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#1081 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 11:01 PM

Also thanks for the advice on the B6. 




This is the product I was taking. It says 16.7mg of B6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have been taking it for almost a year! Definitely won't go back on that!!!


Thank you so much and sorry to hear about your wife. 

#1082 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 11:04 PM

Also that is May 2018, not this year, for the Clonazepam.

#1083 gail


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 07:21 AM

Scrat, London, how I can relate to you with the fear, the crying (me), desperation, anxiety, tiredness.
When I read you,. I see myself.miserable every morning. Till the pills kick in to alleviate the suffering.
Usually it lets go after three weeks, it hasnt yet. A long wait, A SPIRITAL being living humain experience. Lots of suffering in the world. But this kind, I could do without.

I love you both, and this too shall pass .
will pass. !ovage, prayers

Thanks ! London for mentioning your spirituality. It's good for the soul!

#1084 fishinghat


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 09:59 AM

Glad to help LDN.


Luckily my wife has fully recovered. Yah!!


Ok, the clonazepam itself does not seem to be contributing to the issues directly. On to the next one.

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#1085 LDN


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:55 AM

I am so so thankful fishinghat!! Also so pleased to hear about your wife!!! YEAH! 


God Bless!

#1086 LDN


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:57 AM

Gail I am here with you! I sent you an email! 




I will be praying! 


You are in my heart! 


You are brave, so amazingly brave! 


We will make this!!! 


I love you my saint Gail!!

#1087 LDN


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 12:01 PM

A quick update - most the symptoms of anxiety are ok today, but my stomach butterflies just won't let up! Day after day of these stomach butterflies!! Must be hundreds of them down there LOL!!!!!!! It is so tiring and horrible to have this! 


Thanks so much for being here everybody!! This is such a beautiful place and my second family!!! I am so blessed to have found this special place!! 


Love and God Bless!

#1088 invalidusername


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 04:59 PM

Gailage - thanks for you reply earlier. The fear does a number on us doesn't it!! Really had to pull myself together to manage some work today. The only thing I can take that helps is my special K.... works every time where benzos, dramamine etc do not work. But I am very aware of how much of this stuff I can... or should take. As it has been discussed, it can be addictive, and I will not let myself get to that point. It is good to have it there for days like that when nothing else helps. 


Praying for you every day my sweet... as soon as I wake. You guys are a very important family...



#1089 invalidusername


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 05:15 PM

Hat - just thinking on this Vitamin B6 stuff. Can we assume that these figure quoted as max daily dose taking into account the half-life... if so, with there being such a fluctuation in half-life, this should be representative in the dose itself.


By calculations we are talking +/- 40%, so therefore a 2mg dose with the higher half-life in any one individual would be the equivalent of 2.8mg... which when compounded over daily intake can make all the difference. 


Possibly over-thinking as I have 2.83mg in my supplement, so am obviously rethinking this one. I have read a report on the toxicity which clearly states that the poisoning you speak of relates directly to supplements not foodstuffs. Therefore, suffice to say, we are far better off eating plenty of soya, eggs, capybara etc to get the required intake...

#1090 fishinghat


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 05:43 PM

"RDAs are higher than EARs so as to identify amounts that will cover people with higher than average requirements."

Therefore RDA (Recommended Daily allowance) is actually the maximum recommended dose.

#1091 invalidusername


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 06:19 PM

Useful to know - thanks Hat.


Furthermore is interesting that supplemented vitamins are identified differently - I am sure you can explain more about enzymes and so forth, but it just goes to show how much better people were 50 years ago simply because they ATE right instead of eating junk and taking supplements...


Says a lot for this day and age.

#1092 fishinghat


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 06:32 PM


#1093 invalidusername


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 06:43 PM

Evening brother...


I need to get something down first so I can forget about it, but I had a properly nasty moment today. Day started with some nasty depression which left me bedbound for about 4 hours, and purely out of stubbornness, I forced myself to see my three clients. I was feeling much better for it... until I went to see my parents.


