All possible.
Bear in mind that 30mg Cymbalta is the equivalent to around 10mg Celexa (based on minimum therapeutic doses), but yes, the withdrawal will finish soon enough, at which point if you are strong enough, you can take on the Cymbalta.
I won't lie to you, stats show that the longer you are on Cymbalta, the more likely you are to have more severe withdrawal.. HOWEVER, these studies do not show exactly how long the participants took to come off the Cymbalta. Therefore, if you are not in any great rush, and listen to your body, it shouldn't make much in the way of a difference.
Again this is where I am at. Really struggling with the last 10mg, but is it the Cymbalta still in my system that is causing the problem? Who knows.
But, coming of the damn stuff has to be done, so this is why I have called it in.
Might be hearing a lot of woes from me in the next couple of weeks!!