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#1 Jillybeans


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 09:36 PM

First time here on this forum. I am one of many that is having this Cymbalta withdrawal problem with those side effects.

I wanted to know what is best to do for these weird burning sensation going through me, tingling or creepy crawling on my skin, feeling out like I'm in a brain fog, trouble sleeping, sweating,muscle weakness, out of body feeling, etc? I started Cymbalta 30mg late August this year, was on it for like 2 months, then tapered off by take one, skip the next day for 2 weeks then stop. The doctor started me on Paxil, after a week of tapering and I tried the Paxil. I couldn't tolerate it after 3 days. Oh, the sleeping is impossible and the sweating a lot, especially at night. I had no appetite, lost weight, I miss my old self.


Then I went back on Cymbalta 30 mg and was supposed to do this for 5 days then go to 60mg afterwards. I had found that I couldn't take it anymore and just stopped as the doctor told me. Please note the weird side effects from tapering started 3 days after the tapering. I will be seeing her Monday.


What I wanted to know is, how long is this supposed to last? It's driving me nuts as is. I read somewhere that the detox places do have a detox for the Cymbalta withdrawal syndrome. Is this true? If so, has anyone tried the detox at the hospital?


I know there's supplements to take, but what kind that will help and I'm on limited income. Please let me know.

Thanks, Jillybeans

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 09:04 AM

The symptoms start like yours in many cases and after about 4 or 5 weeks transition over to more emotional issues. Mood swings, anger, agitation, crying, etc. This can last, typically, 4 to 6 months with a some members lasting 1 to 3 years before fading completely away. That is unusual though.


The detox centers do not overall have a good reputation here. Very expensive, erratic results and some are like spas for the rich and others like asylums, cold and dismal. Sorry I can't give more glowing reviews. I am doing a summary of what people have tried for various treatments but haven't got to the detox centers yet. You can read the thread "and the answer to your question is..." in the Medical Support section. It will describe what other members have tried for various conditions and their experiences. Maybe it will help. Normally you see members suggesting omega 3, vitamin C and stay well hydrated. I hope this helps. Oh yea, and a large dose of patience helps too.

#3 gail


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    5 months on cymbalta, scary side effects, to get help and to return the favor if I can.

Posted 05 November 2017 - 11:10 AM

Hello JB,

Four years in this forum and I've never heard anything good regarding Detox centers. Not for Cymbalta nor for benzos.

Why have you decided to get off Cymbalta? Bad side effects? My advice is to stay on the 30mg Cymbalta and cross taper with Prozac or Zoloft(they have a long half life) and much easier to get off, if you need to get off. Paxil is one of the toughest to get off.

Should you need help with cross tapering, we got a great guy here that will help you.

Always here for you JB.
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#4 Jillybeans


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 11:54 AM

Hi Gail and Fishinghat,


I tried to stay on the Cymbalta 30 mgs, after I tried the Paxil after I tapered down as the nurse practioner said, take one, skip next day for a week then stop. Went on Paxil, was on it for 3 days, I couldn't handle it, then I went back on Cymbalta 30mgs. I was supposed to be on it for 5 days then increase to 60mgs after. By the 3rd day, I couldn't take it anymore and the nurse practioner said to stop. While I was tapering off, I was wondering why I felt so weird and before I know it, I was getting brain zaps, anxiety, muscle weakness, the tingling, creepy crawling feeling, burning sensations, brain fog, etc. I had no appetite while on Cymbalta and still have no appetite now. The sleeping problems, and sweating was bad enough.


Is it too late to get help for this discontinuation syndrome? I see the nurse practioner tomorrow. I don't know if she will understand this problem. I hope I can convince her maybe Prozac will help this discontinuation syndrome problem. I have no clue how long this will last, I miss my old self and this is driving me nuts. I hope this will pass soon, I hate this feeling.


As for supplements to try, I have no clue where to start. I'm on limited income. I'm also afraid to try Prozac if the nurse practioner will prescribe this.

