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Posted 18 December 2015 - 02:29 PM
Oracion, I will remember this, thanks Liz.
Fisherman, God is sure slow this time...let out a scream to get his attention. Meanwhile, a candle is burning for you most of the evenings.
We got a a God guy from Missouri on the forum, time and patience are his moto♥
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 18 December 2015 - 02:53 PM
until then
He will help but in his own time like he always has. Like a wise man once said....Time and patience.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 18 December 2015 - 05:05 PM
You are very wise, you remind me of my dad that always said" each thing in its own moment".
So, good news is that on Xmas eve, temperature will be 54 degrees F. Instead of 10 or 15F.
The world is upside down here. Will be picking up strawberries instead of shoveling white stuff! I can always dream...
Posted 18 December 2015 - 07:42 PM
During the night it goes a few degrees below freezing point, but during the day it's same as you or almost for the time being.
Yes, the turkey is prepped, still a bit frozen and ready to fill the place with delicious scents of savory, use that a lot.
What's with the cookies? And my buddy Max?
Time for bed, tired today. Bonne nuit Liz, oracion para todos pero, specialamente para el amigo de Missouri!♥
Posted 18 December 2015 - 08:00 PM
Sure wish
Sure wish I could be there with you tomorrow, Gail - just the smell of that turkey would be incredible!
Max has been gearing up for Christmas with Paulie - it has been a year since we have seen him...
He promised that he would help me with all those cookies! (Max loves them)
Bonne nuit y gracias for oracions para mi peros! Of course oracion for FH!
Dulces Suenos !
Posted 19 December 2015 - 12:47 PM
that proves
That proves that my brain has irreparable damage! That's what I get for trying to mix French, Spanish and English in the same sentence...
I honestly forgot the spelling "perro".
To make things better, I should have some turkey with you
- gail likes this
Posted 19 December 2015 - 03:57 PM
You got me laughing here Liz.
Brownies is what you should have with me! I will make some for XMas. But, pero, I will have to leave them in the car trunk. I am a browniecoolic, I should join BAA. Pieces by pieces, I will bring them in.
Turkey took four hours to cook and as I was preparing it to put into individual bags, I wondered what the heck got into me to buy that big bird. It's that I eat a lot of chick peas, and now I can no longer stand them. Will make recepies with the bird. Makes me almost sick to think about it as a bird.
Posted 19 December 2015 - 08:05 PM
Paul will help with those cookies. Or buy a mix and be done with the stress. Who wants that? Not Paul nor Max, they can lick the spoon!
At the moment it is white everywhere, about one third inch. Will melt Monday, with 44 degrees.
So, on that, getting ready for bed. Hasta manana, besos por los perros y Max y tu tambien!♥
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 21 December 2015 - 04:13 PM
Oh Max, give Liz a break here. You better hide them, I know him, he might eat them all. Don't bother if there is no chocolate in it, only chocolate whatever the recipe is.
So, weatherwise, Thursday is now to be 60 degrees F. Never seen that!
Alleluya! Last day of fall, ending around 11.43pm tonite.
Posted 21 December 2015 - 07:30 PM
delicious stuff!
I still have some more cookies to make but also have Swedish meatballs to make for Christmas Eve! I try to keep up the Family Tradition but I doubt that my kids will continue it when I am gone...
Yes, the Winter Solstice! Your weather is crazy, Gail and it is supposed to be mid 80's here on Christmas day!
Still eating turkey??
Posted 22 December 2015 - 12:37 AM
stuff happens
when i'm not paying attention stuff happens. i missed the space-x launch tonight (darn! darn! darn!) because i was caught up watching a show on amazon. night-time rocket launches are awesome to see - cape canaveral is only about 45 miles from me.
gail - i have no idea what kind of mushroom it is. i took a picture of it on a camping trip in tennessee a couple years ago. the little avatar doesn't do it justice - its a great photo. it looks very majestic. it was about 4-5 inches tall. i love to eat mushrooms but stick to the ones in the store. while we know most of the rest of the world does it, americans are taught not to pick and eat wild mushrooms. we're too stupid to know the poisonous ones from the edible ones. only people who mushroom here are looking for the magic ones in the cow poop.
tfl - the fudgies are a hit! my test batch didn't last long. i'll start in on the ones for gifts tomorrow. no sampling :-(
anything that is called a "meltaway" sounds awesome! what's in them?
