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#1051 invalidusername


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 07:08 PM

Hey brother... and Gailage,


Afraid it will be a short one again from me. Today was another bad one. The fear was there as soon as I woke, and again I just couldn't let it go. The worst of it was that I knew I had to somehow work and get the food shopping. I don't know what it going on but I was just laying and looking out the window - I couldn't even engage with my phone today. It is such an intense feeling. 


I cancelled my first appointment, but I managed to keep the other three and got the food shopping done. I have no idea how. I just got myself out of bed and repeatedly saying our mantra over and over in the car on the way to the first client. I am a spiritual being having a human experience, I am a spirit in this bastard of a shell, I am spirit and don't want to be in this experience... I want to go Home!!!


I thanked the Lord that I managed 4 hours out. I just hope that this will help me lose some of the fear for tomorrow. I am still very scared. I know it is the fear feeding the fear, and all I can do is just on with my life as best I can to make it go away. But man, it is so difficult. This has really hit hard.


Hopefully chat a bit more tomorrow...


Love you brother,


God Bless

#1052 LDN


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 10:13 PM

Hey man I have had a horror day. On my knees today. Yesterday spoke to my doctor about the anxiety and the supplements. He suggested going back on CoQ10, which I had stopped. I went back on it yesterday and then last night after I posted when I was going to bed, I had anxiety. Still managed to fall asleep. Then this morning about 30 minutes after I woke up the anxiety hit HARD. Was at an intense level for a good few hours. I could barely walk, because the anxiety was sucking up so much energy. I went on a short outside and the anxiety was hitting so hard and I felt I could barely put one foot in front of another. My whole body just completely overcome with anxiety. My head was spinning. Just lost in haze and blur of anxiety. Couldn't think. It is has calmed down a bit since but those few hours have deeply traumatised me. I was really on the edge and I got through but it was hell. Now I am in that emotional whip lash phase. Earlier felt like the worst of withdrawal. Terrifying. I am unbelievably paranoid now, even more so than before of going near any supplements. I actually considered stopping all of them, but I need them for energy and my recovery so massive catch 22. The PQQ has completely messed up my whole system. I have been taking CoQ10 for years and no problem and know I take it and I completely collapse! Take about coming down with bang from Saturday LOL!!!! 


My specialist said my meds are blocking part of my energy batteries (the electron transport chain) that process PQQ. If the substrates are building up and not being processed properly then they are being cycled back in a logjam and require a lot of antioxidants to be neutralised. This can drive anxiety because of the extra energy that cannot be properly utilised. 


Completely baffling to me that I could take this stuff for years on the same meds and this not be a problem. Thankfully I got 14 minutes of garden meditation in today, which at first was tough but in the end I got focussing of the separation of spirit and body and that I surrender to God's plan for me. That helped. 


'I am a spirit in this bastard of a shell' - 100% what I thought today! My shell is a complete joke. But my spirit is in a good place and that what matters. I am lucky to have a healthy spirit. Plus of course all the help on here! 


So sorry for your day man but I must say that 4 hours out in that state is SENSATIONAL! So proud!!! Insane! That is mental strength on another level!! Your spirituality is keeping you strong man! Again that is incredible achievement and I hope you can feel proud of yourself. Remember that self compassion! 


Sorry for being short, anxiety has come back again! I am so confused and drained! 


I will be praying and we will get through this!


Love you so much brother! 


God Bless!

#1053 LDN


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 10:21 PM

Dear Gail, 


Thank you for such kind words. You are my inspiration. You are a beacon of God's light on this earth! 


I keep praying for my hero!!! 


I love you special soul! 



#1054 invalidusername


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 06:21 PM

Hey brother....


What on earth is going on with us?! I am really sorry to hear about this onset of anxiety again... and I know that feeling of not being able to walk just the same - except mine was fear rather than anxiety. I can't believe you managed to get outside in that state. It sounds like Sunday was for me, and I barely moved out of bed - again because I simply had no energy. It is incredible what it can do from one day to the next. And of course it will have traumatised you, which funnily enough, it the exact feeling I have today. The aftermath, which is almost as bad as the situation itself. Man... we are in a right state. 


