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#9661 TryinginFL


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 05:11 PM

hurts terribly



Had x-ray today and saw the most robotic, unfeeling PA ever.  Never cracked a smile and acted like I was lying :angry: This made me cry again and I told the receptionist I would never see him again. Apparently this group does not prescribe anything, they only give shots.

Dr. is so busy it will probably be about 4 weeks before this happens.    Wonder if the results of the tests will move anything along.  Guess the Dr. sees 50-60 patients/day.


If I am unable to get another RX for Hydrocodone from my GP I will go to the ER.  I have never experienced such pain for days like this in my life.


Needless to say, I am angry and upset as hell right now :angry:

#9662 fishinghat


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 05:40 PM

terribly upset


You should be upset. Go to the emergency room. Tell them the pain hurts like you know what and you want a cat scan. If it is a herniated disc it will probably only get worse. Either that or write your dr a note that you can't wait to your appointment and would like him/her to go ahead and set up the cat scan.

#9663 gail


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 06:55 AM

Upset surely

Oh Liz, I sure hope that the X-ray can reveal what's going on.

I had an abdominal scan done yesterday for back pain and more. I can't stand up for more than 10 minutes. And looking at last year's scan for my kidney, I found that there was lumber osteoarthritis. I was so busy with other things that that part I had forgotten. I let go of a client this week as I get extremely tired.

Now, the waiting game for blood and scan results. The things that go through my mind, wow, you wouldn't believe!

A pity that you can't get pain pills. Come here, I have some!

#9664 TryinginFL


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 08:46 AM

surely hope



I have an appt for an MRI on Monday and spoke to my GP's nurse this morning.  My GP is booked solid this week and on vacation next week.  Nurse also suggested that I go to the ER for some relief.


I have a few Hydrocodone left but they do not eliminate the pain - just make it possible to move.  I was supposed to get my deep tissue massage this afternoon but  am not sure about that.  I left a message there and I could sit in the ER for hours... :(


Will keep you all posted


Gail, I'm sorry that you are also in pain and hope that your results are good

#9665 fishinghat


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 12:53 PM

hope abounds.


After my wife's first diagnosis with a herniated disc the dr flat told her 'No messages or chiropractors until further notice.' as they can make the situation worse.

#9666 gail


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 03:43 PM

Abounds around

My friend who is a massage therapist would not touch that area when I asked him to. Get a scan first to see, he said. A dangerous place to tamper with.

Einstein, is there something to do for an herniated disk? Besides surgery? Or is it something that your wife learns to live with? And lastly, does it show on an x-ray? Thank you! I love you!

#9667 fishinghat


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 05:07 PM

Well Gail, for everyone's sake I am going to give a thumbnail sketch of herniated disc, also known as slipped disc and ruptured disc.


First of all it is unusual for a bad disc to show on an x-ray. With an x-ray they are eliminating broken vertebrae some bone diseases, etc. Only an MRI or Cat scan can really detect the herniated disc.
A disc is a jello filled bag that sets between each of the vertebrae in your back. It acts as a shock absorber for your back. The membrane around the jello is really tough but with enough strain and shock it can break and the jello comes pouring out and presses on the nerves and spinal cord in that area causing severe pain. That is a ruptured disc.
In most cases the membrane does not break but simply is forced out part way from between the two vertebrae. Where this bag pouches out again puts pressure on the nerves and spinal cord in the area.
There is no widely accepted way to do therapy, take medicine, or any other way to get the disc to go back to its original location except surgery. Now if the disc is only sticking out a small distance they can usually do an outpatient surgery. My wife had this one a very small herniated disc. Before the surgery she had trouble even walking or setting due to the pain.  After the surgery (a one hour surgery including the recovery room she came out was coming out from under the anesthesia. She told the nurse she needed a bed pan. The nurse said no she could walk to the bathroom. She was completely able to walk there and back with no pain.
Now the more the disc sticks out the more the intensive the surgery. The disc can stick out far enough to compress the spinal cord severely. This can lead to nerve damage, the loss of the ability to urinate, severe pain, numbness, tingling in the legs or arm (depending on the location) and even permanent paralysis.
The normal procedure at that point is to go in with an open surgery and remove most or all the disc and have the two vertebrae fused together with bone and a metal plate. After all you can't have bone rubbing against bone with the disc gone. This is a painful recovery and has a long history of success. Unluckily because those two vertebrae are not able to flex (they are fused together) the stress of carrying things are passed on to the other vertebrae causing a second surgery to be needed, on average, after 11 years.
My wife has had the fusion once but recently opted for the second choice, arthroplasty, for her last problem. Arthroplasty, the insertion of an artificial disc, has gained in popularity during the last 10 years as the devices have improved and the techniques have matured. An open surgery is done through the belly area (6" incision), all the internal organs are moved to one side, the surgeon now has access to the front of the spinal column. The two vertebrae are jacked apart about 3" allowing the damaged disc to be removed and the artificial disc inserted. This surgery is very traumatic and takes around 3 months to even come close to normal function, considerable pain during those 3 months and a full year to fully recover. The up side is that around 60% regain full function of their back and with little or no residual pain afterward. Unluckily my wife's surgery went well but afterward she still had all the old pain and complications. Her dr said that because of all her prior surgeries she was overgrown with scar tissue which had effected her spinal cord and nerves. He said he spent more time removing scar tissue to get to the spinal column than it took to put in place the artificial disc.


