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#871 invalidusername


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Posted 23 November 2018 - 10:02 PM

The better days are out there, we just can't see them yet. But glimmers will happen sure enough, and these days we are living will be no more than a bad dream. We just gotta keep thinking along these lines. I felt better about 4 hours ago, so I am glad to have had this time to get some perspective. I sincerely hope that those 4 hours will turn into 6 hours, 8 hours, until I have my days back. Just got to remain positive and keep telling yourself it is the damn withdrawal.


Not knowing what to do is what can really hold us back, and where I have been for the last 4 months. No health service would help me, not even listen to me. I was self-medicating as you know. If I didn't start doing something, then who would.


My new direction is to get the Celexa out as it sure is not working, and try another. 7 days dropping the last 10mg of Cymbalta and tapering onto a drug that doesn't work for me any more. Of course I am going to feel like nothing on earth. This is why I question the same as you.


Between us all here, we get the job done. Here you have more support than you could ever hope for in the medical community mate. 


Hang in there, and we'll get through this together.


Take care mate and speak again tomorrow. 

#872 Axlejames



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Posted 23 November 2018 - 10:05 PM

Talk to you tomorrow my friend

#873 Axlejames



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Posted 23 November 2018 - 10:39 PM

Fish did you experience these OCD episodes if so did they go away is it part of the withdrawl I know in the past I was diagnosed with OCD but it was more about wanting things to be in order I even had one dr say I dont have OCD if that's the case wouldn't this be just another withdrawl side effect I need to ride through

#874 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 09:48 AM

So going forward going to try and stop feeding the OCD monster in my mind I believe if I can do this it will get better I had a few thoughts I'll share that I journal of this morning just touching on what iun ,fish,and Gail and others have said now is not the time to pursue philosophical questions now is not the time to dwell on these things I do have a thought I know me as a human when I out a lot of work into something and something comes along that will make me have to redo all my work I will write off the new stuff so i dont have to do more work fixing everything I'm a pretty intelligent guy but once again human so my thought is this with all the evidence out there for God an afterlife and so on could it be that scientist just dont want to have to go back and rethink and redo all there work with the new evidence I know I am still asking questions here but looking for opinions and thoughts to me it's better here then looking stuff

#875 gail


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 10:50 AM

Morning AxleJames,

Can't really answer to this. Scrat will. I don't really understand your question.

#876 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 11:34 AM

Another thing I'm starting to notice is like I'm not ever really hungry I eat normally but not really hungry what's up with that

#877 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 12:35 PM

This is deeply heavy stuff you are getting into here. 


But the world is in a position today whereby anything goes for religion. People can speak freely about it as they will. Therefore, if something has to be said, it will be said. People want to prove as much as they want to disprove the existence of a God and an afterlife. Nothing will be held back be scientists I will guarantee you. 


I will admit that there must be some questions in other areas of science, such as why did Stephen Hawking survive motor neurone disease whilst every one else on the planet gets about 2-5 years at best? But this is medicine, and medicine is money. Clearly the money to keep Stephen Hawking alive would have been a huge investment, and the cost for providing the same treatment to 1000's over the world with the same, just would not happen.


But going back to religion. If someone finds something for or against any aspect of religion, it will be published as people will want the credit. 

#878 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 01:13 PM

I get what your saying what I'm getting at here is it seems that modern science refuses to look at the overwhelming evidence that has been put out there and try to either a.explain it away without giving it a second thought which is really against the scientific method or b.try to disprove it make a hypothesis if why it can be disproved and then publish it as a definitive answer. It is frustrating but it comes back to the individual I am searching for reassurance from science about my faith about the afterlife and about God when in all reality no one really knows anything and really the only proof we have to go on is the historically accurate bible and people who have died and come back and people like you iun parapsycholigist in my opinion are scientist with an open mind for me my problem in all this is trying to be reassured because of the fear I'm experiencing and the hyoersensitivity I deal with every day

#879 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 05:52 PM

I feel really dizzy lately and lethargic

#880 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 05:59 PM

Simple answer.


Without faith, there is no religion.


You will not find the answers to religion in science. But there are plenty of religious-orientated scientific experiments. The Scole experiment is one that springs to mind. But for me, it is finding things that remain unknown and leave you to reconcile with your own belief in these things.


