Hi Ozgun, thanks for asking! I finished about 4-6 weeks ago. I went from 2 beads to 0, I didn't even do the 1 bead, take a picture of if and post it for posterity's sake!
I am achy and very fatigued. I guess that's from stopping the C. I feel like depression is back, but my doctor begged me to try being psych med free for a few months until I come back to see her. She believes us when we want to stop C and tells people not to CT and we must do a slow wean. I wish everyone here who has a doctor that doesn't believe that stopping C causes problems could come see her.
I lost my job Nov 1 (it happens in my industry quite often, and I have something possibly starting up Jan 28. The job loss and the possible new job is giving me anxiety, mostly when I wake up in the morning. If I wake up very early (like 4am) I will take a .5 xanax to try to calm down and get back t o sleep. I can't sleep late anymore and I used to be able to do that, I just toss and turn. And I used to be about to take an hour nap some afternoons, that doesn't work anymore.
I am trying to exercise and eat clean, the holidays put a small damper on that, but I'm back to it. The holidays themselves were pretty stressful since I was with family - 5 adults, 5 kids, 3 loud dogs, loud TVs, games being played, this all in itself was tiring. I'm the only one with hearing lose and tinnitus and it seems that most people in my family, especially the kids MUMBLE...As a hard of hearing person, it's fatiguing trying ti decipher conversations. After the New Year I'm going to get my ears checked out again, see if there is anything new for tinnitus and find out why my right ear is blocked and I can't unblock it.
Saturday is my eldest sister's birthday, she lives 2 hours north of me and if she's alone for her b-day, I'll feel sorry for her and drive up and spend the day with her. I really have nothing else to do so I might as well.
My life is very boring these days, especially since I lost my job. I don't really have many hobbies so I have to figure out what to do with my time. I live on the 6th floor and I've wondered a few times if falling that far will just cause harm to me or will it cause death? I am not planning on doing this, but those thoughts creep into my mind every now and then. They scare me.