I also hope I don't end up in the hospital while this discontinuation syndrome continue. I also have a fiance that lives with me, he is also low income like me and we're both disabled. He is afraid what if I have to go to hospital and how long I will be there, he has trouble with reading, writing, don't drive, and he also have learning disability. We don't have a support system yet, and we're pretty much don't have family support. He is feeling nervous about me and he just had cataract surgery. With the holidays coming, it will be hard on us.


I am trying to hang in there with this, I am still have less interests in things, not eating much, etc - though I feel some less symptoms at times. I think it wax and wanes, not sure if this is common. I haven't gone out a lot like I did before this happened. The anxiety is unreal.

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 12:36 PM

JB, Gail is right about the Prozac and Zoloft as a cross taper. You might also talk to your nurse about hydroxyzine and/or clonidine. Both can help with withdrawal, are not addictive and have no withdrawal. They helped me a lot.

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#6 Jillybeans


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 01:10 PM



You mean it's not too late to start Prozac as cross taper and be back on Cymbalta 30mgs???? Even though I already stopped taking Cymbalta since last Friday and had that tapering the week before? 


I was on Cymbalta a few times, the first time on it I had no symptoms except for sweating and sleeping problems. I don't remember how long I was on it, before I tried Savella or Gabapentin for the fibromyalgia. Then later a few years later, I went back on Cymbalta, I didn't have withdrawal symptoms then, I think it was a year or 2 ago. Then I went back on it this August, somehow it didn't seem to help much which is why I asked to taper, which I did, take one, skip one. Then Paxil for 3 days to try, and went back on Cymbalta again, I ended up stopping it 3 days later. I started getting the symptoms during the tapering. I was terrified of what is wrong with me.


What is hydroxyzine and or clonidine? What kind of medication are they? Do I take both hydroxyzine and clonidine? Do I take Prozac along with Cymbalta 30mgs the same time (if I do get that medication) and continue to stay on Prozac as regular medication therapy? Or did you mean to get Prozac to take then stop after a week or two, will I get withdrawal symptoms again from Prozac?


Forgive me that I am clueless, I am also having hard time concentrating and in brain fogs a lot. Have to re-read everything a lot. Even I noticed I am sensitive to light, sounds, I feel like I'm in a cloud or out of body feeling. Even when I hear, it's sounds like echoing. Is this part of the discontinuation syndrome?


My sister is still on Cymbalta 60 mgs, she has no problems being on it for 7 years. She told me don't go back on it, she's afraid what it might do to me. Would it be easier to just go on Prozac to help with the withdrawals?


I have fibromyalgia, Sjogren's, heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes, Meniere's. I take Salagen, lisinopril, metformin as of now. I stopped the Lasix, potassium pills, Klonapin, Plaquenil long ago. I still have the klonopins, but I haven't really taken them, maybe a few times.


I had diverticulitis attack and infection back in July, the Cymbalta makes me so constipated too much, which is another reason why I wanted to stop this medication.

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 02:23 PM

Clonidine and hydroxyzine are anti-anxiety drugs that can help with the emotional symptoms.
Normally the dr will taper the Cymbalta while slowly raising the Prozac over a 3 or 4 week period. A couple of weeks after the Prozac gas settled in you will start tapering it. Yes, you will get some withdrawal  but it I not as bad as the Cymbalta.

" I am also having hard time concentrating and in brain fogs a lot. Have to re-read everything a lot. Even I noticed I am sensitive to light, sounds, I feel like I'm in a cloud or out of body feeling. Even when I hear, it's sounds like echoing. Is this part of the discontinuation syndrome?"

Oh Yea. The emotional issues can get worse as time passes. If you did not have bad withdrawal before it may not be terrible this time. In general drs usually say that once off a psych med then do NOT restart it for at least 2 years as it takes that long for the nerve tissue to return to normal. Starting back up sooner usually leads to quicker dependence and worse withdrawal later, and less effectiveness. Of course we are talking about what USUALLY happens. Everyone is different.


Don't feel bad about asking questions or even repeating yourself. We have been through the same things and know what it is like. You can't think straight, tend to be a little paranoid and we are here to help.