There is a fantastic (documented) story of a little girl who when born kept going on about a particular grey house in Yorkshire, where she used to play with her sister and their dog in a field which backed onto their row of 4 houses. She remembered the street name, her surname and that her dad died working with trains. Her mother eventually gave in and made a trip to Yorkshire to look for this street. When they arrived close by, they asked directions, but the people they asked couldn't think where the street was. This girl then dragged her mum for about a mile and found the street herself. Sure enough, 4 grey cottages and a field out the back. They followed this up by checking the parish records and matched the surname to the cottage... and that the father laid steelwork for a railway.


This is no bs. This actually was investigated here in the UK about 30 years ago, along with a load of other children's stories. There are too many of such things that point us in the direction of an afterlife.


I can send you the text if you are interested...

#881 fishinghat


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 06:45 PM

I did have paranoid thoughts, OCD (not as bad as you) fearful thoughts. I still had them after 3 months (no improvement, so I started on other ADs to try and get help from that and other symptoms. Most take 6 to 8 months (but it varies a lot) to really start to improve.

#882 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 07:12 PM

Iun I bought the children that time forgot and read that story it's very interesting fish I believe my obsessive thoughts are tied into my childhood plus the military I am hoping that the more I try to release them the more they will go away I may try and give it another month or more to see if It will resolve on it's own and I hope it does my friend my anxiety and stress are through the roof I'm dizzy blurred vision racing thoughts feelings of doom hyper aware went to the mall big big mistake btw now I just feel drained and like this nightmare will never end worst of all even if I want to change meds which I do I dont even know what might help me right now I feel stuck and once again I'm scared

#883 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 07:28 PM

YES! Just checked. The story is covered in that book. I have so many now.


And once again, I am in the same place as you today man. Stress and anxiety knows no bounds - although I thankfully do not have the blurred vision. I am also on a mission to get meds changed after such a screw up. 


Of course you are scared. I am scared. Looking at the track record for this week, I just don't want tomorrow to come. But every day that passes is one closer to this being behind us. I know I make it sound like a prison sentence, but just don't know how else to put it to you. But which ever example you look at, there is an end to it.

#884 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 07:36 PM

Iun I would love to se that text

#885 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 07:55 PM

Well, the text would probably be to the same detail as that in the book - so you will already have the details.


But you need to try to understand the mindset of the skeptics out there wanting to disprove all these things. Take the famous "red shoe" out of body story by Kim Clark, who reported a woman die for a few minutes and locate a shoe on the roof of the hospital. There are SO many out of body stories, but skeptics still have to find ways of putting doubt in people's minds. I remember people saying that "she saw it on the roof when she was going into the hospital" - yeah of course she did... she was suffering a damn heart attack... like she would have seen a red shoe hundred's of feet up in the air. "The doctor operating on her put a picture of the shoe above her on the operating table"... what on earth?! 


This was all because the woman who reported it co-authored a book. People now believe that she staged this finding by the patient to sell her book. Honestly. Disregarding all the other material in the book. The author would really do all the research that she did off the back of staging this story about a shoe. If she got "found out", all the other research would have been for nowt. 


Skeptics are people who have nothing else better to do than to make other peoples lives a misery as their own is following the same path. 


I have probably asked all the questions you are asking - read all the articles that you are reading...


We have so much in common Axle :)

#886 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 08:27 PM

I hope there is an end I am so overwhelmed and I miss God in my life feeling his presence

#887 Axlejames



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Posted 24 November 2018 - 08:30 PM

Today fish, iun ,and Gail I need you so very much I need your prayers I need advice I haven't felt these physical symptoms in awhile and on top of it because my stress level is so high I'm hyper observant of reality I dont like this feeling and not sure how to get through I need help here

#888 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 08:36 PM

You got it brother. 


I always stop before sleep to cast a thought for you all in my prayers. 


I am also very tired of my stress levels being so bloody high. It is only the last 2-3 hours of the day when all is quiet that I manage to calm down enough to relax and gather my energy for tomorrow. 

#889 invalidusername


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Posted 24 November 2018 - 08:59 PM

Dammit - you got me Googling now Axle!! But I have found some SCIENTIFIC reading for you...