I of course do not blame you for steering clear of supplements now. It doesn't really matter if it is one day or one week, it is the fact that these things have the capacity to operate in this way. And if taking them causes you fear, then just look at what that can do! There is always a damn pill for everything, and I am sure that if I had just stayed on Citalopram, I wouldn't have gone through half as much as I did. I know you will feel the same way about your withdrawal. 


I managed to get out to do all my commitments today. Total of 5 hours - so quite happy with that, but I kept having to stop and thik about the mantra. I like to think of myself up in the Summerlands looking down on the "earth" me, knowing that I am doing what I should, but trying to tell me that this is all temporary. The thing is we cannot fathom the concept of eternity. We have time, of which there is no such thing. I have read so many accounts of how people connected from the other side talk about the time spent on earth, and saying that it is such a small part of the overall goings-on up there. They can't of course say it is like x number of months because of course it doesn't work that way, and by the time we get accustomed to there being no time, we cannot consider our human experience in measurements of time... if that makes sense. But the point being, is that in most cases, it is almost always thought of as a summer school type thing. You want to learn something, so you take a course... you go to earth. But the significance it has down here is like nothing else. The summer school is all we know. There is nothing other than this summer school. We simply do not have the capacity to comprehend it. If we did, then we would loose track of what we are here for. 


So how long had you been off the CoQ10? The brain is such a complex thing and the genetic makeup is so subjective, I don't think we will ever fully understand how it all works. I think that is the whole point, that if we could understand it all, we would bring the existence of a deity more into question. But the fact remains we are not and never will be, more clever than the creator. How we came about is the process of that higher being, otherwise we would understand far more ourselves. But some things are just not meant to be known... like the big bang. We w never know how it came about. But we know that you can't get something from nothing - ergo, someone had to have created what was there. Bit late for all this metaphysical stuff though...!


I got an hour of meditation in last night which I think done me good, and I will be doing the same this evening. As I said earlier, I still have this nagging depression as a result of the trauma of the weekend. It was such a shock, and I think in some ways, my system is holding on to some depression so that it won't have this shock again. If I am depressed already, there will be no shock. But I cannot hold onto it forever. But letting it go after that is not going to be easy. You let your guard down and WHAM! Just like with you man. What you did at that party is nothing short of incredible and I would put it above the tube - although that was in itself a cracking feat. But it is such a shame when it ends up seeming that it leads you to a false sense of security. Difficult to come back from. But we are in this together and here we will be for each other for as long as we are in this summer school and these bloody shells!!


So much love brother


God Bless

#1055 LDN


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 10:44 PM

Hey brother today was unbearable. I can barely cope anymore. Woke and with 30 minutes had terrible anxiety and then it stayed in hight intensity for hours. You can't live like this. It seemed to be getting a bit better and then I got a HUGE hit of it just before my siesta. When I lay down I realised this felt exactly like I was drowning. The pressure on my stomach was as if I was drowning. I am so so so exhausted. 10 hours or more of intense fight or flight crushes you. Then you get so run down and then you get trauma and terror and stress. And then you get depression. Vicious cycle. 


Honestly was like the very worst of withdrawal and the worst day of anxiety so far. Hour after hour after hour. My stomach in knots. My chest tense. In red alert non stop. It just is so bad for you to endure this. It is impossible to rest. I did get my siesta but the moment I woke the stress was there. I am very much on the edge. My body is hurting. My hands, my bag. I am so scared. Terrified. 


I don't what is going on. I have no idea. I have taken all these supplements for years no problem! So what is going on? PQQ may have unsettled things. I can't think of anything else. I have not had anxiety like this for so so long, I just have no idea what is happening to me. 


Crazy my best exposure and then a few days later and I am on my knees and feel I can't take much more! 


I don't want more pills so there is nothing I can do! Apart from my mindfulness. Just have suck up and bear it. I can't face more pills and then being stuck on them. 


Just emailed my p doc. 


So so proud of you today man!! 5 HOURS!!! WOW!! Again what an incredible achievement! I really resonated with your words on the Summerland. I am with you on all that! 


Something always seems to come at Christmas for me! 


Love you so much brother! 


God bless!

#1056 fishinghat


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:27 AM


If you give me the list of supplements that you are taking I would be more than happy to look them over. There are many that can normally help an individual but during withdrawal and the imbalance of neurotransmitters might actually make things worse.
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#1057 gail


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 10:36 AM

Summerland, oh boys, A dream come through. I can't stand my situation either. Lots of depression and fear

Imagine, I just got a phone call from a lady, said she was anGel Gabriel saying that my date is dec 25. ? time for death I say I dont know but a day of Hope. And she proceed to give Me my appointment hour fort tomorrow. I found it lovely. A nice gesture for hope.