I wanted to confirm what was going on for Christmas day as they hadn't let me know. The reason for that being because the rest of the family were concerned that I would have another seizure as I did last year and that would upset my nephew. So, in the families opinion, it is better that I didn't come. Can you believe that?! Can you imagine what I felt? I am not ashamed to say that I properly lost it in front of my parents... "I'm so sorry that my mental health is such a f***ing burden to you". I then went on to ask what would happen if I had epilepsy? Would the same happen? I was then thrown out the house. Not sure what is going to happen from this point on, but needless to say, it will be a lonely Christmas for me and the mrs...


I am a mix of so many emotions.. anger, depression, rage... you name it. Dammit the kid will have to know about mental health at some point - you can't shield them from these things. They could be in the town tomorrow and see someone have a convulsion or fit. What then? Would they wait until the guy comes 'round and have a pop at him for scaring the kids?! Oh man. I can't let this go. I need Fishing Hat's boat... just anything to punch ten bales of sh*t out of. Please excuse my language....


Have been reading all the goings-on in the journal forum here and plenty to be getting on with. Good to know about the Vit B for sure. I did a little digging of my own and found that one popular issue with B6 toxicity is trouble walking! Not saying that this is anything to do with your symptoms, but sure is coincidental. 


Sorry to hear about your back pain though man, and the decisions that need to be made for the supplements. On that note, I would wait until brother Hat has found out what he can before moving forward. All of the notes you mention are outside of my area of speciality, but just as interested. Problem is, my research takes up a lot of its own time already, and that dictates which areas of the brain I need to stick to, but it is so easy to get pulled over to every other direction, but then the work suffers as it dilutes the field of study too much.


I didn't get my 8pm storm, but that was about when I was in Tesco having left my parents where I was looking to have a fight with anyone who got in my way. So might have been distracted by that somewhat. How was it all for you today? Sincerely hope there is some good news. 


Completely with you on the spirit front... if we were given a choice. I know I haven't been very spiritual this evening, but I am much better than I was a few years back. I can turn the other cheek. But when people simply do not consider anyone outside their own realm of existence - and the impact that would have on the other person - I do not agree that should be employed. After all, it has a knock on effect... to the wife, to the help I give on the forum this evening... so much more. Negative begets negative - like the Buddhists will tell us. It is not good. I need to reach inside and find the strength for this.


Sorry for the rant, but this is very much a one-off... at least I hope it is!! Thanks for reading this far!!


Much love to you brother


God Bless

#1094 LDN


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:33 PM

Hey brother I PM'ed you and as I said I am not feeling great. But firstly don't apologise man!! This is what it is all about between us. We can talk about anything and we are there for each other. You can tell me anything man! Secondly you should feel no shame whatsoever for your reaction. I must say I am very upset to hear what you had to go through today. Your reaction was actually pretty restrained I think in the circumstances. I think most people would have gone much much further than you. Now I am different, but before I would have gone absolutely mental at that and lost it completely. I stand with you 100% and I am hurt so much for you. As you will see in my PM I know how you feel. 


But I'm sure your parents care a lot for you, as I remember how hard they fought with you against the NHS treatment and came with you for support. Obviously on this you are in the right. But as I said in my PM, mental illness (or even any illness) and families can be a very complicated and difficult environment. 


I want you to know you should feel NO SHAME about your condition. You are my inspiration and hero. Your bravery and courage is on another level to anything I have seen in my life. You deserve huge respect and I hope I convey my massive respect for you. Anybody should be honoured by your company. The company of somebody with such incredible heart and soul. Somebody with such incredible positivity and never give up attitude. You are ICONIC to me! Seriously you are the best of humanity. God will be so so so proud of you. Remember Jesus was a man of the ill and the poor. He was himself homeless, ridiculed. What does that tell you that Jesus was most happy with the poor and sick? That was the foundation of his teachings - look at the Beatitudes!! The first thing he says is 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven'. He is talking about us!!! If Jesus was here today, it would be people like you who he would go to and be around and praise!! 100%. 


I will say myself I feel zero shame for my mental illness! Would people be ashamed to have cancer or a broken leg? It is a biological illness and the brain is part of the body!!! I hope you are in fact proud of yourself my brother. You should be so so proud! We are in this together. 