Papers published in peer reviewed journals on near-death experiences;




Enjoy :)

#890 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 12:03 AM

Awesome and insightful I am tired and turning in fish any suggestions on alternative medications to celexa or duloxetine

#891 gail


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:11 AM

My sweet AxleJames,

Yes, these are interesting stories. But they are not meant for you or anyone else that is fragile mentally. Myself included, for the moment.

I say that you're playing with fire. Scrat means good, it's his speciality.

I'd go more for stories of hope or funny ones, as I mentioned once, when you were in the army, before and after, your brain did not question itself about God. You were a believer. But now your brain is on fire and looking for trouble and will feed you anything that it comes up with. I love you, Gail

You are always in my prayers AJ, always.

#892 gail


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:14 AM

Celexa worked once, doesn't mean it will work again. Look at Scrat, his citalopram is no longer working on him

#893 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:39 AM

At the end of the day I believe OCD is a form if over thinking over thinking is a habit a habit can be broken does this make sense it is apparent I am experiencing extreme forms of anxiety I read somewhere that if you truly have this issue after discontinuing celexa you would not really start feeling it for about 10 months after which means what im feeling once again is the affects of withdrawl which means there will be an end I once heard over thinking is like rocking in a chair it gives you something to do but gets you no where I am going to try and replace the bad habit of over thinking with a good habit any suggestions of something g i could do when i feel my mind start to over think

#894 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:47 AM

Something else that dawned on me when I'm stressed anxiety goes up when anxiety goes brain thinks were in trouble pours adrenaline on worn out nerves which causes me to be hyper focused hyper focused makes me have extreme focus on reality which blocks everything else out mind wonders why brain is like this looks for answers to reality which have no real answer which stresses me out and the vicious cycle continues the good news again this is a behavior issue tied in with withdrawl meaning everything is to the extreme so now I ask any ideas of fixes

#895 fishinghat


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:57 AM

Awesome and insightful I am tired and turning in fish any suggestions on alternative medications to celexa or duloxetine

The only real natural antidepressant is St. John's Wort. It functions as an ssri and just like ssri it is linked to the same type of side effects, serotonin syndrome and even withdrawal. Now that is the option for depression. For anxiety there are many options. Hydroxyzine/clonidine and benzos being the most common. Also the thread "Summary of Cymbalta withdrawal" discusses dozens of things that members have tried and have helped. These include supplements, diet, and alternative methods (acupuncture, aroma therapy, etc.)

#896 fishinghat


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 10:00 AM

"At the end of the day I believe OCD is a form if over thinking over thinking is a habit a habit can be broken does this make sense"

NOT, it is a chemical imbalance in the amygdala and hippocampus that can be genetic, due to physical damage (eg. car accident) or stress. That is why it is often treated with drugs similar to those for depression and anxiety.

#897 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 10:01 AM

I dont think I have OCD which is what one dr said I think I've co e down with a case of the worries and over thinking fish can you also weigh in on my 2 previous posts does this make sense and then I will refer back to our previous conversations to borrow will be 2 months off celexa 30mg of cymbalta is not enough to deal with all the withdrawl but all of this is withdrawl related I may need to switch to an SSRI

#898 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 10:03 AM

It's a chemical imbalance yeah you said that before what do I do then

#899 fishinghat


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Posted 25 November 2018 - 10:08 AM

"any suggestions of something g i could do when i feel my mind start to over think"

Refocus your brain. CBT teaches us to use a conditioned response to interrupt this process. (I have described this process before). When you find yourself with obsessive thought then put your mind on something else. For example counting threads on a carpet, planting a garden, counting the lines on your wallpaper, etc, etc. each time the obsessive thinking creeps in then stop and start the process all over again. It takes time to develop a good condition response but with a couple months practice you can stop the obsessive thinking quickly with less effort. Those items (such as counting) that uses the eyes to achieve the action are the most successful. For example your eyes have to focus on the carpet to count the threads. If your eyes are locked in on something then it is difficult having obsessive thought.

#900 Axlejames



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Posted 25 November 2018 - 10:08 AM

The other thing tho that just hit me Is this OCD type problem recently came up one me the last 2 or 3 weeks would that mean like you said before it's the chemical imbalance in my brain right now because of the withdrawl

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