So, we're kind of in the same boat. Plus the illness,, ,my feet are like a small foot ball. We'll see about that tomorrow. You are not alone. Lovage, Gail

#1058 invalidusername


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 11:15 AM

Afternoon guys...


Hat, I know LDN takes 3 lots of 0.5mg clonazepam at day, 2 before his "siesta" and 1 before bed along with a dose of chlorpromazine. That along with his Duloxetine. But he will need to fill you in on the supplements along with the CoQ10 - I can't remember. 


Gailage... sorry to hear about your feet. The musketeers are in a bad way! Had a very difficult therapy session this morning which has bought a lot of emotion up. All a bit of a struggle... sigh...

#1059 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:26 PM

Hi fishinghat, 


Wow thank you so much. That means a lot right now. I am completely lost and really struggling. 


The anxiety has hit me again today and so so so hard. I feel like I am in a state of severe withdrawal but I have not changed my meds at all!? I am on the same as I have been for months and I have been so stable and now I the anxiety is completely crazy. 


So in terms of pyscotropic meds  - 


120 mg Duoloxetine 

0.5mg 3 x a day Clonazepam 

1 x 25 mg Chlopromazine


Then supplements - 


Vitamin D3/K2 (liposomal)

Altrient C x 3 a day

D Ribose x 3 half a table spoon

Proflora 5 x 2 a day

Curcummin x 1 a day

ACG Glutathione spray x 3 a day


All of the above I have been taking for many months - no problem. I haven't changed my meds since September 2018. 


I was started taking recently and have stopped -


CB MCT oil 



Plus I was taking for a long time without a problem - CoQ10


Thanks so much! 


It feels exactly like withdrawal, could it be that the Douloxetine has stopped working? I have felt nothing like this since my withdrawal summer/ autumn 2018. 


Again thank you so much! 


Love and God Bless!

#1060 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:31 PM

Just a general note - if I could ask for prayers, thank you so much. I haven't got a clue what is going on. I feel in a nightmare. My life has completely turned on it's head. I am in a desperate desperate state. I am on the edge. I am scared out of my mind. Something is very very wrong in my system. 


Love to you all and sorry! God Bless!

#1061 Polly38


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:42 PM


So sorry you are suffering like this. Just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers- and IUN and Gail, and others on here who are going through a bad time.

Sending positive vibes for much better days ahead!


#1062 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:48 PM

Thank you so much Polly! That means a lot! 


Love and God Bless!

#1063 invalidusername


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 03:52 PM

The love on this forum is so warming, and it is so nice that we can all pull together at the tough times... my amazing cw.com family!


LDN... dear brother... you said CB MCT Oil - is that CBD in MCT Oil? Just so Hat is clear what he is looking at. Speaking of which, does the stuff you use carry a certification from a third party testing lab? There are so many scams with this stuff going on... the last thing I want is for you to not have the proper stuff...

#1064 fishinghat


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 05:19 PM


I know you are suffering but I have to be honest, this will take a couple days. I will work on it as much as I can. Hang in there. God is with you.

#1065 invalidusername


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 06:33 PM

Evening brother...


Here with my usual, but there is a few bits to go through here so won't harp on too much as I know we are both feeling ropey to say the least. As I said earlier in my text, I have been praying little and often between clients and commitments - and as Hat has reminded us, God is with us. He never leaves our side and carries us through these times. 


I am really feeling your pain and I feel humbled that I can at least still get myself out and work at the moment. But knowing that you are as I was on Sunday, my goodness, any more of that would just finish me off. I'm here for you man - whatever - whenever. Don't worry about how I am feeling because that is of no consideration. Knowing I could help someone ease their pain, I would do so with any little breath I had. 


Hearing you say that it is impossible to rest is the one that is the worst as again, I know this so well. The torment, the fighting in your head, the lack of energy, the lack of will even if you had the energy! Again, I am blessed that I have the energy and that despite my depression, I am able to get out and just keep going. I won't give in all the time I can drag myself out of bed as this is going to be how it is won for me. 


