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#31 fishinghat


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 07:46 AM

My wife, in her youth, had the same experience. Terrible paranoia and fear. Once was enough for her. Many have that reaction.

#32 Wagtail


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 04:52 PM

Hi Gail , yes I believe that what you experienced is common for some people .
When they make the CANNABIS OIL The hallucinogen part of the plant is removed ,therefore it can be used by small children .
Except in the treatment of cancer They leave some of the THC in ( the part that can cause paranoia) in but is small parts . I think that is right but don't quote me ...
Most people are afraid of this ,but if you get your prescription right. This won't happen .
Also adding hemp seeds into your diet helps a lot with your general well being as well ....

There are many reviews that recommend this as well .
I think my doctor will be adding hemp seeds into my diet soon , he's being very careful how quickly he adds any new vitamin or mineral because my withdrawal from Cymbalta has left me super sensitive to almost everything
Hemp seeds are classed as a FOOD so it's legal to buy here ..
As you can tell ,I'm working hard to repair the damage that CYMBALTA has left me with .
Best Regards
Wagtail ( Gail ) xx

#33 Wagtail


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 05:01 PM

Hi fishinghat old mate ,

that was the reason I never tried it ,I heard so many bad reports. I raised my children with that in mind. I put the fear of God into them if they ever tried cannabis ......
I can't believe that I'm now singing its praises. It's only because it's the oil that's being used & is helping so many people .
You need to join a few groups & learn about its amazing ability to cure people . You will probably join a few suss groups before you learn how to weed out the good from the bad .
Just google " Rick Simpson " he cured his own cancer & is a well recognised man in this field .
You soon learn which group is run by POTT HEADS & which groups are legitimate & only interested in healing & sharing their stories.
Like I said to Gail , getting the right prescription from the right people is imperitive .
The down side is it's very expensive ..

#34 fishinghat


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 05:14 PM

I have heard it is quite expensive. I have also heard about the pot head vs expert websites.  lol 
They don't teach about this in colleges (at least not in class, lol) but it seems like the THC was the active ingredient for the anti-anxiety effect as well as some people being sensitive to it causing the paranoia. Anyway I am not sure about that. I know that it certainly has its strong medical benefits when it comes to cancer but it also has a lot of drug interactions too, depending on what form and type of material is used.

#35 Wagtail


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 05:44 PM

F/H , you're pc right . That's why it's so important to do your research & lots of it . Also it effects everyone differently .

We used it to cure my brothers malignant rain tumour . It was amazing to see the difference in him after we started the treatment . His pain was relieved greatly , he could finally sleep & eat .Also he could converse with us again , his doctors did guess what we were doing but chose to turn a blind eye . They couldn't help but notice the improvement in him .After 12 months & his MRI COMING BACK CLEAR , they too were converted .

I do have access to it from a group with a very experienced doctor as admin if I wanted to take the risk .....but for now I don't want to be arrested if it's pick d up in a roadside breathtest .
I will just hang in here & try the diet method first .


#36 brzghoff


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 07:24 PM

fyi when it comes to can-na-bis (using the hyphens to get past the censors) medicinally it depends on what is being treated. some strains of the plant are used for seizures and mental health due to levels of CBD oil (no high) . for pain its the THC (gets ya high) .


street (and most medical) can-na-bis is high (pun sorta intended) in THC . potency has grown exponentially in the past several decades. additionally, in states where its legal recreationally and medicinally, its often sold in stores cooked into cookies and other confections. cooking enhances the strength significantly. for years users have baked it into brownies, made butter with it and oil that is spread across a cigarette to make it stronger. complicating things is that this is not the pot of the '60's and '70's, or even '80's and '90's. those who are inexperienced and haven't built of up tolerance are suffering severe panic attacks, paranoia and even  hallucinations. google "dabbing". cookies are sold to be split up into 4-6 pieces but unsuspecting experimenters eat the whole thing. pot is technically a hallucinogen, albeit a weak one - until recently. 


conversely, the CBD oil doesn't get you high but is extremely effective for a certain type of seizure suffered by children and is being prescribed under the name "charlotte's web" don't confuse it with what is being sold on amazon with the same name. the real thing isn't available retail. there is also strong anecdotal evidence that it works well for anxiety.


those who take THC for pain benefit from the distraction getting high provides.


if you want to take pot for anxiety - make sure you get medicinal grade high in CBD

#37 fishinghat


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 07:38 AM

Well done Brz. Thanks for the info.

#38 Wagtail


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Posted 09 April 2017 - 12:52 AM

brzhoff you're spot on over the last 2 years of watching my Brother battle his brain tumour using medicinal can-na-bis oil .
I have met a great deal of characters who deal in this market . Some of them you suss out quite quickly to be fake & out to make a fortune by using the unfortunate & sick desperate people . I was fortunate to be put in touch with a medical group in another state who in turn introduced me to another group in my own state & only 1 1/2 hrs away .
This group is guided by a professional doctor, who unfortunately has been de-registered because he refused to stop helping many children & young adults to stop their epileptic seizures,using the can-na-bis he grows himself . This group has been raided many times but they have so many supporters helping them out . Their patient list is too long to help everyone but they have helped the worst cases . They would be the most experienced group in all of Australia.... they have warned me about the possible side effects if I'm not prescribed properly & only use quality bud .. I'm about to start by adding good quality hemp seeds to my diet ,to lower my cholesterol.
By the time I'm ready to take the risk of treating my PTSD / generalised anxiety disorder/depression With the can-na-bis oil . I should be well and truly informed .... Hopefully Australia will soon make it legal in Medicinal form ....

