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#10411 gail


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Posted 31 October 2018 - 08:03 AM

Indeed Sir

A greasy marker? I understand that you passed the opportunity.

Scrat is behaving quite well, he must come from the Royal Family....

Been doing good here, nothing to trigger GAD. All precautions have been made, so I'm a lucky gal. By precaution, I mean that my son and my brother will come every two weeks apart. To help me different things that I can't do. And since I have no new symptoms, I feel good.

The palliative nurse is coming this morning, every two weeks she comes, we talk about what's bugging me. I will have Acorn attend, she will think that it's my disguise for Halloween. Wait till she sees that he can walk on the table, she will have heart attack!

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Posted 31 October 2018 - 05:30 PM

Sir Psycho


Can't find a sentence beginning with "Sir", so we have a Red Hot Chili Peppers song instead :)


Grease marker is used to write on the fast food wrappers!


Really glad symptoms are behaving. It is nice when things are kept on an even keel. New symptoms are never good for the anxiety sufferer. Mine has been up and down - also very annoying!


So how did the nurse find Acorn's attendance today? One hopes that he behaved and looked the part with his new haircut? 


Hope my dear Sid is resting up as I write, looking at some lovely rocks. Your story was just lovely. I also used to collect stones - loads of them. Trying to remember the names of them all now. My favourite was Agate...

#10413 gail


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 09:41 AM

Psycho Einstein

Hey you man from UK, I have missed you so much yesterday wondering if you were a tad better!

The nurse found Acorn so cute and sweet that she wanted to borrow him for the day to bring him on rounds to help people smile and take away their fears. Like zoo therapy. I said that I'd speak to you first. Only a couple of days a week. What do you think?

In return, he would get a few dollars for Candy. Plus an eye examination, he doesn't seem to see clearly. And a pair of glasses of his own. Acorn is besides himself with joy. Black eye glasses, he insisted. Dad will decide. He wants to write something for you, here goes.

Dad? Dad? Can I? Please to help all those sick people? Say yes. And candy plus flashy eye glasses. Gail sleeps a lot during the day, and I would render service to all those in need of friendship. Say yes dad? Love to mom and you my awesome dad. Kisses, Acorn.

Now, dad, how have you been doing yesterday and today? Progress? I'd like to hear from you and what did FH say about upping the dulox? And what's the make of your red car?

#10414 fishinghat


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 11:32 AM

Einstein ring

In observational astronomy an Einstein ring, also known as an Einstein–Chwolson ring or Chwolson ring, is the deformation of the light from a source (such as a galaxy or star) into a ring through gravitational lensing of the source's light by an object with an extremely large mass (such as another galaxy or a black hole). This occurs when the source, lens, and observer are all aligned—a syzygy.

#10415 gail


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 11:53 AM

Ring a bell

Meaning, your door bell rings. You're in bed. And forget about it till five minutes later, you hear loud banging on your apartment door. You're still in bed, and since I'm feeling rather blah, I don't answer.

I wish that people would call before coming. Does that ring a bell? Blablabla!

I'm as intelligent as Einstein here, our own Einstein. We are so privileged to have you Fishinghat! Thanks for being there for us!

#10416 fishinghat


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 03:56 PM

Bell River

Bell River, a watercourse that is part of the Macquarie catchment within the Murray–Darling basin, is located in the central west region of New South Wales, Australia.

Thank you so much Gail. I am happy to help.

#10417 invalidusername


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 06:11 PM

River bed
Sorry for my brief absence Gail. Having lost out on a bit of work on Tuesday courtesy of withdrawal hospital visit, I had to press on for last couple of days to keep the bills paid, the wife fed and so forth.
I think Acorn would do well to aid others in a pallative capacity - as long as you are OK with him leaving you be for these brief moments? But if he is keeping you awake, then maybe it is a good idea! And yes to the glasses. I am very happy with that. He doesn't get to see a lot from his low position, so I think that what he does see should at least be in focus!
Yesterday was better than hospital day for sure, but I had developed a constant tight chest which has bought on my anxiety. And as I already have withdrawal anxiety, it has made it quite nasty. But I have had a nice little snack, a few drops of CBD oil and going to treat myself to a new book to read when I purchase my veggie omega oil after 'hat and axle pointed out the big selection on Amazon!
My chariot is a lovely Audi TT. Bit flash I know, but I want for so little, I think I am allowed this one vice!!
Sincerely hope your stretch of good days is continuing. I told your "stone story" to a friend today. He is lovely down-to-earth Christian lay pastor as a local church. He also commented that it is very strange to see a single ant who led you to the second offering.
I have another couple of such stories to tell you. But can save these for tomorrow. Best remind me thou as head isn't exactly where it should be at the mo!!