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:59 AM
Happens when?
Brz, I didn't even know there WAS a launch last nite! I can see them from my patio if there are no clouds
I agree regarding the mushrooms... I stick to the store type as well as I would not know good from bad in the forest as Gail does!
Good luck with your next batch of goodies - it's so hard not to sample...
The meltaways are butter, flour, vanilla and ground pecans. Rolled in powdered sugar while still warm - YUMMM!!! Hard to keep my hands off them, but must save as my oldest son from Seattle arrives late tonight - haven't seem him since last Christmas!
Good morning Gail and FH - are you there?
Posted 22 December 2015 - 10:43 AM
when cookies
when cookies come straight out of the oven is the best time to eat them!
depending on its trajectory, we are close enough to hear the rumble of the rocket... because the speed of sound is slower, it takes about a minute before we hear it. tfl, did you ever hear the sonic booms from the shuttle when it used to land here? often i would forget it was landing day and when we'd hear those double booms i would think a gas truck just exploded! then i'd remember it. it was especially nerve wracking when it would wake us up in the middle of the night. one morning i asked my son in law if he heard it the night before and he said no, "just crying children". it was jolting!
Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:12 AM
cookies disappeared
I think I have heard the sonic boom a couple of times...I have only lived this close for the past 6 1/2 years. Before that it was Brandon (ugh).
After 3 batches of cookies I'm not sure that I want to continue - need to go to the store and make meatballs today
Posted 22 December 2015 - 04:20 PM
Brz, it is a variety of "coprin", delicious and never to be eaten with alcohol or wine.
Meatballs, yummy! Paul is arriving soon, with his wife, I guess!
Plenty to eat and drink. Hope you enjoy the time with them. How long are they staying?
Posted 22 December 2015 - 05:26 PM
where to?
I am here Liz. Not great but not as bad. The anxiety is doing a slow fade .I don't think that it is from the Vit C withdrawal like the dr said. I went on the Vit C because it is suppose to help you come of benzos easier and faster. I went back over my notes and I went from dropping 1/2% per month to 2% to 3% to 5%. I think I just got ahead of myself and paid the price. If I had stayed at the 2% level I probably would have been OK but I got greedy. Time.
Posted 22 December 2015 - 07:42 PM
Fisherman, that was a lot. I remember that when I did the same thing, you said to give it a good three weeks to feel better. Your turn now, should end soon! Oracion para ti.
Liz is busy with her visitors, she should be quiet for tonite.
Buenos noches!
Posted 22 December 2015 - 08:35 PM
dreamland awaiting
It will be a long time in coming! Paulie won't be here until 1130pm or later.... I will be happy to see him since it has been a year!
Gail, Paulie is my oldest son who lives in Seattle. He is divorced. You are thinking of Craig who got married a year ago August in Hawaii. Thank God, he and his wife are not coming. I do not choose to see her...
And Craig was here for Thanksgiving last month! They live in San Diego.
FH, you remain in my prayers - I know it takes time but it will end we know
Posted 23 December 2015 - 12:53 PM
I copy that Liz. Got it straight now. I knew that one wife was not easy. It's settled.
Paulie is divorced,Seatlle. Paul from Atlanta, ex husband. Craig, hawai, foot and wife not too...
Sherman, the tail. Bently, the heart. Max, my love and Liz so sweet.
Do I get an A?
Posted 23 December 2015 - 03:58 PM
Youppee, an A!
Working in am, then grocery,then the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, that is fine by me. Full of movies to watch and I know that I will be in bed by nine.
Hasta later!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 24 December 2015 - 10:48 AM
you all
Merry Christmas to all of you and may God give you peace and tranquility.
- gail, TryinginFL and brzghoff like this
Posted 24 December 2015 - 11:33 AM
all wish
I, also, would like to extend my heart-felt wishes for the happiest Christmas ever - for all
- fishinghat and brzghoff like this
Posted 24 December 2015 - 12:17 PM
I wish that everyone suffering from whatever mental imbalance there is, be free to enjoy the most simple things!
My four candles will be lit for all of you, including myself, tonite.
- fishinghat, TryinginFL and brzghoff like this
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