On Christmas, I have had to be in London since 2012, as been too ill. For a few years I didn't even open presents, it was too difficult to celebrate when in deep depression. I think last year was the 1st since 2012 I actually sat for the meal with my family, before I would have been in bed. I met a girl in hospital with OCD, she was the most lovely girl, but just very ill. She told me she had spent all the last Christmases in her room, in bed, curtains shut, just on her own in her flat I think. It was so sad, she was such a wonderful person. Christmas is an awful time of the year for mental health I think. For me I dread it every year. I have been paranoid over it. When I was in Germany for lyme treatment it was early April 2016, I said to my mum and dad my only aim is to get to the country for Christmas. So I was worrying about it in early April!!!!!!! Imagine!!!! But I couldn't make it yet again. 


So I woke in the night again to agony. My lower back again. Then woke and went to osteopath. It still is in massive pain. All this sympathetic nervous overdrive is just causing so much tension. I don't want pain killers because it might interact with my other meds and anyway they wear off and then you wake up to the pain. 


I had another anxiety storm after I posted. From about 7 pm to 1:45 am non stop anxiety apart from 2 hours sleeping. I woke from my siesta to a wall of anxiety. Yesterday had been better but unfortunately today it came back hard again. My back in agony and the intense anxiety this is real living man!!! This is hard yards man! But I have to say my spirituality is feeling strong and that is such a blessing. All this pain is biological and my soul feels good! I will try my best and the rest is in God's hands!! 


Since the anxiety got bad again today I decided to follow my Lyme doc on the lactic acid theory. So took the C8 tonight. Ideally I would have waited a bit longer but since I have Christmas on Wednesday i need to try stuff now, as I don't want to be changing things on the day. Plus boxing day is family as well. I had to try something in the circumstances, not like much to lose. 


I will be praying brother!


Love you so much brother!


God Bless!

#1095 LDN


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Posted 20 December 2019 - 11:39 PM

This is on the lactic acid - 




Plenty of stuff on it out there. 

#1096 fishinghat


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 05:45 PM

Sodium Lactate is what many researchers use to cause anxiety in test animals. In the stomach it is converted to lactic acid.

#1097 LDN


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 06:12 PM

Thanks for that info fishinghat!


Just a quick question for fishinghat, IUN or anybody else - last night I couldn't sleep for 2 hours because of the pain in my lower back. I then took 2 paracetamol, slept for 4 hours and woke to the pain again so tried 2 Ibuprofen. This afternoon when I had my siesta I couldn't really sleep because of the pain. 


Any suggestions on pain killers? I don't mind the pain in the waking hours but I need my sleep and I just can't sleep with the pain. The pain is much worse when I lie down. Before last night the 2 previous nights the pain had woke me up as well. 


I don't want to get hooked on something though, or go on something with withdrawal. 


Any natural options? 


I have some Aloe Vera cream which helps a bit, but not enough. 


My dad has some Co-Dydramol, but that has a high dependance liability, so a bit nervous of that. 


My mum has a thing called Panadol - which is paracetamol and caffeine. 


I went to the osteopath yesterday but it seems to have made things worse. My lower back is really inflamed. 



#1098 fishinghat


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 06:22 PM

It keeps dropping my posts!!!

Anyway... I asked my expert on back pain, my wife. lol She has had 5 back and neck surgeries and knows all about back pain. She said forget about nsaids, the best thing she has found is the stick on patches with either menthol or lidocaine. I would suggest the menthol first as the lidocaine may not like the withdrawal condition.
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#1099 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 06:30 PM

Something like this Hat?




LDN - you know what I would suggest!! The special K :) 

#1100 invalidusername


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 06:40 PM

So... my usual message for you brother...


Been a bit all over the place today, and will have to be a relatively short one as there have been work-related issues today which I am still working on if I am to have any sort of a day off tomorrow. I am hoping to see my usual weekend friend tomorrow as well which will be good.