#10418 gail


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:03 AM

Bed relationship

Right, I love my bed as I'm so often in it. Comfy and warm with my electric pad and my wooden small crucifix in my hand. My love partner, I see it that way. Tired or not, it's always made up.

I'm out of likes, but thanks FH and Scrat for your posts. I'm in a good phase, 10 days now, thank you Lord. I barely have pain and sleep like a log. Eating is scarce, I force myself.

My son Jayson is coming Tomorrow with his lovely Jessica. They bring food, and we go for groceries. They stay for a few hours, then I'm bushed. And my brother will come in two weeks, his job is to bring the laundry, big pieces, the rest I hand wash.

Now, Acorn is on his first day of work with the nurse. I'll need to find clothes for him, he can no longer go nude, he's about 6 inches tall already. So, I put him in a sock for this morning not to shock anyone. His masculine parts are starting to show. What a magical Acorn!

With all of the EKGs you had, we can dismiss a heart problem, right. When in deep anxiety, I feel the uneasiness in the heart region, I take an Ativan to calm it. And off it goes. In my situation, I take 3 mg daily and you all know that I won't have to wean myself.

They said, end of year, end of automn, I sure don't feel as I'm dying for one bit. Or is God playing a trick on me. Enough for now, breakfast, small one. Love you All

#10419 fishinghat


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 10:17 AM

relationship rollercoaster


Hey Gail, have you tried protein drinks to help keep your strength up?

#10420 gail


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 01:20 PM

Rollercoaster ride

Not yet FH, as I can still eat lots of nuts and fruits and cheese. I'm not ready for that yet. Might be at the end. I'm not losing weight to my surprise, I guess the paxil and the opiates have something to do with this. Thank you for that suggestion.

#10421 invalidusername


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:27 PM

ride along
I do love my bed, but because my flat only has one habitable room (got separate kitchen, bathroom, hall etc), it has to make do as a bedroom as well as lounge. Is a very big room, but no enough to house sofa as well as bed, so it gets used more than it should. I don't like it because a bed should represent a safe haven, and having another room would make it so much easier to get up and out in the morning. I will eventually move once this whole Brexit stuff stops messing with the property market.
Hope you have a lovely day with family tomorrow, and don't let Acorn guilt you into buying too much stuff for him!!
With regards to your sign off. My neighbour was diagnosed with the "c" nearly 2 years ago. At the time, he was given a few weeks at best. I am pleased to say that during his "extra time", he has found some religious beliefs. Say what you will about this being typical of people in such states of facing death, but this guy was never one to be easily convinced. A visit from his long deceased father one night had a lot to do with it I think. 

#10422 gail


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Posted 03 November 2018 - 08:40 AM

Along came...

You are right, the bedroom represents a safe haven. I hope that you find a better apartment soon. My room is sacred for me.

The spiritual aspect when you are soon to leave makes it almost impossible to ignore. And for your friend to have that kind of visit must have changes his ways. Amen!

Visit soon, and it's so dark outside, the sun must have gotten lost somewhere. Unless AxleJames stole it!!!!lol!

As for Acorn, he was excited about his day at the hospital and wants to go back. Unless you are ready to have him fly back home? We'll be shopping for shoes, underwear, sweater and pants. He wants a red cap so that nobody step on him. He'll get all that. He's sleeping now, it was quite a day for him yesterday. I hope he grows fast, easier to buy clothes.

And may the Light shine on you my friend!

#10423 invalidusername


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Posted 03 November 2018 - 04:54 PM

Came forward


I'd like you to hold on to Acorn just until I stabalise on this 10mg. Should be ok to take over then. Hope he was well behaved during the family visit! Think the cap is a great idea. He gets quite tired from dodging all the feet around him!


Really tough day to day as you know. All the stress of the last few days piled up and came to a head. Still very apprehensive about what tomorrow will bring, but there must be an end somewhere in sight. Patience is so difficult for me, particularly as I have been trying to find a way out of my relapse for so long. Discussion with 'hat showing that my Citalopram may well have lost its mojo after over 13 years of use. It makes sense as it should really be kicking in at this point and after reading posts, I sound like someone who has come off without a supporting drug... and too quickly. So tired of everyday being a lottery for symptoms. Sigh.


Going to settle with a good book and continue to make attempts at distracting myself. Sorry for such a dismal post :(

#10424 gail


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Posted 04 November 2018 - 09:59 AM

Forward backward

FH knows what he's talking about when talking about time and patience. One morning you'll wake up feeling different. When?????

