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#1531 gail


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 12:13 PM

Thank you so much for this info, at last I have an idea of what's going on.
You are young Scrat, you will make it should it happen!

Any statistics about airports, which are closed? Thanks!
Schools are closed everywhere, they just closed the library today.

People were going crazy yesterday at the super markets, never been so busy!
As for your rib, you need to strap it so it doesn't move. An x-ray would tell. Lovage

#1532 invalidusername


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 02:01 PM

Can't find anything about airports - probably because they are changing every hour of every day.


Rib is in soooo much pain today. I would like an x-ray to confirm the extent of the problem, but the hospital is the last place I want to be at the moment. I have done my outside chores for today and now resting...



#1533 invalidusername


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 06:03 PM

Good evening brother...


I limited myself on the news front today. Was happy to see that China having things under control - an example to set the rest of the world. Given your condition, I think it would be wise to get to the country for a few weeks while it hits peak. You will be very safe down there. I am quite sure that it will hit peak in around 7-10 days and we will start to deal with the cases better by then. Even Italy went down in cases today.


But the packing... oh my word.. the packing. I know how much this stresses you out. My every sympathy dear brother. Will you be in the country alone, or will there be other family members with you? Or will they come and go as needed? Obviously you father has his weekends there. 


Very strange that so many people have already left, but it is understandable that people aren't out for their usual stroll when it isn't necessary. However, corona doesn't have a very long half life at all when in the atmosphere, so as long as you are 3 metres from people, you should be fine. I suppose the risk is also the rest of the family who are out and about. For me, Mrs Scrat never goes out so it is all on me!!


Sorry to say, but my injury has got a lot worse. I went to see my usual weekend friend which was nice and manage a couple of hours there, then I had to go to my parents to help with something, but it was during the drive there that the pain suddenly got a lot worse. It isn't helped by having a performance car which feels every bump in the road and seats which hug your sides... not much I can do about that. I will just have to hope that the rest this evening and tomorrow will be enough that I can drive where I need to for my clients on Monday. I can tolerate quite a lot of pain, but this really is insufferable. I am thinking I may well have fractured or broken something. I can expect it for 3-6 weeks before it improves so I am a bit low about that, This means that work will be a real chore, I won't be able to work on the car and shopping will be a nightmare. I might have to use the online shopping for a week or two as carrying bags around will not help at all.


Hope your brainium is still keeping a status quo and no worse off today. Don't worry about being short. There is so much going on, you have nothing to apologise for. My anxiety surrounding the corona is better today - more concerned about my ribs than anything! But realising it is another form of flu and aside from my clients and the odd shopping trip, I do not come into contact with many people. The rest of the population, working in offices, spending time in the town, going to the cinema, eating out etc. These are the ones that need to be concerned more... and of course the elderly. My parents do worry me... and I hope they consider rescheduling their holiday in 4 weeks... We shall see...


Keep calm brother and carry on!!


Much love


God Bless

#1534 invalidusername


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 06:09 PM

Forget that last Italy remark - they have lost it today - up almost 50% on new cases. Suddenly very glad they are on nationwide lockdown...

#1535 LDN


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 11:33 PM

Hey brother! Got a skype tomorrow so early night! Much more relaxed today - if I get it what the worst that can happen, a week or so in bed? I have my health problems but my immune system is actually decent. I really feel for those who have don't or have serious respiratory problems. I do have mild respiratory problems, but not severe. At the end of the day I have been fighting crisis after crisis for 8 1/2 years so I really am in my comfort zone in many ways! Just praying for all those suffering and heaven will certainly be full of love and joy at the moment will all the new arrivals!! 


