Mind Support... Drop A Word Add A Word
Posted 16 February 2016 - 06:52 PM
And believe or not, it is actually 48F here, raining like crazy and yesterday was 15F, the coldest day of the year, and we wonder why is it that we are losing our mind! mystery!
Freezing rain, yes, that is the translation of gresil. Had forgotten the right words.
Let's enjoy that temp.while it lasts. Goodnight♥
Posted 17 February 2016 - 06:43 PM
now (and) always
It has been in the middle 80's today! Wish it would stay there for now and always - beautiful!
Those sand hill cranes continue to gather every morning - 8 this morning! The rest the other day must have been visiting!
Have been watching the ospreys as well...
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 17 February 2016 - 09:02 PM
Got a zoo there Liz? Lucky one you are to see this.
Got one downstairs at the moment, two young tenants screaming their heads off playing I don't know what game. I wonder if they have the word Respect in their vocabulary!
Dulces suenos to you two♥
Posted 18 February 2016 - 02:56 PM
wishing well
Well I may not like all the work with digging and tilling (which I just finished) but when I go to bed I just crash. Better sleeping tonight for both of you.
- gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 18 February 2016 - 07:17 PM
I know,again.
Oh Liz, every hour, that must be hard on you. Besides the down neighbors, I have had the same difficulty in the last days. Might have something to do with the moon or stars or something in the domain of astrology.
It is usually the least of my problems! The feeling of not here is also familiar with me.
Bought some ear plugs in case, but the way the janitor and I confronted them today, I would be surprised if any noise comes out of the that place tonite. The words that came out of my mouth astounded me...and them. Buenos noches amigos♥
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 18 February 2016 - 07:25 PM
Well, again
I hope that you said all of the right stuff, Gail! I understand well, as I had next door neighbors the last place that I lived - it was a townhouse and I shared a wall w/college brats! Those guys drove me NUTS !!!
Bentley hasn't been doing well the last couple of days, between diarrhea and throwing up - yikes!
Good thing I am having the carpet cleaned next Friday, but I am worried about him...
Hope you sleep better tonite!
Posted 19 February 2016 - 12:19 PM
Bently, the heart? The tail, Sherman? Got that straight? Oh and Max, the brandy!
Slept like a rock, was so tired and could not see straight. Those situations just exhaust me mentally and physically. It is enough to lose what is left of my sanity.
So Bently, the vet??? Carpets, we rarely see those here. Let me know how goes that fur ball.♥
Posted 19 February 2016 - 06:27 PM
Bentley (is) better
Yes, you have it right Gail! Sherman's tail has been fine for quite some time - continue to watch to make sure he is not chewing!
Bentley is better now, but he was really worrying me this morning - he was acting like he was on his last legs. When I came home from bridge this afternoon, he seemed to be back to his old self - so happy!
Max will have his brandy in about an hour and he has loved the warm weather!
I, too, slept better last nite - amazing what sleep can do for you...
Out of curiosity, what do you have on your floors there? My mother had put in the wall to wall carpeting here but it is old
- gail likes this
Posted 20 February 2016 - 02:43 PM
days end
What happened to the word game gals?
I have a floating tile floor in my dining room and bathrooms. They can be done with tile or wood flooring. The good thing is it is easier to install (therefore cheaper), not grout or glue to mess with or clean and they are free to expand and contract at will. It is also easy to replace a piece. Simply pull out the old piece and lay in a new one. The bad thing is they will have microscopic cracks between each piece (because of the expansion and contraction) which can accumulate dirt and allow moisture below the surface.
Posted 20 February 2016 - 03:49 PM
We got lost Fisherman. Floating hard wood is, I think, the name.
Sounds like your floors FH. No microscopic cracks whatever. Maple color.
Raining all day here, feeling sleepy a bit.
Out of curiosity Fisherman, you got the Texan accent? Cowboy boots and the hat?
Posted 20 February 2016 - 06:10 PM
soon enough
No Texan accent Gail. My dad worked for a large corporation setting up retail offices in different towns. He had 3 months to get in town, rent a building, buy inventory and train personnel. Then on to another town. Went to exactly 50 schools before I graduated. Lived in 36 states. No real accent ever developed. What an experience. Lived out of cardboard boxes until I was 17!! Ahh, the good ole days. NOT!!
- gail likes this
Posted 20 February 2016 - 06:53 PM
enough, yes
I would think that would have been enough, yes, FH!! - Sure you never want to move again ... can't imagine
OK, now I think I know what a floating floor is, but never heard of it before (I must have led a sheltered life)
Bible study and church this afternoon but left after communion cuz I was freezing!!!
Posted 22 February 2016 - 11:44 AM
party over
Wish I had someone to party with, FH! So for me the party is over before it even started!
FH, since you are the gardener, can you tell me why my Christmas Cactuses are blooming like crazy now?? Guess they have a different calendar - they are inside
Posted 22 February 2016 - 11:55 AM
over done
Those crazy things do what they want to do. My mom had one and it would bloom 2 or 3 times a year and it just seemed to be whenever it wanted to!!
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