Going Home
Posted 20 May 2019 - 03:51 PM
If others can see we hold well under persecution and suffering, it indeed shows God in each one of us. A beacon for His light.
Although some days are just too tough, I try all the same. Maybe one day to reach the status of Gailage and Hat... You guys have gone through so much - and therein I see our Saviour.
- fishinghat and LDN like this
Posted 21 May 2019 - 11:06 AM
So, I'm crying again! I feel scared a bit. Like this was the beginning of the end. So sensitive, as ever. Again, you keep me afloat. I love you!
- LDN likes this
Posted 21 May 2019 - 03:51 PM
That period is finally almost over. I replaced that nightmare by the other vacation last year where all was so beautiful and loving.
No visit till end of month. Keep my thoughts open to the Spirit, he will work through me. Got it thank you.
Just had a lovely siesta. Might have another one soon. Merci Mon Ami!
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 19 August 2019 - 03:34 PM
I'm seeing my doctor Monday for new medication, then they would like me to spend time in palliative care. I would like that, all is too much for me. Non stop crying and depression.
No joy, no smile, I'm miserable.
Will update next week. Prayers please, thank you.
Posted 19 August 2019 - 04:19 PM
...and I thought I'd been through the medication hoops?! Changing again! My poor Gailage.
I think more time in care would be wonderful - if not for anything else, but to have more people around. As I have said before... if LDN and I were in a better state, we'd provide all the needs!
My prayers are forever with you my dearest. May God ease your burdens and fill you with relief.
- gail, TryinginFL and LDN like this
Posted 19 August 2019 - 08:15 PM
Gail I am thinking of you. I pop in every now and then for updates. Praying for the peace and hope that can only be found in the Spirit.
- gail, TryinginFL and invalidusername like this
Posted 19 August 2019 - 11:14 PM
Gail I send all my love and will be praying with all my heart!!
These moments must be so tough but joy is coming for you!
Thank for being an inspiration and hero to me!
God bless you angel!!
Everything will be well in the end!!
- fishinghat, gail, TryinginFL and 1 other like this
Posted 26 August 2019 - 03:00 PM
What?! No way?! That shouldn't have even been an option...
My poor Gailage. I am so sorry to hear this... but just remember the time will be here soon when you get that space. It has already been offered. Eyes on the prize as we say over here!
I had to find something to cheer you up... so here it is.. just for you!!
- gail likes this
Posted 04 September 2019 - 05:58 PM
I had the best day today, thank you God. Nobody knows what's up except God.
I need to get to bed, I'm up since 4 am. I got very scared then, it left for someone else, for the moment. I'll think in bed. If I have time.
- LDN likes this
Posted 04 September 2019 - 07:37 PM
A long while sounds great!! So so very pleased for you dear Gailage. And whatever occurred today to give you the gift of such a good day. Such joyous news!
A real revelation so you know for sure that your system really knows how to make you feel right. Wish I could be celebrating with you making some brownies... and some extra special one with catnip for Chin Chin
Posted 04 September 2019 - 09:47 PM
Your flight is here now my love and you are going on vacation!!!
Have so much fun!!!
'NONODY KNOWS WHAT'S UP EXPECT GOD' - So true and such wonderful words!!
I'm so excited for you!!
God bless my dear!!
I love you!!
Posted 05 September 2019 - 07:50 AM
I will continue to write if I can. I may be busy having to much fun lol!
Thank you so much for your support. God, I am so nervous. 20 minutes and I'm off.
I will be seeing you. London , your words were fantastic, thank you!
- fishinghat, KathyInFL, LDN and 1 other like this
Posted 05 September 2019 - 04:22 PM
All of my love goes with you
- LDN and invalidusername like this
Posted 05 September 2019 - 05:24 PM
So dear Gailage... I told you it would be quicker than you thought!! What a moment for you. My spirit goes with you, as Liz says, wherever you call home. My only concern is that you will not access to any brownies
You write as and when you can my lovely. The important thing is that you enjoy this time. Spend time with those who offer you the care, with yourself and with God. You know where we all are - and are all here for you when you need us, just as you have been for us.
Love you... bless you...
- LDN likes this
Posted 05 September 2019 - 09:37 PM
I hope you are having a great time my love, and lots of fun!!
I am praying here and my parents!!
I am so excited for you my love!
I hope now you are nice and settled in, the first day of hospital is always nerve racking!!
Have some wonderful respite!
I am always here for you!
I love you!
Posted 06 September 2019 - 11:10 PM
i was thinking of you, checked in, and am grateful to learn that you are now receiving palliative care and getting the compassionate care you so truly deserve. i am so glad i was compelled to visit the forum. its been a long time. you are a godsend to this group - a real guardian angel who will continue to watch over us all.
much love,
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 08 September 2019 - 10:45 AM
Gift day here, a wouldn't you you that depression hit full force. Brain scan today. Physio therapy tomorrow. As much as I wanted to come here, as much as I want to go home.
Better stay to know what's up with me. Right? Will! Be back, love you all!
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