I had a SENSATIONAL garden meditation today!! Out of this world literally!! Out of my shell! Those moments you live for! A small garden and no view and yet utter bliss! I was out for 1 hour 24 minutes - absolutely smashed my record!!!! By about 20 minutes!!! I just couldn't believe it when I saw the time!!! I didn't check once!!! Imagine that almost an hour and a half and having no concept of time for that whole period!!! I couldn't wait to tell you brother!! I was there for the sunset and it was incredible! I mean I couldn't literally see it because of being surrounded by buildings but could tell by the light! Oh wow I had a taste of heaven in those seconds!!! Oh wow!!! Honestly was insane! I was so tired as well. Yesterday I managed only 14 minutes and was so gutted at how weak I was! Then today I did a whole hour and 10 minutes longer!!! In withdrawal you get these mad swings of energy!!! Just was bliss!! My personal best and such a wonderful experience! That is what I live for!!! Honestly no worldly pleasure could touch that feeling of the light from the sunset!!! There is SO SO much natural wealth and wonder every day before our eyes!!! It is incredible!!! That is the key for me! To realise we are living in such a stunning world full of reminders of heaven and with God everywhere but we only need to open our eyes to it!!!!!


Really sorry about your pain brother. So so sorry about that. I had some breathing difficulties and also a headache and sore throat, but my temperature was fine so no self isolation just yet!! It think it is the withdrawal causing me these problems! 


Also today I didn't read the news much and boy did I have a better day for it! I still caught up with the basics but not hours over it like last few days! The contagion of anxiety and panic is very much a real phenomenon and have it in my family. But as I say you and me have seen a lot brother, so it is different for us than the average person. To be honest I still much more concerned with my withdrawal and finishing that off. 


I will pray for a restful and healing day! Remember heaven is waiting but we can still get wonderful tastes of it on earth like me today!!! 


Love you so much brother! 


God Bless!

#1536 LDN


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Posted 14 March 2020 - 11:35 PM

Gail my angel!!!!!!!!!


I have a WONDERFUL garden meditation my love!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait to tell you!!!! You will see the details above in my post to IUN!!! 


And you also had a miracle today!!! 


God is with us and showing us little signs here and there!!! 




I had a little taste today and it was so so amazing!!!! 


You are so brave my hero!!! 


Love you so much!!!

#1537 gail


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 08:13 AM

My sweet ❤️ London, you are blessed to be living those God moment, I sure believe that you live for that. An extraordinary gift.

I can count on my ten fingers the times it happened during all my life. Nothing compares to those God moments, a gift from God. A switch of conscience. Just like we'll have in heaven. Love you sweet London!

Scrat, I told you but am repeating myself, I thank you so much for the info on CV. Active cases meaning they are still in quarantine? Could you send me the link by email so that I can send them to others please?

I will be happy to see London moving out to the country. As I said before, if it's a broken or cracked rib, you need to strap it. Ask the pharmacist. A good exposure would be to go for an x-ray. Then, you will know instead of driving yourself nuts for not knowing. Ask Mrs Scrat to go with you. Double exposure! Double lovage!
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#1538 invalidusername


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 09:06 AM

Hey Gailage...


I have just sent you the link to your email. Same news today - we are up from 74,000 to 80,000 cases worldwide today. Most of it in Europe of course, and Australia for not taking correct precautions. Iran is the most, but they have now stopped flights in/out of the country to contain.


I've hit a low today. The car problems, then the CV, then my rib problem. I've just had enough. Life is very tough at the moment - but will keep on...


I am worried to go anywhere like the pharmacist to be honest Gailage! I have some super strong tape which I am going to try. Mrs Scat isn't so bothered about the cv because she is self-isolating every day, so nothing will really change for her. 


Hoping some rest will help me today. How are you doing? It has been a while since an update from you!!



#1539 fishinghat


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 09:34 AM

All the posts on the coronavirus is interesting but I have my own stories to post on the subject however it is a little less serious.


Stories I have heard from citizens, news, governments that are "entertaining".


China has unofficially filed a complaint with the UN that the United States introduced coronaviruses to China intentionally during a recent visit by US soldiers in a cross training exercise that took place in Wuhan China about 3 weeks before the outbreak.


The infection was started by the Democrats in an effort to kill President Trump.


The infection was started by the Democrats in an effort to make Trump look bad.


The Chinese accidently released this virus during development of it as a bioweapon.


Russia introduced this into China in order to create tensions between the US and China.