So I had my therapy again this morning - so getting up early was the first hit! No anxiety whatsoever, just the depression, but man was it a tough one again. She has pulled off one mother of a plaster/band-aid and exposed something of a wound. So I feel so vulnerable, but she said I had agreed to the change and this is what has to be done. I will detail it another day as I can't really face going over it now, and to be honest, I don't want to paint such pictures in your already troubled mind.


Anyway - I will let you get round to answering and reading all the other posts of the day. I sincerely hope you got some rest this evening. I am tying to do the same, but I can feel I am being eaten away. Just like you... this has come all of a sudden and hit very hard. Such a long way to fall after climbing up so far. Keep the faith brother. It can't rain all the time.


Love you.


God Bless

#1066 TryinginFL


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 07:37 PM



I'm so sorry that you don't seem to be doing well at this time.   Are you sure that you can take MAX this weekend??


We can always change the date...




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#1067 TryinginFL


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 07:39 PM




My prayers are with you, dear friend


Much love,


#1068 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 10:44 PM

Fishinghat I am so thankful for your help, but please only if you have the time, there is no pressure. Also thank you for your kind words! That really means a lot! 


Love and God Bless!

#1069 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 10:57 PM

Hey man. I had to email my Lyme doc, my p doc, my therapist! It has been non stop! So will be short today for me I'm afraid. Today as I mentioned was mostly better than yesterday. I didn't feel too anxious for most of the day, but at the exact same time as yesterday a storm of panic and anxiety hit. I know I keep saying it but it was like the very worst of withdrawal. It feels exactly the same. I got so paranoid I was thinking have they messed up my pills in the packaging!! I could barely breathe. As I said it feels like you are drowning. The pressure on your stomach. I had this burning feeling or like being electrocuted in my neck and shoulders. Tingling sensation, but tingling turned up to 100, if that makes sense! I was close to passing out and was only just about aware of my surroundings. I had to lie down, I was just too out of it! I feel so traumatised right now. The withdrawal was such a horrific time in my life and this is like re-living it! Plus I'm meant to go to the country this week and then Christmas! 


Also I have done something to my back and it is agony. I am in so much pain. Pulled a muscle between my shoulders or something. My whole body is tense but but my upper back is just hurting so so much.


Also it is tough after such a great exposure, take about a come down LOL! 


Thank you so much for your message. I was laying down before my siesta and I saw it was you and it gave me a wave of love!!! That was a beautiful gesture and I thank you so much! Thanks you as well for your prayers!  


I trust God's plan for me, he loves me and he knows best! I have many times told him he is free to do with me whatever he wishes. All I wanted from life was to serve love. 


So sorry for your day brother! We are in this together 100%! We can do this together! Let's remember the bigger picture - we are spiritual beings! 


I love you so much brother! 


God Bless!

#1070 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 11:02 PM



Firstly thank you so much for your words! That really means a lot!! I am so blessed to have you guys on here!! That was a true gift!! This site has the best of the world!! 


I think I will be fine to have MAX! Got the brandy and cigars and getting the burgers in too! 


Thanks so much again! 


Love and God Bless!

#1071 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 11:04 PM

Oh yeah IUN and fishinghat - sorry for the typo - it is C8 MCT oil, that I was on! I have never taken CBD. 

#1072 LDN


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 11:07 PM

My hero Gail! 


I have been thinking of you so much and praying! So sorry about your foot. 


Your bravery is staggering! Extraordinary! 




WE are together! 


I love you so much Saint Gail!

#1073 fishinghat


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 09:20 AM

Got it LDN.

#1074 fishinghat


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 10:32 AM

Step 1
How long have you been on that dose of clonazepam?

0.5mg 3 x a day Clonazepam

Dependence occurs in one-third of people who take clonazepam for longer than four weeks.

Because clonazepam is effective in low milligram doses (0.5 mg clonazepam = 10 mg diazepam), it is said to be among the class of "highly potent" benzodiazepines.

Do not take with grapefruit juice as it inhibits the effects of clonazepam.

Considered by many drs to have the worse withdrawal than other benzos.

#1075 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 02:21 PM

Hi Fishinhat, 


I have been on Clonazepam for 6 years. Was once on as high as 0.5mg x8. Worked down to x2, but added one more when I had withdrawal last year. 