The family feud continued today, and despite my better efforts to restore peace, there will be no family dinner. And yes, I took it upon myself to approach the family in order to maintain something of a tranquil atmosphere, but didn't really get me anywhere. There is talking for now, but it is far from what I wanted as no-one seems to understand what the wife and I are going through down here - thank the good Lord for this forum!!


I am really sorry to hear about your back. I am not the best one to ask about pain killers, but the best you can get OTC is Co-Codamol, which has 8mg codiene and 500mg paracetamol. The codiene turns into an opiod but whether it is enough is another matter. The doctor can prescribe upto 32mg, but these can be addictive. Having lived with headaches for many years without any relief (until the K), I know exactly what it is like to keep being woken by it...


Right - I need to get back to this issue. My sincere apologies - I will explain tomorrow at some point.


Much love brother...


God Bless

#1101 LDN


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 10:30 PM

Fishinghat thank you so much and please also give my thanks to your wife! I will try and pick up some tomorrow at the chemist! God Bless!

#1102 LDN


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Posted 21 December 2019 - 10:45 PM

Hey brother. Packing tonight and I just don't have the energy. Leaving tomorrow. I feel so weird. I am just consumed with a combination of pain and anxiety and now I can't even sleep. At least I could rely on that before. I feel sleep deprived as well as feeling like my brain has been electrified with all this anxiety. I am feeling so lost and confused and my body just doesn't feel right. So perplexed by my situation right now and then add going to the country and remember all my pills and supplements and treatments - it's too much! Our shells man - what can I say!!!!!!!!!!! Still got my stomach pains at times as well! 


Yesterday I had this 10 minute moment of pure bliss when I was lying down - I think it was yesterday. 10 minutes of heaven. We are in for a treat my brother! 


So proud of how you handled yourself today. You are just an amazing guy. To be the bigger person in a situation like that is amazing achievement. I really hope you are proud of yourself brother, you should be!! You have such a beautiful heart! I am so sorry for what you having to go through, it hurts to read, but I find solace in the incredible and awe inspiring reaction you have displayed. Someone with a heart as beautiful as yours has such incredible joy to come! You are very spiritually evolved my brother! Your behaviour shows someone who is in tune with his soul and the path to the pure joy of the Summerland!


We are in this together brother! 


Love you so much! 


God Bless!

#1103 fishinghat


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Posted 22 December 2019 - 05:21 PM

Something like this Hat?
LDN - you know what I would suggest!! The special K :)

Right idea but those contain the wrong medicine, that is just soaked with another nsaid. Menthol or lidocaine only.

#1104 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2019 - 05:44 PM

Thanks Hat - I have been looking again, and it seems that once again you guys over the pond have yet another thing that we do not! Just like I have to get my dramamine from Miami!! I should just be thankful it gets through customs... as the active ingredient is only available by prescription. Just another means for the government to get more money... just like generic valium... 8p each to produce, yet 24 costs the taxpayer £9... the NHS isn't all it is cracked up to be, if ever it was :)

#1105 invalidusername


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Posted 22 December 2019 - 06:45 PM

Hey brother...


Well, the first thing on the agenda is how you got on today? How was the journey, the temperature in the house... and of course the most important... the furry little lover!! Tell all...


I did wonder how the stomach was fairing now that you have had the details. I assume that it is at least improving. But now the back to contend with. We never get a moment off do we!! Well apart from these bliss moments - wonderful to hear you had those 10 minutes. Sometimes that is all it takes to restore some faith. I remember after that hour I had on Thursday, it set me up for the rest of the day! Like you say, we have all this great stuff - but so much more - all to come! Problem is.. I am impatient!!


Managed to get everything done last night concerning the work issue, but was quite wired for a while afterwards and couldn't calm down for a long time, so sleep didn't happen until around 5am. I still got around 7.5 hours which was good, but missed a fair bit of light as it was really good weather down here. 


Been to see weekend friend and family. No problems there, relaxed atmosphere, nice herbal tea. Beginning to wonder how I could ever have been anxious around them all - but I understand how it still works. Did feel bit edgy when I woke because of all the family stuff. I took a dramamine as a preventative, but it did nothing after about 2 hours, so I took another one... then about an hour later it all came into full swing. I was nodding off mid-conversation at my friends! It was so embarrassing!