The US introduced it into China to ruin its economy.


I know one thing. That somebody has to be wrong!!!  lol

#1540 invalidusername


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 10:30 AM

Could all well be true but it is currently backfiring on Trump big time. I am getting sick of it with each country doing what it will to deal with it. UK with its mass infection nonsense is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Kill off the elderly to prevent re-infection of those less likely to be severely affected by it. Once again, the UK is the laughing stock of the global audience.


But I stand firm that we should be seeing a peak by the end of this coming week, and the rising panic should the reduce. 


For me it is not the virus itself. If I'd have had it and recovered, I would still feel like this. I have had enough of the way in which the world is carrying on.

#1541 gail


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 01:32 PM

Thank you Scrat for the email link. In pharmacies, they sell the thing with Velcro. Adjustable. Better than tape my love.

I have a cold starting yesterday, that makes me anxious because of my condition not the CV.
I've had five good days to find myself crying like a Madonna when I woke up but it didn't last.

Calling the dentist mañana to get that tumor on my gums remove. I have diff pronouncing certain words. Those beginning with S.

Having a low grade fever with the cold. That got me panicked, ativans barely worked so added a third one. Fishinghat, don't read the last part please.

That's it for me. You serious killing people over 70? Or I misread. Here these people are interdicted to go out. I will make great cash by serving them a ticket!lol
The pharmacist is waiting for you and will answer your questions about your rib.

Anecdote, I just talked to my daughter in Alberta, she's planning a trip to Mexico. Will all I said, she changed her plans or else her father and I will spank her behind.

Fishinghat, something must be true in your report. I would not be surprised!

Scrat, working will prove to be difficult but better with the strap. Love and lovage!

#1542 invalidusername


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 05:35 PM

Detailed update Gailage - thank you!


I will need to go to the pharmacy this week to get my rx of Citalopram, so I can ask what they have and what is best. It has been off and on with the pain today, but it is getting to be really annoying because it is always there. It never goes away. It is feeling more like a cramp in the muscles - you know when you are fine until you reach full lungs of air, or no lungs of air? In between there is no pain - so it is always off/on/off/on every few seconds and that is what is so annoying. 


Please watch that cold my dear. The fever is a concern, just let us know if you develop a dry cough. You have very little spread over there, so highly unlikely that it is cv. Canada seems to have got it more together than most places. Both my parents are over 70, so they will have to cancel their holiday in 4 weeks and possibly self-isolate in a few weeks. Don't know yet. Just hate all this uncertainty. It is not the cv itself as there is less than 1% critical here in the UK, which is less than the common flu, but it is just everything that comes with it. I already have clients canceling on me this week because of it... this is going to cost me. I need to pay rent and buy food Gailage!!


For now I think it is safe to suspend all travel cross borders unless absolutely necessary - or unless like the US, they are putting testing in place at the airport. I think Trump has that much right. Let the Americans home, but test them at the airport. Common sense. Should have been done a long time ago.



#1543 Lovey


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 06:06 PM

Hi dears. I have been reading and keeping up in the background here. I am mindfully avoiding social media and news. Caring deeply for you all and asking for healing and health for you and me too. Paying rent is a concern. It's gonna be a tight month. Trying to look at the bright side though. More time home to get organized and finish a commission. love, lovey
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#1544 invalidusername


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:02 PM

Hi Lovey...


Yes, it is going to be tough all over. It is that which worries me most. But a good time to have done my ribs in at least! And for you to get on with a commission - sounds good. I really must get back into my art - it makes me so happy.


Stay healthy and safe tulip...



#1545 invalidusername


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:17 PM

Evening brother...


Well well... what a turnaround! 84 minutes!! That is nearly as long as some movies man!! How that came about who knows, but I am uber proud of you! A great time for it to come about too what with everything going on - a new found confidence in what you can achieve for sure. I know exactly what you mean about the sunset - the spectrum of light that passes by during this time can be amazing.