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#8 Jillybeans


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 02:33 PM

Do you take hydroxyzine and Clonidine along with Cymbalta, Prozac??? What if the nurse practioner don't want me back on Cymbalta, or won't give me the anti-anxiety meds and just take Prozac? Would this make my discontinuation syndrome worse? I am limited with my health insurance for doctors, etc

#9 Jillybeans


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 03:07 PM

Forgot to ask on about supplements. Would taking Mega Red Advanced 4 in 1 Extra Strength Omega-3 Fish oil and Krill Oil and Slo-Mag supplement be good to start on? The Mega Red, is pricey and it's 40 count.


Not sure what brands are good and if there's other supplements to add. Please let me know, it's much appreciated.


I also am confused about that beading thing.

#10 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 05:22 PM

The clonidine and hydroxyzine help the withdrawal symptoms from Cymbalta. If you are trying to come off and stay off all antidepressants then you try these first. If they work fine, you can stay on them. If they aren't enough o handle the withdrawal symptoms then you try the Prozac. Once stable on prozac you can stay on it or if you want to try you can wean off and see if you need any antidepressants at all in your life. If she wants you just on Prozac that is Ok. I just prefer to try the meds without withdrawal and addition first but many simply make the change to Prozac and then wean off that. Really, it is your choice.


Anytime you switch from one antiD to another there is a period of feeling bad as the one you are coming off of (in this case Cymbalta) starts to give withdrawal but the one you are going onto (say Prozac hasn't fully kicked in yet. It lasts a few weeks but is usually tolerable and once the new antiD kicks in you feel fine again.


The mega red is a good product but is too expensive. I use Life Extension brand which is routinely analyzed for pesticides and heavy metals, a concern with omega 3 and fish oil supplements in general. It is also less expensive. I do NOT recommend SloMag as it is magnesium chloride and is poorly absorbed. A better choice is amino acid chelated magnesium which is absorbed easily and also provides some added amino acids to your diet. It can be purchased at any health food store. The standard dose is not to exceed 100 mg 3 times per day. Use caution with any magnesium as it competes with calcium and in the long run can reduce blood calcium levels. In my case I started with a low dose and found that 100 mg per day turned out to be an effective dose once I got things under control.


Many members have tried numerous other supplements for their withdrawal. I might recommend you read "and the answer to your question is..." in the section Medical Support. it describes what many have tried and their successes and failures.

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#11 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 05:32 PM

Bead counting is a way to come off Cymbalta with a slower even taper. Many drs suggest the every other day thing like your dr did but the FDA and the manufacturers recommend against that technique. The reason? You take a dose on say Monday morning, Cymbalta has a 12 hour half life, so by wed morning it is nearly completely out of your system. On Wed you take another Cymbalta and raise the levels of Cymbalta back up in your blood. You then go another 48 hours without Cymbalta which drops the level to rock bottom again. This drastic up and down in dose causes you to experience the same withdrawal over and over again. Not good.


Most Cymbalta capsules contain around 300 tiny beads of medicine inside. With bead counting you open a capsule and count how many beads it contains. For an example 300 beads. You then remove 3 beads (1%) from the capsule and take it. The next day you take out 6 beads (2%) and take the remaining 294 beads. You continue to remove an additional 3 beads each day until done. This produces a slow stable drop in blood levels of Cymbalta. At any time if the withdrawal gets too bad just stay at that dose until things settle down and then start weaning again.


I know, a lot to think about. Discuss it with you nurse/dr and see what she thinks. Keep us posted.

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#12 Jillybeans


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 06:26 PM

I had checked Life Extension brand fish oil, is this the one you're taking?




I wasn't sure what brand for the magnesium you were talking about and that's asorbable. There's tons of vitamins to choose from and it's a lot for me to read all that with my brain fogginess. Which is why I was wondering what brands to try that's not expensive and I am on limited income. I do have a bottle of fish oil that was from Walmart, I forgot I had these. I don't think this brand will be good. Just saw that it was from Peru :unsure:


The bead counting sounds like it takes forever to do, I am not sure the nurse practioner would agree to do this, or understand what is beading. I will ask her tomorrow. I have a feeling she will put me on another antidepressant such as Prozac. Not sure on the hydroxyzine and clonidine, do you take those in combination or try one or the other?