Hopefully you can have the easier outpatient surgery. This is one time where age can be a benefit. As we age past 50 the membrane around the disc becomes harder and is less likely to rupture. It is more likely to be simply protruding and outpatient surgery may be the best choice. The MRI will tell.

#9668 TryinginFL


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 07:56 PM

around when



Was in ER for 6 1/2 hrs today - had a ct-scan and result was discs 3 and 4 bulging and pinching spinal cord.  Have MRI on Monday and have no idea what happens next - with my GP on vacation next week have no idea...


Needless to say, I am in pain and still frustrated... :angry: 

#9669 gail


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 06:53 AM

When where

Oh Fisherman, what a great explanation, I understand everything which is the best part. I thank you so so much. Too bad that this big surgery didn't do your wife any good. The good news is that with age, ruptured disc is rare.

Liz, that's a lot of waiting. Now that you know what's wrong, I wonder what your doctor will do about this and so must you. the waiting game begins.

Fisherman, is there anything that Liz can do to alleviate the pain while she waits? Lidocaine patches? Last thing, can it happen that the disc replaces itself with time?

#9670 fishinghat


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:33 AM

Liz, at least they are not ruptured. That is good news. As soon as you get the MRI results, and assuming they confirm what the cat scan showed, you need to contact the drs office and explain the pain is unbearable and you want to be referred to a spinal surgeon right now, it can't wait. I know your dr is on vacation but in his/her absence some other dr in that office can do the referral.


By the way. vertebrae are letter/number coded. For your example in your case that would be L3 and L4 vertebrae which stands for 3rd and  4th lumbar vertebrae respectively. The discs are coded slightly different. Your bad disc would be coded L3/L4 disc which means it is the disc between the L3 and L4 vertebrae.


Gail, lidocaine patches, pain meds, etc all require a prescription. I am amazed that the drs at the ER didn't prescribe something for her until she sees a dr. In my area they not only would have done that but would have immediately referred her to a surgeon. I am afraid that if it was my wife I would go back to the ER and explain that the pain is getting even worse and she needs to see a surgeon immediately!!  Be forceful. and take no prisoners. In addition I would call your regular drs office and raise cane. I can say that in our area ANY herniated disc with sciatica pain got immediate attention. I remember in one case she got the diagnosis on a Wed, saw the surgeon on Thurs and had surgery on Friday. I am sorry but I understand the pain level and it makes me angry.


Also, discs are located between vertebrae and have little blood flow to them. They do not have the capacity to heal or repair. Too bad.

#9671 fishinghat


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:44 AM

Man. the more I think about this the madder I get. I do know how you can get a response. Go to the ER, ambulance is best but some one driving you is OK. Tell them you can not walk due to the pain so they will have to place you on the gerney (bed with wheels) to load you in the ambulance and roll you in the ER. Once in there you tell them the pain is worse and you are having difficulty urinating now. That will wake them up.