#1076 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 02:30 PM

So quick update - 


I spoke on Skype to my Lyme doctor who tells me what supplements to take. He said the C8 MCT oil was giving me lots of energy and now my brain needs to find new sources of energy. He thinks I might therefore have high levels of lactic acid in my brain, which causes the anxiety. He suggested going back on the C8 MCT oil, plus Vitamin B complex plus, which I had been taking before as well. Plus he said go back on the CoQ10. All of this is counter act the lactic acid. He also said the PQQ-10 may have caused some issues. So a combination of stopping the C8 MCT plus the PQQ-10 could be an issue.


I certainly didn't expect to be told to go back on them, so I am surprised right now. Last night was slightly better and so far today has been ok, so I am inclined to keep things as they are. 


Saying that I can't deny the C8 MCT hugely improved my mental and physical energy. 


I hope you are all well and love you to you all! 


Yesterday the love on here helped so much!! I really don't know where I would be without the support of this forum!!


God Bless!

#1077 fishinghat


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 05:02 PM

"...now my brain needs to find new sources of energy. He thinks I might therefore have high levels of lactic acid in my brain, which causes the anxiety."

Wow, a holistic dr who actually went to school. He is so right under normal conditions this is true but I don't know how well it applies during withdrawal.

How long ago did you start reducing the clonazepam and when was the last time you did a drop on your clonazepam?

"...plus Vitamin B complex plus, which I had been taking before as well. Plus he said go back on the CoQ10. All of this is counter act the lactic acid."

Be SURE the vitamin B6 is less than 1.8 mg/day/ In 2018 Vitamin B6 poisoning was the number 1 poisoning seen in the ER. The half-Life is 15 to 24 days. My wife got Vitamin B6 poisoning from taking (6 years before symptoms developed) a stress tab with 5 mg/day dosage. Once the poisoning was conformed she stopped taking the stress tabs and it took 7 months for her symptoms to go away.

#1078 invalidusername


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 06:04 PM

Hey brother...


Looks like you have a bit to go through here with the supplements and I can well understand you wanting to stay put as things have started to look better. But there always seems to be "that time of day" when these things happen. For me, it is around 8pm. Doesn't make a lot of sense. 


I woke with a bit of depression but then shortly afterward I had the most amazing hour where I felt totally at peace. I could feel my body restoring itself. This was only interrupted as I had an earlier client, but I really didn't want to move... like a sleeping cat, you just don't want to disturb it! After that I could feel the fear coming back. It let it be, but then it got to 8pm and it just grabbed me again.


I seem to get scared when I have something too good to be true and then I worry myself until I get depressed, then come out of it, then get the fear again and so on. Horribly viscous circle. I just can't stop this thinking. And I know it is the thinking because it I do something that really distracts me, I forget about it, but it comes right back as soon as I stop that task. It is also draining now, stomach is in knots, feeling exhausted... I expect this sounds familiar to you!!


I wouldn't say it is quite as bad as what you had, but I just cannot relax. It is difficult to explain how this fear differs from anxiety. I am anxious because the depression can return, supposedly, as and when it wants to. Its a control thing. If I were to get anxious, it would be because I am worried about the returning depression, not because of any social fear. I just need to keep going on as normal, but what with Christmas, my schedule will be all messed up and that won't help matters, so everything is very apprehensive, fragile and scary. Hope that makes sense.


I am trying to imagine the symptoms you are speaking of with the tingling and the stomach pressure - it sounds awful. I think we are sharing the traumatising feeling though. You are scared of withdrawal symptoms returning instead. It is what you said before, our brains can find the scariest parts from within our memories and put them in front of us. It is like I saw in an interview with Claire Weekes' recoverers, she said it was like being sat in a chair and being forced to watch a scary movie and not being able to look away; you never know when the next scary bit is going to happen, so you are mentally (and thus physically) preparing yourself 100% of the time. The whole red alert thing. Man, this sucks. 


So any more thoughts on the retreat to the country? Or will you stay put until Christmas? The wife is really freaking out about Christmas with my family. She hasn't been to my parents house in about 4 months, and hasn't seen my sister since the start of the year I think. I really can understand. On the plus side, she picked up that book I bought her months ago after your recommendation from the Doc that helped you. She has already read 40 pages in the last 24 hours. I am very proud of her. Sure it has taken her a while to get round to it, but if that is what it took for her to properly get into it and feel she can start doing some of the stuff the books says, then so be it.


