piqued curiosity
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Posted 12 April 2019 - 04:31 PM
compels attention
OK, I don't get it. Piqued means to irritate or anger someone, especially their ego. Did I miss something?
pique is a verb that is used in the context of increased arousal - positive or negative and thus can be used to speak of interest (positive) or anger (negative)
Posted 12 April 2019 - 04:58 PM
Ah ha, I see. I was only familiar with the second definition.
pique verb
transitive verb
1a : to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
//sly remarks to pique their curiosity
b : pride
//he piques himself on his skill as a cook
2 : to arouse anger or resentment in : irritate
//what piques linguistic conservatives
Posted 12 April 2019 - 05:25 PM
easily rectified
it's always good to keep learning!! It's what keeps the likes of you and I going Hat
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 13 April 2019 - 09:22 AM
swiftly rectified
It was Kathy's pic! She lost hers and I was trying to send it back to her!
Took the plunge 4 hours ago. Very spaced out and very apprehensive about the next few days. Just wish I could be sure that all the physical symptoms were related to the Lexapro and/or taking both at the same time.
Posted 13 April 2019 - 10:39 AM
Posted 13 April 2019 - 08:49 PM
apart ment lol
Okay, I live in a condo, not an apartment, but it's similar to an apartment. It's right next to the train. AND, this is the 3rd night in a row that the "square" outside is having some sort of shindig.... I'm old and the noise bothers me... But I like my condo, so I will deal with it.
Where did you find my avatar, IUN? Thank you so much!!!
Posted 13 April 2019 - 09:19 PM
block party
Like I said one time before, I have socks older than you, IUN!
The music has stopped... yay!! It usually goes on for another hour or so. And it's not necessarily very loud, it's just weird sounds I can hear, I'd probably rather hear the entire song instead of just the yodeling part I can hear. It's hard to describe.
Way back machine?
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