#9672 TryinginFL


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:26 AM

Thanks for all the info, FH...


ER Dr. prescribed Prednisone and Oxycodone /APAP 5-325.  Woke up late this AM but was feeling much better.  Then I remembered the garbage cans had to be shoved out to the curb (in the rain, no less).  Needless to say, when I finished that, the pain was back.  Took my meds and am now much better.  Now I am confused cuz the MRI was reqstd by the Pain Management Dr. I was told I couldn't see for 4 weeks.  What to do now?

Not sure I should deal w/that office but will need copy of MRI from them... :(


ER will send x-ray results to my GP but of course she won't be there.

If I need more meds I wonder if I can get her back-up Dr. to  prescribe - only have 5 days worth


BTW, having to go to Pharmacy across town to get the meds last night added another 45 min to my happy day :wacko:

#9673 fishinghat


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:36 AM

Well first of all glad you have pain meds. The MRI is a good thing and I am sure it will confirm the findings of the Cat Scan. Make sure that your cat scans and mri results are sent to your dr even though she is not in for a week or so. Also call and speak to your dr's nurse. Explain the situation to her and ask for a referral to a back surgeon for evaluation. Just the herniated disc finding from your cat scan should be enough for your drs office to get an immediate referral. DO NOT take no for an answer. If you have to insist. You don't need to suffer. The dr would need a MRI before any surgery so go ahead and do that. These people work for you. Make them listen and PLEASE keep us posted.

#9674 gail


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 03:33 PM

Where is she?

I saw a lovely someone passing by the forum today! Mystery!

Results from scan and blood tests Tuesday pm. My saying goes like No news then not so bad news. I will ask a copy from both so I can relay the info to Einstein.

And tomorrow is Braininflated doctor. Knows it all, I always have to double-check his sayings!

#9675 TryinginFL


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 03:57 PM

she exists



I wish you the best, Gail!


I too am sick of these "god-like" Drs.- they are driving me nuts.  Needless to say, I will not be going back to the idiot whose nurse said I probably couldn't see him for 4 weeks - and I had that inhuman PA see me - BLECH - NEVER AGAIN!!!


Hang in there my friend and hopefully we will both come out of these problems unscathed :)

#9676 fishinghat


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 04:17 PM

exists forever


I second that Liz.

#9677 TryinginFL


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 06:08 PM

forever loving



How is everyone else on here - Carleeta, Raven?


Where are you????????? :o

#9678 gail


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 07:26 AM

Loving you

I double second this. Thank God my doctor is not like that Braininflated one. I would lose all confidence in doctors!

Insulting, condescending inflated egos that make us feel like dirt not to say shit. I should say that they make our egos feeling like dirt and our ego doesn't like that at all!

We will cross that bridge Liz, one way or the other.

#9679 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:17 AM

you bet!



Outa' likes again, but great post, Gail! :D

#9680 gail


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 02:55 PM

Bet off

Surprisingly, I had a great session. While talking, I opened up about how I felt about him. He knew, he almost said it before I did. It didn't distress him as he knows that it's a normal way for most of his patients to react!

We uncovered something important about myself, that is good.

I just experienced something that got the anxiety through the roof. Situational anxiety. I was relaxing and drinking camomile tea, and out of the apartment just on the other side of the street, comes out 4 policemen with a thirtiesh man. Hands on the police car, they search him.
He had just rented that place yesterday. Hiding, I guess. My heart did a flip flop, as though it was me that they arrested. I felt so bad for the guy even though he was in the wrong probably.

A good thing that I don't see this very often, Max's goodies would disappear quickly, and i am not talking about the cigars!

#9681 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 03:15 PM

off again



Great news about your session, Gail!


That was a scary experience with the police searching - makes you wonder what he did... :o


How are you doing regarding the pain??

#9682 gail


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 04:55 PM

Again, weirdly

Yes, weirdly, after the brain session, I have felt no pain! Well not much really, go figure!

What about your pain, how goes?