And every time I see something like that, I remember there are colours that we cannot see down here - just like the purpley-blue that I saw that time in the "health centre" in Summerland. I can barely remember it, but at the time, there was no way of describing it. I know we have pearlescent and all sorts of colours here, but it was nothing like that and so much more beautiful.


So how did the Skype go? Was that a check up? Any news?


I am sure you, like most in the UK, would be fine should you contract the "cv", but it is like I said in messages above, it is the inconvenience and not knowing that it brings with it. Everyone talking about it - just like Brexit - no-one can make their mind up about anything - everyone is panicking for no good reason. It just adds to my anxiety and stress. I have limited myself to looking at the news and stats in the morning, and then the stats again in the evening. That is it - nothing else. There were even times when I forgot about it today which was nice.


Last night I was out for the count after my special K... and I just went out like a light with my meditation sounds. I woke up about 3 hours later and realised I had fallen asleep on my bad side. The K pretty much gets rid of the pain, so I couldn't feel it, but I woke up in agony! I could hardly move from the position I woke up in. I think it took me about 5 minutes to right myself. It involved shuffling to the side of the bed, and arm on the floor to steady myself, roll gently over onto my front, wriggle out of of bed by the side and onto the floor and then bringing my legs up to my chest I was able to stand and make it to the loo!! I felt like I was about 100 years old man....


I know you have been through so much of similar things, but seriously, if I have 6 weeks of this, I will go crazy. It could potentially be 3 weeks if I look after myself, but even that is too long in this level of pain. Just have to grin and bear it. But as I said to Lovey, it has come at a good time if I need to isolate! Should be good for some rest then.


Right - time to check the stats and think about dinner if I can make it to the kitchen!!


Another final and massive well done from me for the record breaking. That is the inspiration I need to keep going. Thanks brother...


Love you very much...


God Bless

#1546 Lovey


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 07:40 PM

Iun get those ribs checked please. That soinds awful!! So sorry to hear. I am planning to attend mass hopefully tomorrow morning. Otger than that taking an entire week off outside work and no stores either. Staying in my home space where I will not be at risk. I am unbelievably stil not back to full strength and I'm sure a lot of it is stress related, fear of exposure to cv. I will have the rent once I finish my commission. Gail I don't know if I ever answered you. I do architectural renderings, pet portraits, human portraits and abstract works. The commission is a home rendering this week. I may have a second one too God willing! I will be going outside for fresh air and sun but avoiding other people at least a whole week, maybe two. I stocked up with food and have some amazing meals planned. Quiches and shepherd's pie, fresh salads and an apple crisp. Chicken tacos.... ok I'll stop. It's past mealtime!!

#1547 LDN


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 11:30 PM

Hey brother!!! So sorry to hear about your ribs!! Really sorry about that! I only hope it gradually reduces day by day. As Gail said hopefully the pharmacist will help! So tough for you man! So massive well done! 


Today was a rest day for you and those are always a bit tough! I had skype with my Lyme doctor just to check up and go over any corona steps, he had been talking with doctors in Italy and Hong Kong. He said Singapore and South Korea were the best. In Singapore anybody who arrived from China was tested weeks ago!!! South Korea they have tested so so many people and now basically have it under control!!! The less said about the uk the better! He wasn't worried about me, but if I get it he has treatments, which he didn't reveal. 


The thing is over 70s are being told by the government to self isolate for 4 months, so my dad can't go to work, so he might as well go down to the country if he is banned from working! So we will all go down. My brother can work from home and my sister has had all her work cancelled! So all of us will be down there! What is scary is how long!! I am bit anxious about leaving London for potentially such a long time! Imagine the anxiety packing for such a long time can bring! Still last summer I was there for 5 weeks so at least I have some preparation!! 


Mental really, just like WW2, leaving the city for the countryside! What an exposure - that is for sure!! 


Just a standard day. Still buzzing from my walk yesterday. Unreal from 15 minutes to 1 hour 24 minutes in 24 hours! That is withdrawal - it swings your energy like crazy!!! You live for those moments of out of time, pure bliss! Just sensational!! You can't buy that! Knowing what is waiting for us will be even better is just insane!! However tough things get that thought alone is just wonderful!!! 


