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Posted 26 April 2017 - 05:26 AM
Brz, you need to boil the sirop first before doing this. I don't know how long, but a long time.
Right FH, thick it is. Ah! My family doctor thought it was thick, the urologist saw on the scan something like clear and water. we never know until we open up! I am seeing the urologist this morning and maybe know more! Or less? No antibiotics yet, probably after my appointment. No clin... Something. I remember.
Posted 26 April 2017 - 08:19 AM
Brz, a lot of science in the medical research and the methods used are very standardized so you can compare apples to apples. What gets me is the tremendous volumes of good research out there but the drs simply don't know about it. Some of these researchers give symposiums on their particular research and a few dozen surgeons/physicians in the area will fly in to learn and a lot of that will be passed along from dr to dr by word of mouth. That is a slow process that delays the spread of good or improved medicine. Many time I have taken in 10, 12, 15 research articles on a given subject to my drs, some dating back 8 or 9 years, to only tell me they were not aware of the research. That is truly sad.
Another thing is the increase in biased research. A dr involved in a specific area, say kidney cancer, may do several research articles on the effectiveness of his particular treatment he specializes in. But careful reading of the conclusions will show a strong bias to his technique and NO discussion of what other things may have caused the positive results. Now most journals require a statement of interest with the research that reflects any personal or financial interest in the methods or products tested. The key thing here is to find other articles on the subject by different drs at different facilities to have a clearer perspective on the research. Thank goodness many drs will submit a review of a research article pointing out its flaws or things that may have not been considered.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 26 April 2017 - 10:11 AM
fast car
GP appt this afternoon - should be interesting... Will take results of tests to show her
Feeling a bit a pain this morning but realized I did something last nite I probably shouldn't have - carried a lamp (rather heavy) from one end of the house to the other When there is no one to help, what else to do??
Gail, I hope that you are doing much better today - any pain?
Getting old is not for the faint of heart
- fishinghat and gail like this
Posted 26 April 2017 - 03:47 PM
Crazy day with hospital mix up. Sure, I feel the pain, but nothing like before. And nothing that Tylenol can't fix.
Another scan on Monday to see if the frogs are really drowning in the drain. So to say!
I'm fed up, but it sure keeps my mind occupied. I must say that this medical gang are working pretty fast. One hour after getting home, scan already scheduled, And appointment with nurse scheduled also.
Fishinghat, aren't you the one that likes eating frog's legs? Free delivery!
Now, how was your day Liz with the medical gang?
Posted 27 April 2017 - 07:45 AM
No legs? Really, fins maybe? Wings? Should I have a microscope, I would know.
The last two days were stressful, and Madame Anxiety arrived this morning full force. I served her Benadryl, it makes her too sleepy to do her job. Madame can sleep till the day she dies, and for sure, I'm not the one that will wake her up!
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 27 April 2017 - 02:28 PM
Another day, another time and patience day. La Madame woke up too fast for my taste.
La Madame is another name for anxiety. I could call her by another name, but I will be sent packing from the forum! I sure don't want to lose this forum because of, because of what? Blank memory.
Anyway, Fishinghat would not sleep for a few days. Oh yeah, losing this forum because of pool room language. As my mom used to say.
Sid and Max spent the day in kindergarden today to play with the other kids. They should be back soon by bus. When Sid saw the black trench and the sunglasses that Max wears, he wanted the same. He tried 2000 pairs of sunglasses but nothing fit. He was crying, and when I said to him that his eyes were to pretty to hide, all changed.
He began to wink here and there for no reason. He got his black trench just like Max's, as for the black hat, nothing fitted. A black bandana, he settled for that.
Max is going back to Liz on Saturday, that is if you are better, if not, we don't mind that he stays with us till you are better. During their vacation, they were thaught to cook. They love cooking, specially deserts. Ok, enough, I hear the bus arriving.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:04 PM
Hello all...
Gail, I am so glad Max and Sid are having much fun together. I will let Max have some time home with Liz before I ask for him again.
As for me Lady A herself has been visiting me lately. More often than not and too often for my taste.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 06:56 PM
zone out
Gail, I wish I could have been watching the boys cooking and at kindergarten! What a hoot! Yes, Saturday will be great for Max's return - I certainly have missed him Wish I could have seen them with their trenches - so cool!
Was so happy to see my GP I could have cried...She found it interesting that the ct-scan (taken at the hospital and MRI taken a different place) did not agree - hospital said herniated disc and MRI result said no herniated disc - possible tumor, usually these are benign. YIKES!!!! What's up with the Radiologists??
She set me up with a new Pain Management Dr who has recently joined their clinic, but cannot see him for over a month!
Today is a good day - no pain but I have my pills handy! Had pedicure which made me feel better
Sad to realize that the brain THINKS you are 20 yrs younger but your body says "no way". I am really having a hard time with this. Due to pain, I canceled my last 2 therp appts but hope to make next one May 11.
Gail, I am happy to hear that you are doing better and need only Tylenol - wonderful!
Raven, I'm sorry about the big A - and you too, Gail, as I still have it but not as badly as during withdrawal but had never had it in my life...Thanks for another of your gifts, you poison drug
Posted 28 April 2017 - 07:17 AM
Ok Liz, Max on his way tomorrow! Their last fiesta together for a while.
