Hello everyone,
I have been on cymbalta for 6 years (60 mg for anxiety, social phobia, depression, OCD). a year ago i decided to withdraw. during this year i was between 30 to 60 mg. currently im on 30 mg. as part of my withdrawal journey (and for some time before it), i experience fast heart rate, with strong beats, feeling of no air, palpitations, sweating, hyperventilation. these occur mostly at nights and i also when i wake up (i wake up very early even when im exhausted because i have fast and strong heart beats and hyperventilation). this occurs almost every night (regardless of how tired i am). for years, my quality of sleep is very poor.
from what i read here and from some reading i did, i think that my sympathetic system is too active during those intervals which causes the above symtoms.
i decided i want to try chlonidine as i know it moderates the sympathetic response. on a holter test i did a few years ago (continous overnight heart rate and blood pressure measurements) i had some intervals of bradycardia (slower then normal heart rate). back at the time, my doctor told me it can be a bit risky to use beta blockers since it can lower my heart rate even more. during the years i had a few more holter tests in which no bradycardia was seen. actuaqlly, one holter showed that my blood pressure was higher than normal at night time (non-dipping blood pressure). I was tested for cathecholamines concentration twice and both times the values were normal (i dont understand why).
as previously mentioned, i want to start taking chlonidine as an attempt to restore my quality of life back. i am afraid though because of the bradycardia issue. therefore, i decided to purchase sensors for heart rate and blood pressure that i can use overnight and see how my body reacts to the medication.
does anyone here have experience with such devices and can reccommend on a brand or product? preferably it should be wearable or wireless for me to be able to sleep without any disturbances cause by the devices.
Thanks alot in advance!!!