New Cymbalta User Help
Posted 03 November 2018 - 12:46 PM
Posted 03 November 2018 - 12:53 PM
Have you been taking your hydroxyzine?
- gail likes this
Posted 03 November 2018 - 02:02 PM
Hi Axle - having a very bad day today, so excuse me for being quiet, but read your post...
"I heard many times people just dying suddenly out of no where I dont want that to happen to me hopefully there would be some kind of warning"
There are circumstance when this happens, but the QT has to be very significant. Those that have suffered such a fate would normally have had noticeable fatigue, headaches and so forth. My friend who has been diagnosed with it has suffered chronic headaches for some time, and the fatigue he puts down to having a lot of work and 3 kids. But he does no exercise whatsoever, and if he did, this would have shown up. He never got his headaches looked into.
So being mildly paranoid here isn't a bad thing, but once you have is checked out, you do need to let it go as 'hat has said.
If not, you will end up like I am today having hypersensitive nerves. Every noise, movement, smell spells out danger to me. For the first half of today, I could not get out of bed. I was that scared.
This has happened because of what occurred during my blood test, worrying about my car, worrying about my tight chest, worrying that I could still work and earn money. All of this at breaking point in my withdrawal. Please try to unwind a bit.
Posted 03 November 2018 - 02:09 PM
Posted 03 November 2018 - 02:19 PM
Thanks Axle. You are very supportive.
Blood test was done without any food or water for 12 hours, so I almost collapsed. Lost hearing, sight went blurry and all I could make out was the wife going hysterical. Not an image I like to keep in my head.
Pressure along the sides/temples area is often associated with muscle tension - just like eye strain or sinus problems would be at the front, and posture would be at the back. Try to be very aware of how tense you are. Just stop and think every few minutes and say to yourself "am I tense somewhere?" and I bet you will be. Quite likely your jaw. People frequently tense their jaw which results in headaches like this.
The fact that you are massaging that area to ease it only evidences further that it is muscle related.
Posted 03 November 2018 - 06:12 PM
Quick question I'm somewhere I wont be able to get my cymbalta for about 2 hours after I normally take it an I going to be ok
Two hours will be absolutely fine. Just take it as soon as you can within this time.
Normally if it approaches 6-8 hours or later, it is best to wait for the next dose. This is primarily for the risk of serotonin syndrome, so on lower doses this isn't so much of a concern.
Posted 03 November 2018 - 07:02 PM
You are absolutely right Axle.
Stress hormones and anxiety constrict the blood vessels specifically in the arms and legs, as is helps in keeping the blood supply to the major organs within the torso.
It is good that you are learning all of this, hence the reason I say not to stop asking!
Posted 04 November 2018 - 08:15 AM
Thanks iun I was freaking out could I just be cold cause I'm anxious still not going to pretend this stupid qt thing is stuck in deep but like my extremeitys are cold could it just be the nervousness and anxiety
Dude, you live on Minnesota, what do you expect? Sorry, I just couldn't resist that. lol
Iun was right.
Posted 04 November 2018 - 08:18 AM
Has anyone ever felt like you were just studying the people Around you like intently concentrating on all the things others are doing and then freaking out about it like overthinking life period
No, when going through withdrawal I try be be around people as little as possible and ignore them as much as possible. I try to live in a vacuum. Less stress that way. I also wear noise canceling headphones so that noise doesn't bother me as much and is not a distraction.
Posted 04 November 2018 - 08:27 AM
Posted 04 November 2018 - 09:03 AM
Posted 04 November 2018 - 09:29 AM
I copied the info...
They are talking about the benefits of Omega 3 which contains high amounts of epa and dha.
Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Zinc Deficiencies
Effect of vitamin D supplementation
Omega-3 and Zinc supplementation as complementary therapies
Nutrient supplementation approaches in the treatment of ADHD.
Iron and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Posted 04 November 2018 - 09:38 AM
Posted 04 November 2018 - 09:44 AM
You mentioned that you can't control your racing thoughts. One of the things in the How to Sleep Better document deals with this because it can be such a problem when trying to go to sleep. This method is based on how military personnel are trained to handle psych stress when captured by the enemy.
Pick a subject that you are familiar with and are comfortable with. One that is not exciting, stressful or depressing. I have a large garden and that is the subject I choose to focus on. When I have racing thoughts, paranoia or OCD type symptoms I simply close my eyes and start 'planting my garden' in my head. I picture every seed I pull out of the package, how deep I plant it, how I cover it with earth, etc. I plant in the order of how I actually plant. Some early some late. But there is a trick to it.
During this process if I find my mind begin to wonder and thoughts creeping in I stop planting the garden and go back to the beginning and start planting all over again. This works but it can take months to get your brain retrained. I have been using this method for years and it has really helped. I k now one person with OCD that uses this method also. He takes apart his motorcycle and puts it back together in his head.
There is another similar method as well. That is counting something real. This involves counting something you can actually see. Being able to focus the eyes helps in being successful. The ceiling in my bedroom has a swirl coating of paint on it. I open my eyes and look at the paint and start counting the number of swirls. If thoughts begin to invade my brain I then start counting all over again.
Time and patience.
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