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Lawsuit Against Drug Companies And Doctor!?

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#1 Sfava987



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Posted 06 April 2015 - 07:03 PM

I am not a "sue happy" person, nor do I have the time or energy for a lawsuit, but no other living soul should have to go through this. Warnings must be included with info that drug co. reps give to doctors, accurate warnings!!! This drug is ruining my health and my life, and something must be done. The drug companies must be held accountable and and correctly warn physicians of the high chance of what the FDA has actually named, "Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome"! I am also calling the FDA to fil a report on my personal experience. Who on here has permanent health damage from being on this drug? I am weaned to 20 mg, and just this past week began having severe burning pain and numbness in my heels and feel, and I still have the tinnitis in my ears. Scared to death I will never be ok. Six months ago, before I started Cybalta, I had none of these problems.

#2 FiveNotions



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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:59 AM



Bravo for wanting to do something about this poison, and the poisonous company that makes it!


Here's my 2 cents worth (and what with inflation, 2 cents ain't what it used to be)...

Try to avoid the personal injury firms, like the one that advertises on this site. It's not that they're bad firms, it's just that they're in it only for the $$$ (for themselves), and not to truly fight Eli Lilly Co. Also, they're extremely picky about who they take on as a client ... if you've taken other meds, are still taking meds, for any pysch condition, they typically rule you out. And, the PI cases against Lilly that I'm aware of haven't succeeded ... except for the ones where someone died (suicide), etc. Our kind of harm doesn't "cut it" for the law firms, or the courts, for that matter...

All that said, contact Zachary Johnson at the Knox Rickerson law firm ... they were/are conducting a major legal action against Eli Lilly Co., specifically on the withdrawal issue ....the wife of one of their partners went through what we've been through with Cymbalta, and the firm (which specialized in high-level pharmaceutical and medical device fraud/malpractice - they don't do PI cases, they go for the company itself) decided to.


Here's the link to the thread we have with all the information ...


They accepted me as a client, and a number of other forum members have also signed up ... however, I haven't heard from Zachary in months ... since last fall ... I assume it's because several other major legal cases (handled by other firms) that were precursors to the KR case didn't go well for the plaintiffs ... (fighting Eli Lilly Co. is like fighting the Balrog)

I need to contact Zachary, and I'll post what I find out here. Have any of our other forum members heard anything?

#3 scared60


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Posted 12 October 2015 - 11:10 AM

Hey FN - just curious - I see that Schmidt/Clark (I think) is pinned at the top of the lawsuit topic page.  Is this the firm you are indicating is more after the $$ than Eli Lily?  Just yesterday, I filled out their case description questionnaire, my brain isn't working (duh) and thought this was the firm I'd seen here a while back when I was more active.  I now see that KR is that firm.


Is KR firm more inclined to go after Eli?  Eli Lily really needs a smack down.  Law firms are usually after the money I guess, but sometimes behind it all they want the smack down too. Yes?


I'm at may be 2 wks of cold turkey of 20mgs ... it's been hell and I want someone to pay.  Anyway, about a month ago I received a full packet of materials from another law firm (deskin) I just happened across out there on the net, but my gut told me to toss 'em.  I just couldn't turn over my medical history to an entity that had no recommendation.  I guess I can file with KR too.  I just want the right one or just let it go.  I barely have the wherewithal to get through a day right now, contrary to a post several days ago when I was in a fairly good frame of mind.  Just call me yoyo ...

#4 scared60


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Posted 12 October 2015 - 12:18 PM

Related to my previous post.  I just heard from Schmidt/Clark in response to my completion of their case info request of yesterday.  Will be mass tort rather than class action.  Many years probably but to ruffle Eli Lily (if it does) is all I want.  Any financial win is 60/40 which isn't too bad, but I'm not concerned re" money as much as Eli Lily smack down. Not that I couldn't use the $$ being unable to work, etc but I'm feeling hopeful right now.  Glad to have received call from a person, made me feel like they "care" ...hmm


Sending prayers hugs and love to everyone having ever been on Cymbalta and going through withdrawal!

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