Got osteopath in the morning brother! 


I am praying! 


Love you brother! 


God Bless!

#1548 LDN


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Posted 15 March 2020 - 11:34 PM

Yeah Gail - 5 good days!! 


So sorry about your cold! I will be praying! 


Nothing compares to the God moments my love as you say - as  switch of consciousness is a perfect way to describe it!!


Hope dentist call go well!! 


Love you so much! 

#1549 fishinghat


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 09:11 AM

"It has been off and on with the pain today, but it is getting to be really annoying because it is always there. It never goes away. It is feeling more like a cramp in the muscles - you know when you are fine until you reach full lungs of air, or no lungs of air? In between there is no pain - so it is always off/on/off/on every few seconds and that is what is so annoying."

that sounds like pleurisy IUN. Give it some thought.

#1550 gail


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 12:21 PM


dealing with lots of anxiety the last few days.
So I thought of trying my new wings and head for heaven to calm myself. And it worked. I was in heaven, after one hour flight. When I got there, anxiety disappeared and I was left with perfect peace and joy. Nothing else mattered.

As I was walking down to the chapel, Jesus was there, he smiled at me and took me into his arms. I was so touched by his gesture that I couldn't let go of him. He let it be, as though he knew the hell that I was living for the last fifteen years.

I finally let go and sat next to him to pray for all the world that is in crisis. We stayed there for a long time. Finally we left and he asked to see my wings. He said, exactly like I wanted them. He was happy about this.

I was invited for lunch and we ate sitting on the sand in front of the turquoise see. We even had some wine.i had so many questions for him, he read my mind and said that it could wait for a while as we didn't have lots of time. He had a rendez vous with another soul.

On that, he got up, gave me his blessings and reassured me that my prayers were heard. He said that his Father was getting old and it took time for him to sort all the prayers.lol! Don't worry about that, he said that he was seeing to it.

He left, but I didn't see him! I stayed at the beach and went swimming for a while. Scrat, I was all wet with no towels. I'm still a body, don't forget. I found one waiting for me on a branch and heard laughter from a above. I also heard, Gail, I love you. But I could not see anyone.

It was time to go back to Earth and honestly didn't want to come back to chaos. I started to feel less peace and joy just thinking of all the shit we're going through.

He heard this, and came back for a short moment to tell me to rely on him and that he was always be with me. My peace and joy came back. How I wish that he would come back with me!

So I unfolded my wings and came back to my place, crying of pleasure and crying for reality
Now that I'm sure of my wings I intend to take a break and join Jesus in prayer, and that very often. Oh, I forgot, he said for those who were with me on the last voyage to check your wings to see if they are growing or not

#1551 invalidusername


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 04:43 PM

"It has been off and on with the pain today, but it is getting to be really annoying because it is always there. It never goes away. It is feeling more like a cramp in the muscles - you know when you are fine until you reach full lungs of air, or no lungs of air? In between there is no pain - so it is always off/on/off/on every few seconds and that is what is so annoying."

that sounds like pleurisy IUN. Give it some thought.


Thanks for the input, but there is no question about how and when this occurred. I slipped square onto the sill of my car whist exerting force in an attempt to push a clip back into its housing. Immediately following I was incapacitated! Still very painful, but my breathing is OK. Just need to avoid a cough for a while!!

#1552 invalidusername


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 06:07 PM

Evening brother....


Not wanting to start on a low note, but I have started to slide backwards. This whole coronavirus thing has hit me hard now. Clients are cancelling, therapy has been cancelled, someone yelled at me when I brushed passed them saying I was "too close" - and it wasn't even me that touched them, it was my bag!! I really cannot take much more of this man. Maybe isolating is the way. I cannot stand the state that the country has got into. 12 people in the whole of Kent have got cv... 12!! People are just taking this way out of proportion. Seriously thinking about just hiding for a week until it all calms down. I still haven't got any loo paper. Down to the last roll and a half. Seriously brother, what am I meant to do?! 


