Great post man! So enjoy reading you and being spiritual brothers!!! It so great to have some one to bounce ideas off and talk through things. If you stumbled onto our conversations you might be mistaken for thinking you were on a spirituality forum! Anyway it is such a pleasure for me to be able share my path with you, so thanks man!! Such beautiful timing that our paths should cross just at this critical spiritual moment in my life! Really excited for working as a team going forward now. Interaction and connection is such a important part of life and for so long I didn't have that. I had 8 years in the wilderness if you like, which obviously did have it benefits and I learned a lot from that time, but it gives me great joy to be back communicating and making friends. So thanks for putting up with me LOL! It means a huge huge amount to me to have your friendship!! I'm very lucky!
I'm a bit behind tonight and got a very early start tomorrow - well early for me lol! I think most people would consider getting up at 12:50 as crazy late!! The dalai lama gets up at 3 in the morning, (and then meditates for 5 hours). I'm sort of the opposite end of the extreme.
Sorry about your day man. Horrible to hear that. Well done for getting through it though! I get a lot a mental fatigue as well, though not sure it is the same as yours. For me it is like my brain is unable to take things in and starts to panic. I start to feel sort of mentally claustrophobic. I just have make sure I cut down on sensory exposure and just rest my brain. This is where my nap comes in handy. I have to be quite disciplined and say ok I need space and just go to my room and cut off for a bit by just reading about football. Equally in the evening I finding reading my books very soothing and good for rehabilitation. Justa having that mental space.
Obviously you are much more advanced in terms of going than me, so it hard to suggest exposures. I mean for me going to Tesco would still be a massive achievement, but I know what your saying completely. It's like going in the garden was a big exposure for me last year, now it's a space to relax. If I just did the garden I would feel unsatisfied for sure. So I really get you. I think the big difference is you work and I don't so for me the exposure is the centre of my day. The exposure sort of is my job I guess, so it's much more difficult for you having the fit the exposures around a work schedule. I have huge sympathy for you. I mean obviously I would prefer not be so disabled I haven't worked for a single second since the end of 2011, but in moments like this it does have it's benefits.
In terms of my day I wake up about 4ish assuming I have no appointments. Then shave and brush teeth and get changed. Then I go on my walk. When I get back I then normally if strong enough go in the garden for a bit. After that I have my infrared sauna for 30mins - not a flashy as it sounds at all, a pretty simple bit of equipment. This is for getting rid of toxins. Also it's nice because as I can't do exercise, it feels like I have as I come out all sweaty. Then I shower and take my supplements and go on my computer for a bit, then have a bit to eat. Then I have a 2 hour sleep, get up, read a bit about football, chat to my parents and then have supper. Then the evening the house is all mine. I come on here, then go and read for a bit. Then off to bed. Add in quite a bit of stretching for my ME treatment and bad back. The main energy is used up on my walk and then coming on here in the evening. Those are my 2 exposures for the day normally.
Osteo today was fine, but did feel pretty knackered to be honest. My energy has really dropped the last few weeks. I then did a 10 minute walk to the post box for my mum, didn't feel strong enough mentally to go out at all, but thought it would be good exposure.
Spot on about people perhaps having a panic attack and not knowing or something similar. People have all sorts of issues going and here in the west, people are worrying more often than not! It so important to get that perspective. I get that from my brother and sister, both mentally and physically fit and very active, but by talking to them when they not busy you realise they have lots of worries and things bothering them. They having to work so hard and here I am just resting and working on my mind. In some ways I actually wish they could slow down a bit, and though of course I would prefer to be well, being ill does give me the time and space to work on my mind that they just don't have. Always two sides to a coin.
Got to run, as I need some sleep but have lots more to talk with you. You are spot on about letting go. I actually feel more calm and safe the more I let go. Thanks as well for that link. I had seen similar when I looked it up and found a reddit forum. I'm really interested in sadhus, so may get that book.
Really hoping tomorrow is better for you my brother!!
Also so happy to see NM back, was thinking about her last night, so really nice to see she is bravely fighting on!
Sorry for being a bit rushed tonight - just 3 appointments in 3 days is a bit mental for me LOL!
Love you man
God bless