I will post the outcome from my appointment tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I probably will end up just to take Prozac as the nurse practioner will have me to do. As for these symptoms I have, I really hope it goes away! I noticed my tingling or burning sensation is not as deep compared to last week, though I still have it. The skin crawling makes me have to itch at wherever it goes through me. The brain fog and memory thing is annoying and I have to write things down to remember. The muscle weakness is another one symptom that I wish it's back to normal. The worse ones is the sleeping problems and have to make myself eat more.

#13 fishinghat


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 07:02 PM

Actually I would recommend this one...

As you probably know there are three different omega 3 fatty acids. EPA, DHA and ALA. The EPA and DHA are the most beneficial for antiD withdrawal and this product is high in both.
The hydroxyzine and clonidine can be taken together or separately  and in combination with an antiD or not.
I know, these symptoms may not be life threatening but ruin your day. Hang in there.

On the magnesium, this brand is OK....

https://www.amazon.c...lated magnesium

#14 Jillybeans


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 07:51 PM

Okay, I went to see the nurse practioner today. She said the discontinuation withdrawal symptoms can be debiliating to many people and it will go away in time, as it's different with everyone. She knew what I was talking about and she even talked to the doctor about this. He said to start on Prozac, but start low and increase the dosage to 20mgs by taking 5mgs for 3 days, then 10mgs for 3 days, then 15mgs for 3 days then 20 mgs afterwards. She told me she had seen many people have withdrawal symptoms from different medications, also she mentioned Cymbalta is not an easy medication to withdraw from, it's one of the hardest medications.


She saw that I have so much anxiety today, I was itchy from the skin crawling and sweating a lot. Before I went there, I was shaky and I felt so out of place. I haven't left the apartment much since these withdrawal symptoms. I didn't get the prescription for hydroxyzine or clonidine though. So, it's just gonna be Prozac to help knock out those symptoms.


So, I will start at 5mgs tomorrow and work the dosages every 3 days until I reach 20mgs. I don't know if I will have problems on this yet. I just hope these withdrawal symptoms will go away soon, rather than take months to be relieved from it.


I did ordered the fish oil and magnesium you mentioned from the post above that's not too expensive, I should receive it in the mail. Not sure how much fish oil to take, I also wondered about Vitamin D3, or maybe a multivitamin to take?

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#15 fishinghat


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 09:36 AM

Your dr and nurse are exceptional. I would stay with them. I have no problem with their Prozac schedule. Makes sense but you will have to hang in there until they kick in. With other members I have seen that as little as 5 mg does the job and sometimes as much as 30 mg, Lets hope that the 5 mg does it for you.
Just follow the label instructions on  the fish oil. Most take 2,000 to 3000 mg of total omega 3. The Vitamin D3 is  a good question. A simple blood test can tell you if you need Vit D3. Be careful and work with your dr on this as too much vitamin D3 can have some nasty side effects.
Multivitamins are frequently a help during any type of stress BUT most people don't realize that many are allergic to one or more of the ingredients. We have had at least 3 members I know of that have had allergic reactions to multivitamins and 2 had to go to the hospital, get an IV installed and flush them out of their system. If you try them, start up slow. I might suggest you stay away from Centrum as it has a reputation for being one of the worse for allergic reactions.

#16 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:30 AM

Right now, I have to wait for prior authorization for the Prozac. Kinda upset now, I will have to wait a few days if I do get this medication. I told the nurse practioner I don't any alternatives but Prozac to start on. I thought I would be all set to pick up the prescription. I am so sweaty and nervous now because of this. Will update once I know more about this.

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:35 AM

Some members call their insurance and ask to have the preauthorization expedited as this is to treat a withdrawal already in progress. Also where I am at Prozac generic is only $7.35 full price. Something to consider while waiting on your preauth.

#18 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 01:01 PM

My pharmacist called me and also called the nurse practioner's office this morning and she will call the insurance company for me. I am on Medicare and Medicaid, with my Medicare Part D, it will cost $3.30 for the generic Prozac. This prior authorization is for the generic Fluoxetine (Prozac). The nurse practioner will explain to insurance company and get the aproval and expedite this. I don't know how many days but I have to hang in there until then.