When I was in Tesco, it wasn't anxiety that got to me, just a mix of stress and anger and I had to get out. We've got enough food until Friday - just not toilet roll. Might have to see if I can get some online! It is stupid. My special K dosage is on the up too, but I am making no excuses. Without it, I would have been a lot further back. The powers that be just keep changing their mind. Too much. TOO MUCH!


Good to know there are treatments available for you should you need them. So does that mean you will be staying in London for the duration, or are you moving as a family down to the country? I really feel sorry for your sister with all the work cancelled. It is hard enough in her line as it is, let alone this coming along. Not sure if the over 70's rule will come in - all depends on the spread I guess, and of course you will be anxious about leaving home for such a long time. Anyone would - but at least the whole family will be there. But it must cause mayhem for your father's line of work too...


I'm really struggling to remain positive at the moment with so much up in the air and not knowing what I am doing from one day to the next. Who will cancel, will I be able to get the things I need, will my parents be alright.... this is my nightmare. I am not in control of my own damn life. Every morning feels like waking up into a nightmare. Just want it to end....


Sorry for the negative, but much like you have said on occasions, you need to know the full picture and this is where I am. I am struggling....


Much love to you though brother.


God Bless

#1553 LDN


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 10:58 PM

Hey brother! So sorry about how your feeling but I was there a few days back! There is that initial panic and being overwhelmed. We have to be honest this is a massive time of change. It is totally normal to feel how you are feeling, in fact I read an article saying this is causing a real rise in OCD and anxiety!! 


For me I just have reached acceptance now. Utter panic for a few days and now just acceptance. It is what it is. I can't change anything. It's out of my control. After 8 1/2 years of chaos I have finally just run out of fuel for getting stressed, I just ride and flow with it. God knows what he is doing. He works in mysterious ways for sure, but I trust his plan. As I said heaven is waiting, this is just a dream. Just keep on reminding yourself this. Yes right now it is resembling a nightmare for sure, but you will wake from this and then you will see there was a reason for it. 


Thing of all the possibilities for you - more time for art, more time for meditation, more time for prayers, more time for music, more time for study. There is a bed waiting for me in heaven and until I am called all I can do is live with love as best as possible. 


I can't lie if had happened any of the last 8 1/2 years I would be in utter utter meltdown. So I feel incredibly lucky with the timing. I can't even bear to think of what would have happened if this happened any of the last 8 years or even 9 years. So for me I feel incredibly blessed. 


My family have got over the initial panic and now are all in good spirits and excited for leaving London and having an adventure! Obviously we are absurdly lucky to get away from London. I wouldn't have been able to come down to the country for most of the last 8 years. As my dad can't work he would much prefer to be in the country with his gardening etc than stuck in our house in London. 


I had osteopath today and having biological anxiety at a level I haven't seen for a long time! It is almost certainly withdrawal related, as I can tell biological anxiety from circumstantial anxiety easily. So it has been tiring. Very tiring as you know, when you have biological anxiety for an extended period. 


I think just resting for a few days and seeing where we are in a few days would be a good idea. I think in a few days if we follow Europe we will be in lockdown and then we have no choice but to stay at home! There is A LOT of people in your position so the government will have to come up with something. If it's lockdown and people can't work they will have to act in some way. 


The loo paper is just ridiculous. We are running out and can't find a shop in London with it!!! I mean come on!! My dad was in the country at the weekend and they were out too! It is going back to cave men times!!! 


All I can say brother is one day we look back on this from heaven and it will all make sense and we will be in utter joy! We know this is coming and it is part of our plan to face this current situation for whatever reason we chose! We will find out and it will make sense!!! 


I had another utterly beautiful garden meditation and at the moment I feel I don't need anything else really. Just the best feeling. I am living off these! 


We will make it brother!! 


Plus it really important you don't bottle things up and that you express how you feel! That is what we are all about! I am always here for you brother!!! So never worry about letting it all out! That is what we should be doing! 


I will be praying brother! 


Love you so so much!!! 


God Bless!!!

#1554 LDN


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Posted 16 March 2020 - 11:02 PM

Gail just stunning! 