The wife is all over the place after the Asda food delivery. It was just all too much for her, and now her stress levels are off the chart. She has just taken some special K, so hopefully she will be calmer soon. Didn't bother me at all - even though the drivers always tend to be in a hurry - they only get 3 minutes to do each delivery!! But I was thinking.. I can only do my best.. they guy knew the pressures when he took the job, I am not going to let this ruin my mood. It is everything the therapist is helping me with... and I would never had gone back to sort all the family stuff out if it wasn't for her. Still upset about the whole "big sister can never do wrong" attitude my parents have, but I guess that is something I just have to live with.


Thank you so much for the lovely words at the end of your message yesterday - really lovely to wake up and read that - especially for someone like me who never gives himself credit. Reading a fantastic book which is helping me spiritually at the moment - Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. It is focused around past-life regression but it is so wonderfully put together and draws on a lot of evidence. And it is amazing how everyone has such similar experiences, and how they describe the Summerland. This is probably why I am getting impatient. But I am reading about these coloured glass buildings that I have seen in my dreams - and it sounds identical.. and there is this blue/green/purple colour that I saw which I have never seen before. It is amazing stuff. It must be like a blind man getting his sight back seeing all those colours that our earthly spectrum cannot provide... and the same with our hearing when we hear all those frequencies and tones that our shells cannot allow us to hear and appreciate.


Anyway - need to hear about your day man - especially the cat! Need to know all about the cat. He must be so happy to have you back! Take it easy, bask in the calm that is your second home and let the restorative powers of the West country relax you!


Much love brother


God Bless

#1106 LDN


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Posted 22 December 2019 - 11:47 PM

Hey man I had a day in fitting with this last few weeks - absurd! Managed to get some sleep luckily and then woke and had to finish off the packing which was so so tiring. I knew it was freezing so had to pack loads of jumpers. Had to remember all the supplements and my sauna etc. Very stressful! Sitting in the car just as we were about to leave I thought I need a rest not a massive journey!!! 


Then the journey I thought would be horrific but actually it was the best journey down since I got ill. 2 hours 45 minutes, with a little stop. The first time I had stopped on the motorway at a service station for years - that was scary! Then also first time I was on a motorway in the dark for years as well!! Drove past stonehenge just a day after the winter solstice! Then arrived and I felt so relaxed, no nerves or fear at being in a new house. It was actually the local church carol service and the bells were ringing out when we arrived. The church is 800 years old!!!!!!!! A famous saint lived there!! My dad went to the service! 


Then I had some cat time!! She was so affectionate and seemed so excited. I really made me think about what you said about dogs being friendly to everybody but with cats you have to work for it. I have obviously got in her good books because she was all over me!! Followed me around. We had a lovely time on the sofa together and that was beautiful! She just was giving me so much love man!! I was a bit overwhelmed by how out there she was!! I felt almost embarrassed by how much affection she was giving me. She would be in the drawing room and i would come down stairs and out she would come to meet me! We went straight back to our old habits and cuddles, I have hardly known her so excited! She is more of a cool customer usually!! We opened the door and she was just sitting there meowing!! 


Then the down side - out of nowhere, a bad burst of anxiety hit. Just as I was doing so well. This anxiety is just so tough. It was the same as the stuff I was getting all the last 2 weeks!  I felt so gutted I can't lie. I won't dwell on it, but the journey had gone so incredibly well and then I had adapted straight away so it was a huge knock to my confidence. Still I am really happy I actually did a 2 hour 45 minute journey and it wasn't pure hell - that is a big change! Even from the summer! 


It is cold, especially my room!!!!!! 


So I'm knackered man but happy you had a good time with your friend! That is great to hear! Also massive congrats for how you dealt with the Asda delivery!! 


I meant everything I said last night brother!!! But you have to start giving yourself credit!! Remember that self compassion!!!! You should be so proud of yourself!! 


I am so so proud of how you are handling everything right now!!! You are something special brother!! 


I love you so much brother! 


God Bless!