FishingBrain, ah ah, you were so right about mixed results from scans, another example with Liz.
Pedicure? A long time since you mentioned this, a good omen. A pain management doctor, things are looking up!
I don't know what to think here, the pain is back full force! I'm beginning to wonder if they missed something. I was glad to be rid of the Dilaudid, for one day only. D and A are spiking up also. Que la vie est belle!
Posted 28 April 2017 - 08:19 AM
Liz, are they going to do more imaging so they can find out what the Dickens is going on? Don't put too much stock in the radiologists determination but a good surgeon usually have a better read on the images. Are you going to see a back surgeon? If so have him look at it and he should be able to tell.
Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:07 AM
there, where?
My GP is only referring me to a Pain Management Dr. - I am hoping that he will request another MRI...
Gail, I'm sorry you seem to be back to square one - do you and I live wrong or what???
I am looking forward to seeing Max tomorrow - it's been a while - hope he and Sid have a grand evening!
Am going to see a Shih Tzu at the Humane Society tomorrow morning - if I want him, I will have to come back to get Sherman to see if he likes him...I have in my head that I MUST have 2 dogs (probably because I have for 13 yrs) but don't know if I can afford him - name Bandit. Cost to seniors to adopt a dog is $65 - since he is only 1 yr old it could be more
Posted 28 April 2017 - 10:27 AM
Bandit, cute name for a wee dog. I have faith in the humane society. Healthy dogs. For sure you can manage the cost. It's nice of you to think about Sherman in this.
As for the lumbar or lumber pain, I don't know anymore what to think. By next Friday, I should know. Four medical appointments next week, the dessert or the disaster will take place Friday with the urologist. He will know what kind of frogs that took residence near the spleen.
FH, we will see if my frogs have legs or not!
The kids are all ready for tonite. Sid wants his own cigar. Max is preparing the special concoction for Sid's bath. Max would like Sid to come to Florida in the months to follow. Just a weekend, no more. He's my only companion, I would be too lonely. Selfish, I know!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 29 April 2017 - 07:58 AM
noted suffering
Every time it suddenly hits you like that Raven try and lay down for about 5 minutes, Try and relax your muscles and breath a little deeper and slower. It won't cure it but it can take the edge off. Some times it can take a little time to get good at this.
Hang in there.
- gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 29 April 2017 - 11:00 AM
I should had seen this before La Madame came to haunt me again. I am sure that I am her favorite.
Was heading to the chapel, she hit hard so I had to turn around and get back home.
I think that I will carry a baseball bat in the car, for la Madame of course.
Posted 30 April 2017 - 11:36 PM
He's right you know...Sometimes trying all the time just isn't good enough. When do we find the strength to get off our butts and actually fight his monster.
Get away from us you horrid creature. You medically prescribed nightmare disquised as a miracle. Leave us all alone, us and our families whose lives you have made horrible if not ruined.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:28 PM
Sid again, I lost my post. So I was saying:
Uncle hat? Auntie Raven? Auntie Liz? Max? Anyone? I am so lonely and Earth is such a lonely place for the moment.
Max, when you read this, ask your mom if she can spare you for a while, I miss you badly. Mom is not top shape at the moment and doesn't feel like playing.
Max, I went to kindergarden today, kids were so happy to see me. They were looking for you everywhere. They looked under my black trench, in case I had hid you in there. I need you to come back for a while, the time that mom gets a grip! Please Auntie Liz! Please.
Uncle Hat, I read many of your posts, you seem like a compassionate man and I know you are. Besides wanting to BBQ every thing you see on four legs, you will get over it. It's just a symptom of PTSD. Besides, Max and I know now, it's because you love us and want to tease us. I explained a bit to Max about psychology 101. He gets it now!
Now, Dr Hat, do you think that I look good with my exophtalmus condition? I see all around, and the girls are looking at me, because I'm handsome, I sure hope. That must be it, and I take after you, uncle Hat, I have such a great heart! Runs in the family, I guess. One last question, if you don't mind, do I take after you concerning those big grey eyes?
I also look good in leopard g strings. For sure, we are of the same family. My love to your sweet wife! thanks
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 02 May 2017 - 02:38 PM
broken line
Well Sid. Not bad, No and mine are baby blue eyes but you could get colored contact lens.
- gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 02 May 2017 - 03:26 PM
Uncle Hat, between grey eyes and baby blue eyes, there is a link. I knew that I was your nephew from the start! Thank God! And perhaps to make it real real, could you try the grey lenses. With my condition, you know, the lenses would pop out of my eyes instantly.
Posted 02 May 2017 - 03:49 PM
line drawn
Hi Sir, Auntie Raven here. Hang in there and just be there for your Mom. We are always here for you guys.
Hi sweet aunt Raven, so lonely today. My mom is a bit off, but she takes care of me like a real mom. I know that times are hard for her and for you, as she mentioned. Raven, do you find me handsome? I sure hope so, and know that my heart is at the right place. Always, I take after uncle Hat.
As I would like, with Max of course, to spend a week end with your kids. That would be in June. And that, is if Auntie Liz is ok with this. Auntie Raven, do you have grey eyes like mine? I hear that is real rare. I love you for taking the time to answer me, Sid xxxx
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