My fish oil order came today, the serving size is 2 soft gels and it said to take 2 soft gels one to 3 times a day. Not sure if that's a lot to take? The bottle count is 120. Would taking 1 gel in morning then 1 at night be good?

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 01:23 PM

On the fish oil I would recommend 1 gel cap three times per day with meals.


Good luck with Medicare. I am glad you are having them call as that will help make it a little faster.

#20 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 01:32 PM

Just found out the insurance won't approve it and the nurse is calling in the pharmacy for Celexa to take, the same way as the Prozac. I don't know much about this medication or if this will be good to take or if it will help the withdrawal symptoms. The pharmacist said if I pay out of my pocket for starting on it is $40.39 then once I'm on 20 mgs, it will be $96 a month every month.


Not my day today. Do you know much about Celexa?Will it help stop these withdrawal symptoms? All I know is I think Celexa is shorter acting type. Will take fish oil one gel 3 times a day starting today.

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 02:18 PM

Celexa is a ssri like Prozac. It should be very effective in handling the withdrawal symptoms. While Prozac takes 6 to 8 weeks to fully kick in Celexa usually takes around 4 weeks so it should kick in sooner. It has a more difficult withdrawal than Prozac but less than Cymbalta, in general. Not a bad choice.

#22 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 02:32 PM

The nurse said to start Celexa in low dose like Prozac with increasing the dosage every 3 days to the regular dosage. I do understand it takes Prozac longer to kick in. I am willing to pay full price for the Prozac, though it will cost me almost a $100 a month while Celexa will cost under $4.00.


I had read a lot of people have more better results with taking Prozac for the withdrawal symptoms on this forum. Celexa is shorter acting, not longer acting which is why I think I rather take Prozac. I don't think I can handle another withdrawal like I went through with Cymbalta, if I try Celexa. And I read that if stopping Celexa, if under 8 weeks, it should be okay without the withdrawal symptoms. If on it more than 6 to 8 months, you can get withdrawal symptoms.


I'm waiting for the office to call back and the pharmacist is waiting to know which one I will pick up.

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 02:44 PM

"if I try Celexa. And I read that if stopping Celexa, if under 8 weeks, it should be okay without the withdrawal symptoms."


Usually but not always AND if you are already having a withdrawal from another antidepressant then those symptoms may resume.


I do agree with you that the Prozac would be a better choice.

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 03:10 PM

I just went ahead to have the pharmacist to fill the Prozac prescription instead of Celexa. I will have to bite the bullet to pay for it, I really didn't want to start on another shorter acting medication just yet. They will put the Celexa on hold in case.


I wanted to give Prozac a chance to see how it goes, even though it will take longer to kick in. I had read that it kicks in about 1-2 weeks for the anxiety, if it's for the depression, it can take 6-8 weeks for that. Here's hoping the Prozac will zap those withdrawal symptoms.


Since you take Prozac, do you take yours in the morning or at night?

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 05:04 PM

I take Zoloft right now but when I was on Prozac I took it in the morning, Fro  what I have been told it really doesn't matter much.

#26 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 05:12 PM

How long were you on Prozac when you had the withdrawals and how long your symptoms lasted before you had finally got rid of it? I will be starting Prozac in the morning 5mgs for 3 days, then increase it 10mgs for 3 days, 15mgs for 3 days then finally 20mgs thereafter.

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Posted 07 November 2017 - 05:43 PM

I was on Prozac for 3 months and it did not do anything for my withdrawal symptoms. Most people have good luck with it though, I was switched to Zoloft with slowly rising doses. From when my withdrawal symptoms kicked in until I got full relief was 276 days of anger, fear, anxiety, crying, etc. They tried 7 different meds on me to help. The hydroxyzine took some of the edge off but it was not until I started down the rode with Zoloft that I finally got some relief. Of the 6 medicines they tried that did not help I have weaned of all of them except the lorazepam and am 2/3 off of it. Once I am done with the lorazepam I will try to reduce my Zoloft usage. Nothing like going through withdrawals for 10 years (before it is all over).  lol

#28 Jillybeans


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:11 PM

You had 10 years of withdrawals! :o


Okay, let me figure out what you meant, you were on Prozac for 3 months to help with the withdrawal symptoms. It didn't help you, so then you were put on Zoloft.


