Mind Support... Drop A Word Add A Word
Posted 14 November 2016 - 08:33 PM
Steve Halpern, love that music. All that is calm, angelic brings me comfort.
Road kill, that reminds me of not too good memories and it's been seven years. A baby Robin next to my car, another car comes and passes over the robin, I still here the sound it made as it squashed that baby Robin. Sickening.
Ah Frank, such is life. Can't boost you up here as today, I am half way down. Perhaps mañana?
Posted 14 November 2016 - 08:42 PM
again forever
Napping helps. Soothing music can grate on my nerves, if it's repetitive or really simple. My brain goes to ways the composer could have done things differently, more interestingly (IMO). It's hard for me to enjoy music that's not complex and energetic. That being said, I don't mind small doses of quiet music.
I'll look up the musicians you mentioned and let you know.
Posted 17 November 2016 - 03:54 PM
At last, non Einsteining words. Frank, I felt the same when I woke up, then around 2 pm I was ok. That brain, poor thing, it's been going through so much in the last years. A wonder that it's still alive, or is it?
Raven, that is the time of year for sinusitis. Just met a person with extra white and beautiful teeth and they all hurt like hell.
Liz, sleeping?
Posted 17 November 2016 - 04:38 PM
weapon hidden
Hey all!
Trip to get hair done today and then to the Vet for meds for Bentley...
Frank, hope you are feeling better today and Raven - hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like some stuff I had about a month ago - virus of some kind. Lasts about 5 days
How is it going today, Gail?
And a big shout out to FH!
Posted 17 November 2016 - 05:17 PM
hidden meaning
Okay, sorry that my memory is so bad that I can't remember who here liked the Cubbies, but I wanted to congratulate you on your World Series Win. As much as I hate that you beat my Giants to get there, I am happy for you to have won it.
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