#9683 Raven72


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 11:22 PM

weirdly frantic

Hi guys...I am here. Lurking in the shadows lately. Been going through withdrawals from Paxil. I got fed up and went CT on it and it is worse than Cymbalta. The withdrawals are like coming off of heroine. It absolutely sucks. 😝😒

Liz,I am sorry your Sciatica is worsening. My husband deals with it and take no prescription pain meds for it. In fact he found a Pain Management doctor that we love. He works towards fixing you and not drugging you. He did a Radiofrequency Nerve Ablasion on him and He was virtually pain free for about 3 to 4 months. It can last anywhere from 6 months to over a year. But the hubby is a quick healerπŸ˜” Insurance will only allow it every 6 months at the most. We are waiting for his next one due in May. We tried a block to get him through but it didn't touch the pain. Just something for you to think about. Here is the link for Wikipedia.


#9684 fishinghat


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 07:47 AM

That could be a good short term answer Liz but the nerve in question here is your spinal cord (that is what is being pinched) and the ablation can not be used on the spinal cord as it tends to deaden it and results in less pain but also numbness, difficulty with balance, etc. You might talk to your dr about it. That bulging disc needs to be corrected before it possibly ruptures anyway.

#9685 gail


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 10:27 AM

FishingBrain, is a bulging disc the same as an hernia? Is it treated the same? Thank you.

#9686 TryinginFL


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 12:15 PM

frantic thinking



"Fixing" these bulging discs is scaring me...


Also having trouble sleeping now - what next?  Will not be going to church today and it pains me as this is the season I love..


Have asked a friend to please put me on the Prayer List - that's a new thing for me :hug:


Raven, so good to hear from you, but sorry for more withdrawal - will this mess ever stop??

Thanks for the info too

#9687 Raven72


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 02:07 PM

thinking not

I don't feel it will ever end. There are good days and bad days. Last night and today are bad days. My husband is doing his best to help me. But right now I don't see it as help. The sad part is I know he is really trying to help. πŸ˜”

#9688 gail


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 02:44 PM

Not really

The cerebral part of you Raven knows that your husband is helping, and the visceral part cannot feel it as it is in turmoil. Just like someone tells me, hey it's beautiful outside and I say that I know this,but it doesn't make me feel any better because my visceral part is consumed by depression or anxiety! Like you, it's not always like this.

Liz, as FishingBrain explained, it's one disc between vertebrae 3 and 4. If it's like an hernia, it's easily fixed in a small surgery. You go in in the morning and back home for cocktail time!!!

When not one thing it's another, never ceasing for long. Isn't life strange? One day we will understand it all and smile about all the tribulations we went through.

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Posted 08 April 2017 - 02:50 PM

really confused



Only 1 disc?  Don't even know how to explain this to anyone... :blink:

#9690 gail


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Posted 08 April 2017 - 04:34 PM

Liz, at least they are not ruptured. That is good news. As soon as you get the MRI results, and assuming they confirm what the cat scan showed, you need to contact the drs office and explain the pain is unbearable and you want to be referred to a spinal surgeon right now, it can't wait. I know your dr is on vacation but in his/her absence some other dr in that office can do the referral.
By the way. vertebrae are letter/number coded. For your example in your case that would be L3 and L4 vertebrae which stands for 3rd and  4th lumbar vertebrae respectively. The discs are coded slightly different. Your bad disc would be coded L3/L4 disc which means it is the disc between the L3 and L4 vertebrae.
Gail, lidocaine patches, pain meds, etc all require a prescription. I am amazed that the drs at the ER didn't prescribe something for her until she sees a dr. In my area they not only would have done that but would have immediately referred her to a surgeon. I am afraid that if it was my wife I would go back to the ER and explain that the pain is getting even worse and she needs to see a surgeon immediately!!  Be forceful. and take no prisoners. In addition I would call your regular drs office and raise cane. I can say that in our area ANY herniated disc with sciatica pain got immediate attention. I remember in one case she got the diagnosis on a Wed, saw the surgeon on Thurs and had surgery on Friday. I am sorry but I understand the pain level and it makes me angry.
Also, discs are located between vertebrae and have little blood flow to them. They do not have the capacity to heal or repair. Too bad.

Liz, check second paragraph. Waiting for our private doc to differentiate bulging disk from herniated disc, which could be the same. I don't know. Supper time, chicken wings and Cole slaw!

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