Anyway - that is a lot of waffle. Will look forward to hearing from you...


Much love as always dear brother


God Bless

#1079 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 10:50 PM

Hey man! What a roller coaster! Right now I am feeling this sort of intense pressure on my shoulders. My Lyme doc has suggested one route, my naturopath another, my p doc increasing my meds! Ultimately it's on me though to decide! It's not like going to the doctor for a normal condition and they ok take this. My condition is so niche that it's all just different theories. 


So in terms of how I have been. Last night was more calm though still had some anxiety. Then I woke in agony, with my lower back in such severe pain. I managed to get back to sleep and then woke ok. Then I felt pretty run down, exhausted, disorientated. Got some garden meditation and a walk in. Then I saw an email from my Lyme doc saying he was free to Skype, and within 10 minutes I was speaking to him. I didn't have my notes from my naturopath about my meds blocking the electron transport chain and so therefore I am not able to process the PQQ/CoQ10/C8 MCT OIL, this meaning I have extra energy, potentially causing anxiety. So therefore he came up with the theory of lactic acid. My naturopath was saying stop the C8 and CoQ10, but he was saying go back. Since I didn't have her notes I couldn't question him on her theory and then afterwards I got really stressed trying to deal with the conflicting advice. 


Then around my siesta when the last two days I have had an anxiety storm, i did have heightened anxiety but nothing compared to the last two days. Right now I feel pretty depressed, stressed and just weirded out. Some derealisation. My lyme doc said what I was describing of my sympathetic nervous system overdrive sounded truly horrific. 


Meant to be going to the country on Sunday. Man I haven't got the energy! It's first time since 2012 as well, that I am going for Christmas. Dreading the journey and packing in this state. Seeing my cat will be only plus. Also it is SO FREEZING IN WINTER!! My room has floorboards. 


Really sorry to hear about what you are going through. I understand what you are describing perfectly. The other night I was gripped by fear of waking up with anxiety. In all in the thoughts as you say. But I told myself what ever I think, that will not change the outcome. Certainly not positively. This is out of my control. I have to have acceptance of what is out of my control and try my best at what i can control. I have to remember the bigger picture and that this is just some biological situation and my soul is nourished. 


I was thinking of us last night. I thought imagine I have 2 choices - 1. Be physically and mentally very healthy but spiritually be completely empty. Have no spirituality at all. Just think this world is it, and live solely to satisfy my body and ego OR 2. Be like us, with our shell problems, but on a deep spirit level, we are in good shape. We know this life is just a human experience and that we are spiritual beings. We know we are here not for what we want but what we need. We know there is a plan for us. Personally I would pick 2! Spiritual riches are greater than anything earthly pleasures and we are going to have to 'wake up' eventually to the reality that this life isn't the 'real thing', so why put it off?? It has to happen at some point, plus at least we can give our best to helping others! Those moments of spiritual peace I have had our better than anything else. That pure peace and joy that I sometimes get a taste of is on a deeper level than what I could feel just physically. I personally think everybody is searching for spiritual fulfilment, even if they don't realise it. I think it is just an innate part of us. The part that wants to go home. My mum and dad sometimes say along the lines of 'we wouldn't understand' because they haven't suffered like me and reached that spiritual place yet. 


Ah man I feel for your wife and can completely understand her stress. You can tell this is my 1st Christmas in the country for years, so I am in the same boat as her!! Also I was SO HAPPY to read she has started reading the Dr. Veil book. You are rightly very proud. He is amazing for OCD. That is such a big step and to read 40 pages in the last 24 hours! WOW! That is a massive achievement!! I feel really inspired by that!! 


Also 8 pm is around the exact for me!! Weird!! 


Really pleased you had that moment of peace as well!! 


I am so happy we can share this together! These are the days when in the Summerland we say to each other, that is what I am really proud of, that is where I learned so much. What we are doing right now is a serious achievement man! We are on a mental and spiritual assault course here, but that was the plan for us. That was what we chose! Like you said the Summerland is outside of time, so all will be well my brother!! 


Love you so much brother!


God Bless!

#1080 LDN


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 10:52 PM

Hi fishinghat, 


I started reducing my Clonazepam at the beginning of 2018 and got down to 2x0.5 by about May. 


Thanks again so much for all this!

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