How wonderful you write! A dream to read!! Extraordinary!! I LOVE IT!! 


Your words reminded me of how I feel in the mud garden last few days - i felt a connection between us!!! 


So so so so so so much JOY is coming for us!!!!!! 


Oh how I love to read you!! That is just so wonderful!!!! 


I am always here for you!! Remember that my love, if you ever need to talk!!! 


God Bless you and I love you Princess! 

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 06:09 AM

Darling Scrat,

How I feel for you. And how lucky I am to be over 65, with money coming in every month. That reassures me. But for those who depend on their salary weekly, such anxiety for them. How I would love to be rich! You would be in my priorities for sure. So many are losing their jobs, restaurants, bars etc specially. I've not looked at the statistics yet. What is the population of Kent?

You can use baby whiles instead of toilet paper, just make sure that you don't throw it in the toilet. You are going to the pharmacy this week, so check it out, also Kleenex.
No more eggs here. My brother and sister in law eat at the restaurant four times a week. That's over, money saved. He'd planned a trip to Cuba in three weeks, paid for it, cancelled it with no refund, he foolishly didn't take an insurance plan in case of cancellation.

As for me, I worry for the world, since I rarely go out except for medical appointments. Got two this week. Might cancel one as it's not urgent.

All about me, I'm sorry. But you Scrat, you are in my mind and prayers. I just hope that you have enough money to carry you for a while. And I know that you will see the pharmacist for your rib, that's reassuring. With love and much strength and lovage.

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 06:34 AM

My Prince London,

Another God moment, the best there is! I want a garden, but I live in an apartment, so no way.

You seem in good spirits thanks to your 8 years of suffering. Such wise word.

Dentist office is closed except for emergencies, I hope that they take me in.

Heaven is waiting as you say, this is just a bad dream. It's my first experience of chaos since I'm on Earth. Lucky me for my age, no worry about jobs and money. But it hurts me to the bones to see so many suffering of fear, anxiety, fear of no money, and so much more.

London, you are a legend. I'm so happy that you are moving to the country. Walks through the forest and that famous hill where you had a God moment. I hope that another cat shows up if not, there are farm animals that you got acquainted with. Look into a cow s eyes, so peaceful. And you know how I love cows. But the smell....who cares, as long as you have eye contact.

Let us know when you leave. As you see, I'm a bit lazy on the email messages, for a time. But I'm following you through the forum. You remain in my thoughts love.

Now, I go see the statistics. Scrat lives in Kent and you live where? Love you my Prince.
Yes, lots of joy are awaiting us. I so enjoy thinking about heaven, joy, peace, love, beauty, and to see and touch Jesus. We'll be in good hands!
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#1557 invalidusername


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Posted 17 March 2020 - 07:28 PM



Your story was lovely, and I think I was meant to forget about it until today as it was a very bad day. It bring tears to my eyes as I have been longing for the Summerland today. There are 1.5 million people in Kent, and most of them crazy now. We have not yet got to the point where places are closing but it will happen. I am loosing clients already. It is not good.


For now I just want to think about your story. I want to escape here, fly away with you, and swim in this torqouise sea.


Mrs Scrat has been looking after me today - she is not as affected by all that is going on as she was used to such living from eastern europe. 


I am glad that you have money coming in and are able to relax. Please keep writing the lovely words you do. I feel it will help LDN and me through these tough times.


Much lovage.


Your Scrat

#1558 invalidusername


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Posted 17 March 2020 - 08:07 PM

Hey brother.


I'm really not good here - far from it. I have not been out of bed all day. I woke up and two clients cancelled - so my mind immediately went to money. One said they are self-isolating and will be for some weeks - so yes, money lost. As you know from yesterday, my therapy was cancelled. No sugar, nearly no toilet paper. Then it hit me like a brick wall. Too much. It has honestly left like an anxiety attack from 12noon through to 8pm today. I tried valium, dramamine, special K... nothing worked. Sure my body was so relaxed, but nothing could stop my head from worrying. I was in and out of sleep every few minutes and every time I came to, I had a horrible moment of panic.. "it wasn't a dream, it is true".


