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Psychiatrist Shortage And Alternative Mental Health Treatment

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#1 brzghoff


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Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:40 AM

dunno if this is good news or bad...




dunno if this would be fun or scary just wish it'd been an option in 1996.



#2 fishinghat


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Posted 10 September 2015 - 03:04 PM

I have been told there is a significant shortage of pdocs in my state. Not suprising. Most doctors are not 'crazy' enough to take the job.

#3 Biglost



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Posted 19 October 2015 - 09:51 AM

The less the better, I only fear primary care docs doing even more damage...

#4 gail


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 11:20 AM

Hi Biglost,

Cold turkey since four weeks, as I see. And from 60 mg.

Goodness, how are you doing at this point?

#5 TryinginFL


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 05:20 PM

Welcome Biglost!


We're happy that you have found us!


Wow - cold turkey off of 60 for about a month...    I did that in Jan. of 2014 and didn't find this forum - like you - for about a month.


How are you doing?  Please come back to let us know how you are or to ask any questions that you may have,.  we're here and we care!


I wish you the best.



#6 Biglost



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    Horrible experience getting off cymbalta. Cold turkey from 60mg on sept. 20, 2015...

Posted 19 October 2015 - 09:31 PM

Thanks for noticing and response Gail, tringinFl,...I feel angry, terrible confusion and rage towards spouse so it's scary. It feels like chemical poisoning, tingling, numbness, burning sweating then freezing. I've cancelled some important things because I don't trust my irritation and am overcome with exhaustion. Bad taste in mouth, metal like. I have a month and I will not take this toxin again! So glad I found this forum! I am watching myself coming back A tiny bit at a time, ....psychiatrists are low on my list, they just switch meds or up them($$$$) feel so alone and tearful, I could have used caring people in the beginning , not toxic chemicals to shut me down...shut me up. The mental health system has been punishing the sad, sensitive, abused folk of this world throughout history, now it is poison chemicals instead Of ECT and locked wards. This cymbals is the worst

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:54 AM

Hi Biglost


It is a diversion to hell that we have all went through. I wish I could make it better but I can't. All I can say is that it doe get better.


This is just the nerves learning how to function all over again without Cymbalta, It takes time and a lot of up and down. 


God Bless

#8 gail


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 10:00 AM

Hi Biglost,

As Fishinghat said, it's a trip to hell.

I also wish that I could make it better,we can only be here and listen and give advice when we can.

All the stories we hear brings us back to those moments we have lived ourselves. We will always remember! And it pains me to see all of you suffering. And we made it, not perfect, but we did and so will you.
With a lot of bruises for sure. Time and patience as Fishinghat says.

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