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Posted 26 September 2016 - 10:00 AM
hurt him
Good morning!
I'm a little late this morning...upset about dogs - Bentley won't get up and Sherman has had diarrhea for the past 3 days - OY!!
Playing bridge this afternoon and almost afraid to leave them - suppose I will have more gifts when I get back If this continues, I will have to make another trip to the Vet and no money til Wed.
Posted 26 September 2016 - 02:46 PM
Oh Liz, again for the dogs. A lot of worry, they are your babies after all!
Living from one paycheck to the other...many know what that is...including me.
And Captain, I saw you passing by earlier. It was good to see you. We are holding you in our heart.
I have an appointment with my doc tomorrow, I am afraid that she cannot do much for me. We tried everything.
Captain, your phrase about being a way of life for some, will always stay in my mind. Unfair. Should God decide to put those matters into my hands, let me tell you that not a soul on earth would suffer from this. Well, not for long!
Sorry, I am ultra fed up of this. Ranting, I guess. I will stop here.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 26 September 2016 - 04:00 PM
who does?
Well, the bridge wasn't bad - my brain fog allowed me to play fairly well
Only one small gift from Sherman when I got home...
Storms predicted so neither dog is eating at this point - think I had less trouble with my kids
Sorry for your bear coming around again, Gail - wish there were a miracle pill for you..
Where the heck is everyone????
Posted 26 September 2016 - 04:55 PM
does continue
"Captain, your phrase about being a way of life for some, will always stay in my mind. Unfair."
I am now going through daily preps for the deposition. It is like you suffered from a knife wound and about the time you start healing some one comes along and tears open the wound every day for a month or two. Not hard to handle, right?
- gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 26 September 2016 - 06:37 PM
So sad. So painful, that cross is a heavy one.
I have no words here, just pain. Goodnight!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 26 September 2016 - 06:43 PM
faith heals
Yes I will suffer and I will probably complain like crazy BUT until the day I die I will remain steadfast in doing what is right and speaking the truth. They will now me, how I feel and what I think. They will know I was there. I can stand fast with the Lord by my side.
God bless all
- gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 27 September 2016 - 12:15 PM
Lala, welcome to the game.
Raven, so nice to see you back, missed you.
Liz, how are the kids? Doc, hello!
My doctor is sending me to a psychiatrist to evaluate my condition. I am happy about that. I have been rapid cycling in the last months. The good periods are getting shorter and shorter. I can not seem to go for more than one and a half day of somewhat "normal feeling". Her thinking, since the beginning, is a sort of bipolar with no highs nor manic episodes.
Whatever it is, it's exhausting.
Bobbi, Frank, where are you hiding?
Posted 27 September 2016 - 12:20 PM
Sun Shine
Just trying to get by day by day. Sometimes I feel like I'm digressing instead of progressing. If that makes since to anyone! I just have some many physical symptoms a that seem to come and go. I just need to remember that it not linear!
- fishinghat and gail like this
Posted 27 September 2016 - 03:50 PM
light on
You are so inspirational! I'm I the only one that start having thought of gloom. I keep thinking there must be something else wrong with me because my symptoms should be over. I wonder if I should try taking something else to ease my worry. I just keep thing I've come his far. I hate the thought of putting anything else in my body at this point. It will be 3 months in a couple weeks.
Here's my symptoms:
Arm and shoulder pain ( I think in my joints and it radiates to my forearms.
When i put my chin to my chest I get a pretty good zap through my body. I get this sensation from my neck injury but know it seems worse after stopping the Crapalta.
Aches and pain in my arms, back and sometimes my stomach.
Tightening of my chest, back and stomach.
My knees feel tight and almost swollen but they don't look swollen.
Zappy sensation through out my body.
I'm listing these so maybe someone can ease my thoughts a bit or to help someone else with the same questions or symptoms.
Thanks to you all.
Posted 27 September 2016 - 06:11 PM
Bobbi, I am not familiar with body aches. I suffer from great Anxiety and my body is really tensed by this. My doc prescribed a muscle relaxant this morning, I will try that in the morning.
You are at a turning point in your withdrawal, 12 weeks is when you begin to see improvement. You have had good days up to this point, that's good. Nothing wrong with getting a bit of help in the meantime if things are too rough. Low Zoloft or Prozac dose. This is up to you to decide when too much is darn too much.
Posted 27 September 2016 - 10:06 PM
myself alone
I'm really not alone, but it often feels that way.
Gail, I'd like to hear any news you get about treating rapid-cycling mood. Prior to this last year my moods have gone through a daily and a longer two or three week cycle. Now I'm mostly depressed all the time. I don't have any highs, just a range from sort-of normal to really suicidal. Nothing's worked for me so far.
Posted 28 September 2016 - 05:21 AM
Hey Frank! Happy to see you. Yes, I will let you know as soon as I see the Psychiatrist.
When all this began, at menopause, I had 5 bad days in a row per month. As years went on, it was like 8 days random per month. Not as bad as today. And suddenly, I would feel completely normal. It was mostly anxiety, but in the last year or two, depression set in also. No wonder.
And now, well, I am lucky if I have two good days in a row. I can easily understand how someone can become suicidal. It is a hard way to live and I sympathise with you. It's a hard task to have to pick yourself up most days.
On that, good morning!
Posted 28 September 2016 - 02:21 PM
Thank you Bobbi!
As you all know, in June, two beautiful rocks appeared from nowhere. I cherish them, I gave up wanting to identify them. Its the way it happened that counts.
I might wake up one morning to see a magic wand. And you all know what will be my first Abracadabra! Just promise to stay in the forum even though you are all healed!
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 28 September 2016 - 05:02 PM
taken home
Hello everyone!
I have been MIA today as it was a bill-paying, massage getting and errand running day
I have been reading and catching up here...Good to hear from Bobbie and Frank again!
Gail, I'm so glad that your Dr. is sending you to a psychiatrist! Maybe this Dr. can come up with something to help you and that horrible A...
Posted 28 September 2016 - 05:59 PM
So good to see you sweet Liz! How are the boys?
Yes, I am looking forward to meeting that new Psychiatrist. He seems very accommodating and sympathetic, so says my doc's Secretary. He is of the new breed, in his thirties. Fresh out or almost from internship.
Max is coming back tomorrow noon. So, be prepared to hear about his camping trip.
It should be quite interesting. We will probably make a Friday out of a Thursday!
I wish you all a good night. Hi Captain! Sleep well.
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