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Research Article: Zantac (Ranitidine) For Anxiety And Depression

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#1 FiveNotions



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Posted 06 June 2016 - 09:57 AM

I've stumbled onto the discovery that Zantac, which I'd been taking for severe acid reflux, seems to help my post-crapalta anxiety ... did some research, and found a number of old (really old) articles that seem to confirm this ... here's one of the freely available ones ...


Caveat: but be aware that new research is showing that extended use of Zantac, and / or use of the highest dose, may cause kidney/liver damage.




Effect of the H2-receptor antagonist ranitidine on depression and anxiety in duodenal ulcer patients
Depression and anxiety were measured during the course of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
of the histamine H2-receptor antagonist, ranitidine (150 mg twice daily), in patients suffering from
duodenal ulcer but free of systemic disease. There were 25 patients in the ranitidine group (mean age: 33-2 years) and 28 in the placebo group (mean age: 37-2 years). In both groups there was a highly significant and progressive decrease in depression and anxiety scores over the 4 weeks of treatment. There were no instances of mental confusion. In our group of otherwise physically healthy patients, ranitidine appeared to be free of neuropsychiatric complications.

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 06 June 2016 - 10:42 AM

I am a great believer in the brain/gut connection and have posted articles before. I take probiotics every day, a dose of pepto a couple times a week, a Zantac about twice per week, even an antacid a couple times per week plus a lot of fiberous foods. It seems like my stomach condition is directly proportional to my anxiety. See below.


I also found two other Zantac articles.


The H1- and H2-histamine blockers chlorpheniramine and ranitidine applied to the nucleus basalis magnocellularis region modulate anxiety and reinforcement related processes.
In sum, these findings show that H1- and H2-receptor antagonists differentially modulate reinforcement and fear-related processes in the NBM and thus, provide the first evidence for a behavioral relevance for the histaminergic innervation of this brain site.


H1 but not H2 histamine antagonist receptors mediate anxiety-related behaviors and emotional memory deficit in mice subjected to elevated plus-maze testing

CAUTION - Zantac can effect the absorbtion rate of many medicines so be sure to check drug interactions before taking it.

#3 FiveNotions



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Posted 07 June 2016 - 08:31 AM

Fascinating about the histamine blocker effect, FH ... great articles, thank you !


My reg doc had me on 150 mg. twice a day for well over a year ... I took myself off completely a few months ago and went back to home remedies (ginger tea and ginger slices, as well as Bragg's vinegar) ... the home remedies work pretty well (not perfectly) for the acid reflux ... but the "stomach worms"/anxiety every so slowly started to ratchet up ...


So, I've put myself back on it, 75 mg, just 3 few days a week, similar to what you're doing  ... and the "worms" are now abating again ...

#4 Geebers



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Posted 10 July 2016 - 01:22 AM

I am on reflux meds.as well. I am hearing that they cause dementia. So tired of long term meds. Alkalizing drops in water are helping with that,but doesn't remove all of the GERD.

#5 Carleeta



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Posted 11 July 2016 - 08:16 PM



I have read studies which show a correlation between certain acid reflex meds and Dimentia.  Most of what I read have to do with seniors taking the medication. What I do know about acid reflex is there is a way to control this without medication.  Your doctor might tell you how to approach it.  I know eating prior to bedtime causes acid  reflex along with eating bigger meals at one sitting.  You might do better with smaller meals 6 or 8 during the day and not eating about 5 hours prior to bedtime.   Take a look at all your meds even if they are vitamins, tylenol, asprin, and the like because they too cause acid reflex.   Don't stress over the medication you are on just yet....ok?

#6 Carleeta



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Posted 11 July 2016 - 08:18 PM

Fishinghat, I do love the article about probiotics......You know I have probiotics daily for 10 years now......It's even in my protein shake.....and even that I add fruit to and blend it up....

#7 Bkc26



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Posted 20 July 2018 - 03:04 PM

Any experience with CBD oil for nausea and anxiety?

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 20 July 2018 - 03:40 PM

I am afraid I can't help with that but you might try doing a search of the site. I know a few members have tried it.

#9 gail


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 07:50 AM

Zantax, yes, again!

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