Can't remember how long you been on Celexa? And what are FH suggestion?

My cupboards are so full from yesterday's grocery, the freezer is about to crack from all the food there. For one person that doesn't eat much!!!! My son's visit went real good but after 5 hours, I was falling apart with fatigue. And off they went and off I went to bed till 8 am.

It's a pleasure to be with my red headed Acorn. He's going to work tomorrow, he has his new glasses, black rim, looks like a gangster!

Wishing you a better day, much lovage!

#10425 fishinghat


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Posted 04 November 2018 - 10:06 AM

backward lovage

Lovage is an erect, herbaceous, perennial plant growing to 1.8–2.5 m (5.9–8.2 ft) tall, with a basal rosette of leaves and stems with further leaves, the flowers being produced in umbels at the top of the stems.

Or did you mean...
Gastric lavage, also commonly called stomach pumping or gastric irrigation, is the process of cleaning out the contents of the stomach. It has been used for over 200 years as a means of eliminating poisons from the stomach
Or did you mean ...

#10426 invalidusername


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Posted 04 November 2018 - 03:43 PM

lovage growth
I thought I made that word up!! What d'ya know!
I have been on Citalopram/Celexa since 2005. Absolutely fine from 2007-2017, then abrupt stop causing relapse last year. Then stopped again only for the short while I was on 60mg of the evil drug. 
Another rough day, but managed to get out to see a friend for a couple of hours and pick up some groceries, but the anxiety is still very persistent regardless of whether thoughts are there. I am sure the withdrawal has moved my baseline of tolerance, making the slightest anxious moment a much bigger thing.
Oh. Didn't know Acorn had found work? Do tell....

#10427 gail


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Posted 05 November 2018 - 08:42 AM

Growth height ??

Acorn goes to the hospital for zootherapy, remember with my nurse?

Love the word lovage, not for it's meaning, but for the tenderness it exudes. 8 feet, lots of tenderness. But thank you dear Fisherman.

Going out in this condition asks a lot. Are we ever glad when it's done. One step at a time.
Acorn is sitting on my shoulder at the moment, kissing the back of my neck and giggling.

Scrat, I called the department of natural science to enquire about Acorn. His growing up, hands and feet, I was a bit confused with all this. They answered that once in 50years or so,
An acorn shows up with the same qualifications as our Acorn. Rare, so rare. Acorn will grow to be almost six feet, and he's expected to look like humans!!!! Except for the head, normal eyes but an acorn head. He'll wear caps!

Scrat, aren't we the lucky ones? I pray that your day is better, going out only for a few minutes to buy a lollipop. Even if it's hard. Well, not too hard! Much lovage!

#10428 invalidusername


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Posted 05 November 2018 - 08:37 PM

Height spurt


Oooh - acorn is a cheeky wotzit! But he clearly knows a good surrogate mom when he finds one. I hope he will be ok to come home when time comes... and you for that matter. Sound like you are having a wail of a time!


I am so grateful for the natural science gurus to come through. I always knew there was something special about him. I just can't imagine him taking a full human form though. The smaller limbs really suit - but I guess we are not the ones in control here.


I have felt much better as the evening has gone on. So difficult not to get overexcited and want to run about when I start feeling a little bit better, but I will enjoy the high and just be happy that the pills have lost for today!!



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Posted 06 November 2018 - 08:52 AM

Spurt, what?

Need to look this up. Now, it's the second day that you feel a bit better, counting here and yelling Hourra!

Nature has a way to show us that what we see is not reality. My sweet Acorn is proof here. It's not always as it looks, we are blessed. For him to reach his 6 feet will take about 2 years. I can still have him on my shoulder as I write. He loves to kiss the back of my head and saying, Love you Mommy. He's doing so as I write. Scrolls back to see your face, a few tears, but he is genuinely happy.

Today is a short visit to the doctor for prescriptions only. I don't really like to go out as, like your wife, I have a touch of agoraphobia. I understand her. It's becoming an epidemic, my son has it only in heavy traffic meaning each day as he drives to work. Montreal is the worst place to drive a car. I hate Montreal soooo much.

Oh boy, Acorn has grown again, his pants look like shorts!!! Poor kid, we'll go shopping again and that I don't mind. He's got a few pyjamas, stripped, he loves them. A new wardrobe before the week end. I love him so dearly. He's coming to the doctor with me, he wants to meet her to be sure that she's taking good care of me. See you later my friend, and I'm so happy that you are beginning to see the light! Mucho lovage!

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Posted 06 November 2018 - 09:48 AM

what ever


Gail, spurt - a sudden gushing effect. eg. a spurt of water.