You had 276 days of those withdrawal symptoms before you tried Prozac then Zoloft, correct? For a minute I almost panicked because I am about to start on Prozac tomorrow morning. I really want to feel better, not worse. It had these symptoms for 2 weeks, I swear it was almost 3 weeks ago. I can't remember, which I hate because of this.


Yesterday I was feeling so weird going to see the nurse and on the way home, it was dark outside and heavy rain - I thought I was going to get lost or have a panic attack. Today, I noticed my brain fog lifted some, but not completely, the burning sensations is not as heavy, the tingling feels like it's trying to lessen up. The anxiety, the shakiness in the morning still persist, the heart palpitations is not so heavy like when I first started having the symptoms. My vision is still a bit weird, so I will make sure I don't anywhere at night. My concentration is a bit off but hopefully soon that will get better. I also noticed my muscle weakness is trying to get stronger, at least that horrible electric shocks didn't come back, seem to have gone away. I still have the tingling, some itchy skin, my appetite still up and down, trying to eat healthy. I still a bit of that out of body feeling, I think it's getting less - hard to tell.


I still have the Klonopin, I really don't want to use it, supposed to help me to feel less uncomfortable and to take as needed. I haven't checked yet about multivitamins, thought about just get One A Day brand for woman, they have one for 55 plus, I'm 53 years old.


Wish I can sleep better though and stop sweating at times - I know it's part of it. I'm not sure if my symptoms is really less severe compared to others. You must had it severe, and how are you feeling now, is your symptoms all gone since you been on Zoloft and how long on it?


For 10 years, that's a lot of mighty battles you had endured!

#29 BigAl



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Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:35 PM

The symptoms start like yours in many cases and after about 4 or 5 weeks transition over to more emotional issues. Mood swings, anger, agitation, crying, etc. This can last, typically, 4 to 6 months with a some members lasting 1 to 3 years before fading completely away. That is unusual though.



Hi there,

  I am also new here and its comforting to have found this forum, as I am struggling to find answers to what I am going through after this horrible drug.

 A very quick run down on my story..... A complicated relationship breakup lead to panic attacks and a break down causing me to be prescribed citalopram for depression. From there I was prescribed cymbalta as I suffered a herniated lumbar disc and nerve damage. I didn't like the side effects of citalopram, so the doctor put me on Cymbalta. After remaining on Cymbalta for 4 years I was ready to come off as my back felt fine and I felt in a good place mentally.My doctor had warned me to not quit cold turkey so I reduced gradually, plus I did some research online. I was on 60mgs for 4 years and I reduced to 30mg for a few weeks and then 20 and then 10mgs, splitting the capsules and judging roughly the amount of beads but I didn't count them. I am now at around 10-11 weeks off of the drug and I can 100% confirm I have had pretty much every symptom you have listed in the forums apart from seizures. I have placed your quote above my post as my question is; As I am at a little over 2 months off, is it normal to be feeling such anxiety, mood swings etc as I am after this long off of the drug?  I also have stomach problems, bloating, nausea and constipation, which is affecting me the most. Is this symptom normal this long after too or is it lasting a bit longer than it should?


Many thanks for your time, I look forward to your reply

#30 fishinghat


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:43 PM

JB I am on year 6 with about 4 years left. Yes, it was a horrible battle. I spent 6 months just screaming in fear and panic. Now things are Ok. I take my weaning extremely slowly so I do not have significant withdrawal.. Hopefully the Zoloft will go smoothly.

"Okay, let me figure out what you meant, you were on Prozac for 3 months to help with the withdrawal symptoms. It didn't help you, so then you were put on Zoloft.

You had 276 days of those withdrawal symptoms before you tried Prozac then Zoloft, correct? For a minute I almost panicked because I am about to start on Prozac tomorrow morning. I really want to feel better, not worse."

Yep that is pretty much it. I had 276 days of withdrawal before the Zoloft kicked in. During that time the drs tried multiple drugs. Nothing like a long visit with the devil.

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