As I said to Gail, I want to go home man. This is my worst fear realised. It is lack of control. Questions I cannot possibly answer lead me to this point. How long will it be? How much money will I loose? Where will I get food from? It is not the virus, it is the way that everyone is acting about it all. If everyone would just get on with their lives normally, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. 


I had to cancel all appointments today - I blamed it on my rib pain. The wife has been getting me tea and little bits of food here and there. It doesn't seem to bother her nearly as much.


I really hope that I get to the place you are in. I think you will say that you were where I am now a few days ago. Being in London, it all came through a bit quicker for you. Down here, it took a few more days, but Tesco last night bought it all into reality. Utter panic as you say - just that. And yes, a nightmare which I want to end. I was praying so much today for help. 


It is comforting to read your words and put things into perspective. I need to remember that there IS an end to this. Sure we might be out of control, but just like China and South Korea where things have got more control, it will inevitably happen over here soon enough. I just need to reach acceptance. But I don't like the thought of being forced to stay indoors, and everyone cancelling work. I know this is time to do other things, but it won't come as easy as that. 


I really hope I can come out of this feeling - even a little bit - for tomorrow. I hope it was this inevitable initial panic as you said - like a rite of passage that everyone will have to go through. But it just doesn't seem real that all this is happening. 


Sorry man but I need to call it a night here. I keep focusing on this damn thing all the time I am writing and it is not good. I need to take strength in spirituality and remember what is to come. I will try some meditation and hopefully not fall asleep. My dreams have been very disturbing again over the last few days.


Please keep me updated on your departure to the country. Will be thinking of you during the packing phase....


Thank you so much for all you do at these times brother... much love from me for this and much more.


God Bless

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 10:41 PM

Beautiful soothing Amazing Grace to help quiet and uplift. Dedicated to my forum besties fh, gail, ldn, iun and mrs. Scrat. Love you all.

#1560 LDN


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Posted 17 March 2020 - 10:57 PM

Hey brother! Yeah I definitely think this is a right of passage sort of initial panic. As I say I had exactly the same for a good few days and now I am very calm, like yesterday. To be honest I am much more concerned with my withdrawal, I am not even thinking too much about the cv. I guess for me 8 1/2 years of isolation is very good practice LOL! So really for me nothing changes! I actually thought today I am going out MORE right now with the cv going on than pretty much all of the last 8 1/2 years!!! Imagine! Ironic??? 


Going to the country is a hassle for sure, the journey and packing. Both things I can't bear doing. But once down there and settled it should be fine, a good exposure I think. 


I had a lot of biological anxiety yesterday and a bit today. Was freaking me out a little but I re centred. I have so much trauma associated with withdrawal it is just such a terrifying process!!! The trauma ways heavy!! 


So brother I really understand how stressful this is for you, since I went through it myself. Plus my brother and sister as well. All of the country everybody is feeling like you. In the US they are bringing in a form of Universal Basic Income, so sending out checks to every American. There are so so many self employed people in UK, so they will 100% have some scheme for financial assistance once lockdown comes in. It really is inevitable. This is going to be bad for the economy of course, but it might make some changes for the better. The system needed changing anyway. I might actually be able to get benefits now!! 


But brother there are so so many people in your position - think of the collective spirit. We will get through this. I think for me I have been living in a crisis after crisis so I feel prepared but for most people this is the 1st crisis of there lives so it is a massive initiation for them right now. 


I am sure with the next few days some peace will come. I am here for you 100%. Apparently London goes into lockdown on Friday. It is a ghost town anyway. My dad said not a single person on the bus. My therapy has been moved to video conference tomorrow. We plan to leave on Thursday. 


So so so much love brother. I will be praying for you! I with you every step of the way! As I said yesterday this is part of the plan and heaven's splendour and joy is waiting for us! You will wake from this and cry with joy at seeing how it all makes sense!! Always try and remember this bigger picture! 


We are in this together brother!! Always!!! I am always here for you!! 


Love you brother 


God Bless!

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