#10431 invalidusername


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Posted 06 November 2018 - 06:25 PM



You are right about it becoming an epidemic. The last time the medics were out for my withdrawal seizures, the crew told me that they could point out loads of houses right outside that they have attended for mental health problems. Obviously they couldn't say, but of the six flats in my building, there is one chap who suffers agoraphobia and one who recently moved out who hadn't left her flat in 15 years.
Well done for going to get your prescriptions, and I can understand the heavy traffic as it is having control taken from you. 
As per my update, today has been more of a survival day. I have got on with, but was very difficult. I just can't seem to get past this stress anxiety. The smallest things are causing to be just too much.
How lovely that Acorn is making sure you are looked after. That is just the dear that I would hope he would grow up to be. Maybe one day he will work with more people like us. I think he will have seen a lot to understand it all!
Big love and hugs.

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Posted 07 November 2018 - 11:37 AM

More stress

Scrat, I was reflecting this morning about how stress,the smallest, can make me bend backwards. I have managed to eliminate most of it. No traffic where I live, thank God.

You remind me of myself. I'm getting better though. Just a month ago, I would go into a frenzie knowing that my brother or son would come to visit. Always trying to push it back and now, miracle, I'm ok with all this. Thank you God! I even look forward to their company. They can't believe how I've changed. Neither can I.

My dear Scrat, progress is not linear! You have had 3 days feeling a bit better! It's wax and wane!

Yes, our sweet Acorn has such a good nature, he wanted to make cookies for the sick ones at the hospital. So we did. Chocolate chip cookies. He left this morning with a big smile with his box of cookies. Makes me proud. He started taking his bath in a baby bath that I had.
Bubbles, he likes that. After that, he has his bath robe ready for him. That would be a small t shirt that the neighbor gave me.

So, on with our day, pyjama day for myself. I do that a few days a week.
Hope that you have a better day Scrat. Much lovage Mon Cheri! Lol

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Posted 07 November 2018 - 04:09 PM

stress fracture

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Posted 07 November 2018 - 05:52 PM

fracture clinic


I was reflecting as well - over the last few months, and it seems every time I went through a bad patch, it would be as a result of stress. I do have way too much in my life. The fact that now more than ever has occurred at my pivotal point of withdrawal is just the worst timing. 
What worries me most is the length of time this will keep up. I have never had this level of severity since the onset of my relapse. Just seems like 14 months of working at it down the lav! I've updated my forum topic so I won't rehash it all here, but it really does put our mental health service in perspective over here in the UK.
I wonder if Acorn knew that I had some cookie dough and was making some myself yesterday? Did he mention anything? Maybe our little Acorn is psychic?
Really hope to report back on a better day tomorrow. Picturing you in your lovely pyjamas and Acorn in his big t-shirt!! That image will keep me going for a while :)

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Posted 08 November 2018 - 05:57 PM

Clinical trial

Ah, the stress! I went through 5 episodes of emotional stress this morning. All that in three hours.

At noon, I had forgotten to eat, sure not hungry in those situations. I went for a well deserved nap, four hour straight nap. Now, back to normal range!

Acorn was off today, he too slept all this time with me under the covers. I told him about you and your cookies, he ask if they were for the sick and I said yes. Hello Dad, he says from the den, he's busy watching Collision Course.

Ok, enough for today, much lovage!

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 10:04 AM

trial trenching

Trial trenching is a rapid and inexpensive method of archaeological evaluation used to estimate the archaeological potential of a site.

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 11:43 AM

Trenching machine

Had to look this one up. fH, Scrat sent me a whole field of lovage, it's so beautiful.

Have we lost hold of Scrat? Acorn is asking for you Papa!

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 11:59 AM

Machine Creek

Machine Creek is a locality in Gladstone Region, Queensland, Australia.

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 04:29 PM

Creek Tower (Dubai Creek Harbour)


Scrat is still here. Looooong day of work unfortunately, and I know I should be taking it easy. Still, weekend is here and going to be resting knowing that this week has been an improvement over the last. 


Getting a lot of confusion thou. I read your message Sid, and the "Papa!" at the end, and I saw "PayPal".


"What on earth does lil' Acorn want with my PayPal?"


Some weird stuff going on upstairs along with some tinnitus which is annoying. 


Plenty more lovage waiting for you!!

#10440 KathyInFL


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Posted 09 November 2018 - 08:03 PM

Tower Theater. Okay this is a theater in Miami. I saw Bohemian Rhapsody the other evening (but not at tower theater)... I just needed to post about a theater so I could mention this movie. I love Queen, I loved this movie!  :wub:  I am going to go see it again.


Has anyone else gone to see it?

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