 8 months wait. Not the best... and the NHS could put more money in the MH pot, but they don't - and the share is getting less each budget, while MH is on the rise.
Posted 20 December 2018 - 01:40 PM
Posted 20 December 2018 - 02:41 PM
What your therapist says makes sound advice. Although sometimes, being away from reality is not altogether a bad thing as long as it isn't abused as a tool to face up to reality. This is why I frequently read kids fiction (fairy stories and the like) as it helps me shut off from the outside world and my issues.
Anxiety for me was quite bad today. First issue was my online Christmas food shop cannot be delivered, and there is no other grocery store around that can deliver until the end of next week. I can go to the supermarket, but I choose times when it is not busy, but this time of the year, it will be busy ALL the time and I just don't want to put myself through that. So struggling with what to do.
Secondly, the wife HAD to go to a store to collect a missed delivery and to the post office to send a parcel. Seeing how bad her nerves were did the same to me. I couldn't go with her as I have been working. But I was crapping myself the whole hour she would have been there.
Finished work now - can't face the shopping issue as so exhausted by this all. I'm sure my Lexapro is having an influence on my anxiety level. It is very common for it to get worse in the first couple of weeks.
Posted 21 December 2018 - 08:13 AM
Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:32 PM
I just want to level out Kathy!! Hopefully the holiday will help with that. Both neighbours above and below my apartment are leaving for families overseas, so I will have a very quiet week ahead, so I look forward to some nice peaceful sleep
And axle... your co-worker.. for the love of God. Why do people do this?
Posted 22 December 2018 - 01:53 PM
16% of the world state they have "no religion" - and less than half of these state they have no belief (7%) And only 3% of Americans state they are athiest - the rest are in China. That is not a lot when you consider the other 93% who do have some system of a belief. And there is no evidence of increase - and in fact US went from 75% to 82% in recent years (up to 2014).
Chew over those facts for a while
"If it is to be established that there is a God, then we have to have good grounds for believing that this is indeed so.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:38 PM
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 22 December 2018 - 03:07 PM
You get facts and figures from me being a scientist!! But I felt they would help given your last few messages.
The thing is, there is rarely "evidence" that conclusively proves something. In research we have something called a confidence interval (or CI), which states that a hypothesis would be correct 90% of the time, or 95% of the time (which would be a CI of 95%). No academic research states a 100% CI - it is not possible.
Therefore atheists are looking for the 100% and it will never be found, and if that is what their closed mind is happy with, then so be it.
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