#39 MissHatchet



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Posted 13 May 2017 - 05:00 PM

Thank you wagtail (and everyone else!) for sharing your journey. I came to this group about 2.5 years ago to read others experiences with withdrawal, never posted, but the information and stories you have all told are an incredible resource to anyone going through this, and were a vital part in helping me understand and believe I'd be ok eventually. I too went cold turkey from 60mg a day, and I completely agree that it is brutal to say the least. While the physical withdrawal symptoms have subsided, I still deal with a lot of mental and emotional challenges.


While can-na-bis is technically medically legal in my state, you have to be terminally ill with 6 months or less to live, to be able to be prescribed it, so the legal means of getting this for me are not an option. I know it is illegal, but I do smoke it regularly to help ease my anxiety, it allows me to slow down my thoughts so I have time to process everything without becoming overwhelmed and completely shut down. I've done a lot of research on it, and am an advocate for it. It helped me ease my withdrawal symptoms without needing any other forms of medication. Huge bonus, if I skip a day of smoking, half of my body doesn't go numb like it did with Cymbalta, and nothing else horrible happens to me if I chose not to smoke, unlike Cymbalta that made it feel like my whole body was against me if 1 dose was missed. 


After the experience of being on Cymbalta, I never want to be on another Anti Anxiety/anti depressant every again in my life. It really is not for everyone, but I definitely think (especially if it is readily available legally) it's worth a look into for the benefits. NORML is a great organization that provides tons of information about current legal proceedings and research that is released on the use of  medical "MJ". There is a lot of current research going on that it's actually helping people addicted to heroin and other Opioids in the US get off those horrible drugs. Opioid addiciton in the US is huge and there are so many dying from overdoses, I'm glad something is able to help them through their journeys other than methadone

#40 albergo11


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Posted 29 May 2017 - 08:52 PM

I had a horrendous experience with pot which made me like 5X worse for many years.  Panic attack that lasted for many weeks to months.  This is part of the reason I never recovered.  Sadly, I just inhaled too much of one which a very high TCH content and that was the end of my life - I barely survived and still suffer the consequences to this day.  So yes, be extremely EXTREMELY careful and use very small doses at first and work your way up or you could end up losing your mind and getting sent to a psych ward, which will make your damage 10X worse. 


One must move on with the bad decisions they have made, however - and the idea of CBD oil to relieve the nerve pain from cymbalta is worth a shot - I have had some success in the treatment of pain with pot and I can say it's effective - but after a while the effect will wear off.


Any good websites you recommend for making a purchase?

#41 Wagtail


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Posted 30 May 2017 - 12:11 AM

Hello Albergo 11,


the fear of having a reaction as you describe, is what stops me from moving forward & trying it . I have been told that I need a high cbd content with just a drop of thc , to treat my anxiety .

I think you live in the States as where I'm in Australia . 

It's still very illegal to use can na bis here & there are many selling pure crap .

I know of a couple of groups I can go to for help when the time comes . One of the groups who have been helping a lot of very sick , terminal poor souls were raided a couple of weeks ago . 

The police even took a little boy off his parents , because they were using the can nab is oil to stop him from having 80 seizures daily, down to just a couple .

You may have seen it on your tv over there. The boy involved is called Chase ..... it's a travesty .

The big drug companies own our government ,just like they do in other countries.


Hopefully someday we will have legal access to the plants that are proven to work & not be forced to gamble with drugs like cymbalta ....

#42 gail


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Posted 18 October 2018 - 07:38 AM

News from old members, good read!

#43 TryinginFL


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Posted 20 October 2018 - 02:28 PM

Good to hear from "older members" !!


CBD oil is legal in all 50 states and I get a delivery every month.  This is for the fibromyalgia which is also nerve-related.  It has been getting worse over the years and the CBD seems to help.  I pay $40 for a small bottle and take it with a dropper.  There are several places that will ship and the one I use is Naturelife which I'm sure you can look up on the internet.


I wish you all well and hugs to everyone! :hug: 



#44 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 02:04 PM

I'm baaack! Sure have missed you all

#45 fishinghat


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 02:15 PM

Congratulations. It may be available there in Fl but not here in Mo or Ark.  They have not certified any vendors and most drs have made it well known that they will NOT prescribe it.  Of course this area still has dry counties where alcohol can not be sold too.

#46 gail


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 05:12 PM

Liz, nice surprise! Hope to see you often!

#47 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 08:01 PM

Thank you Gail!! ;-)

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