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Posted 23 December 2019 - 06:41 AM

London, I wish for you to have one of the moments. Heavenly moments, as Scrat said, it helps to restore faith. It's been a long time for me. Last time was the stones. When I'm no longer here, I will give it to Annie.

Enjoy all you can my love! You won't be lonely with Chinchin and Max.

#1108 invalidusername


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Posted 23 December 2019 - 09:40 AM

My morning prayers continue for you my dear Gailage... that you too have some of these moments. 


I forgot about my orbs as well. You remember my orbs? I really want to know about them and see them again!


Much lovage from your Scrattage

#1109 invalidusername


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Posted 23 December 2019 - 06:46 PM

Hey brother...


Your cat looked so happy to see you!! You really have a friend for life there. So content and comfortable! Cats are amazing creatures, and like an anxiety sponge. They just soak it all away :)


Question that I forgot last time - your sauna - this is a flat pack something? That must be such a pain to have to move around with you everywhere you go surely? Is there no let up for a few days to be without it, or is that too much of a risk? A friend of mine had one of his lungs collapse shortly after birth and needs this great hunk of a machine taken everywhere that he uses every night to sleep which gives his working lung a rest. We have been away before and done hotel stays etc, and I tell you, it is no picnic trying to sleep in the same room with this thing going on all night!! And worse yet, if his mask comes off, it sets off an alarm like a smoke detector and when you hear that whilst asleep, it doesn't half freak you out!!


Really glad to hear about the journey down - sounds like you did really well man. And a service station! They can be very strange places. Often with a journey I just want to start and go the whole way - even if my bladder is maxed out by the end of the journey! I was picturing the church and the bells, lights etc - much be such a magical atmosphere down there... Tell me more about the day today. Cat schedules, walking inventory... any visits planned while you are there... or just relaxing in a smog-free environment?


Real shame about your anxiety - but just shows it is biological if it comes out of nowhere and not thought-based. You are doing the best you can by focusing on the things that did go well such as the journey and the arrival at the house. This is what I am doing as much as I can. I woke after some very anxious dreams based on events of the last few days and it really had me shaken when I woke, but I started thinking about how easy it is for me to go shopping now, to see new clients, visit my friend... all of this compared to last year... well, wow... it is not even close! So what if I get the odd moment here and there. I can deal with it. I really hope this is the acceptance working. And there is no way you could have got me to this therapy place last year!! 


I am still getting this nagging feeling on and off during the day that likes to remind me that I still have "issues" and that they have the potential to come out of the blue, and it can get quite difficult to stop the train of thought at times. I have been lucky that when this has occurred recently, that it has only been 2 or 3 days before I come out the other side. But my head keeps telling me it is too good to be true. But I need to keep telling myself that if it does happen, I can cope... but I simply don't want it to happen in the first place! It is such a paradox. I need to learn to cope with the fear as this is what is driving it. Many people said that this is one of the last hurdles to get through... but all the while the Mrs is still in the throws of it, it will be quite difficult... but now with the therapist behind me, I am hoping to do all I can to let that be while I continue my progress. Time will tell...


However, I went into Tesco this evening, and I had trouble finding somewhere to park - it was that packed! I just to look for any bargains to save a few quid. I did come out with a load of food for next to nothing, so was very happy, but walking around I was getting stuck behind so many people. It was like rush hour on the M25 as I was saying to Polly earlier! Just instead of cars it was trolleys and hyperactive kids!


How is the back? Did you manage to find anything that is more efficient at relieving the pain? Again, I really do feel for you with this having dealt with it for such a long time. I went to a chiropractor for a while who sorted out my spine which sort me out for the most part. Although he said everyone needs a "maintenance" visit once every 4 weeks... at £40 a visit... and £500 a year, I couldn't justify that. It's been 2 years since my last visit and I've been fine since. Was actually my anxiety that stopped the visits at the time as it was a 20 mile drive to the place which was out of my comfort zone. 


Right - time to get back to my book I think. I need to get some more meditation time in too as I think this helps with my dreams. My subconscious always seems to gang up on my as soon as I fall asleep!!


Look forward to hearing about your day!


Much continued love and prayers for you brother


God Bless

#1110 LDN


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Posted 23 December 2019 - 11:22 PM

Hey brother very empty headed here so wont be the longest post. A decent day, if a bit flat, but no intense anxiety attacks so far. Went out for 50 minutes of west country air!!!! Went to the top of the field and just meditated for about 15 minutes and then my dad joined me in the field and we walked slowly around it and then back. At the top of the field you get 180 degree view, it is amazing! All the skeleton like trees. Today I was thinking they looked like a nervous system. We had 22 sheep last time, but now it is 6! Very muddy with all the rain in the last month! 


Sorry man cat is wanting attention here LOL!!! She is so energetic tonight! At 18 as well!!!! She sitting on the table right next to the laptop!!!! I am trying to explain to her I am coming in a minute LOL!!! 


My arms are hurting after all the massages I have been giving her since last night!!! After I posted we cuddled on the sofa. She really likes to be rubbed so hard as well, so it is knackering!! It's no soft stroking with her but proper rubbing, breaking your back stuff!! I think because she is so feral! 


Last night I heard her meowing while I was in bed and that was really reassuring. I can't have her in my bed because of my mild allergy and my doctor told me not to as well. It so funny because she comes up to me and then just theatrically falls on the floor sideways, like seducing me!! She loves to get really rubbed on her belly and puts her paws in the air!! The problem is I can't say no, so I end up saying ok I will give you a cuddle and then it's 30 minutes later!! She sits next to me at supper, on the computer!!


Anyway I know I keep saying it but I am so proud of how you are dealing everything thrown at you!! Really been so amazed at your courage and positivity you have shown!! I just hope you can realise this for yourself!! As I said before you have such a beautiful and heart and soul and it really rubs off! I am so lucky to feed of that energy!!! 


I am so dazed from these last 2 weeks of anxiety I feel like I am spaceship or something. Feel so disorientated and confused and weird. Add in the journey going well and then feeling no anxiety at all arriving here it is all just too weird. In the summer it took me a good few days to take it in but this time I didn't even need 30 minutes!! So obviously that is great but is still a big change and then add in the anxiety and it just like 'what is going on'. Plus last night I wasn't even really nervous to be in a new bed despite having been in my London bed every night for 3 1/2 months!! I must say my attitude at the moment is 100% 'what the hell, just do it'. If in my safe spaces I am having these anxiety attacks then why be bothered be scared of outside spaces?? It's not exactly safe spaces are being safe is it LOL! I think if you are really relaxed in your safe environment you are scared of upsetting that calm and so scared of exposures, but with since I haven't had that calm for 2 weeks it like I can see my problems are internal so where I am eternal doesn't really matter. So I might as well turn the negative into a positive and be a bit kamikaze LOL! I really scared of service stations I guess because of associations but my parents mentioned it and I was fine with it and even got out and stretched!! Plus when it got dark I should have been so scared on the motorway, as that is completely new to me, but actually i enjoyed all the red and white lights! Quite tripy!! I said to myself in London in bed before we left 'I am lucky to be here after the last 8 years, so just go with the flow, enjoy each day and all it's weirdness, have no expectations' - it really hit home and suddenly I just felt so much more relaxed about everything. Obviously being ill for 8 years is not ideal LOL, but it does have the benefit of thinking 'I have nothing to lose' and 'I have been here before'. 


Yeah my sauna is a fold up job! Must say I have had it nearly 3 years and so it's not in the nicest state! But was back in it today! I can't say how much it helps in terms of my physical health, but it really does help depression. When I have to miss out, you feel it. Without it you feel more flat and less energised. My Lyme doc said it can help depression, so it's not just in my head. It's a good combination sauna then a shower. 


My back seems to getting better luckily. My mum said after the osteopath it can get worse for a day or so and then better and that seems to the case with me. I still need cream and deep heat, but I managed to sleep last night without paracetamol so that was good! 


Well done with Tesco man!!! Sounds crazy! And I am so pleased you can see what great progress you are making as well!! You are doing so well brother!!! 


Ok I will pray in the chapel for you! 


Love you so much brother!! 


God Bless!

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