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#6151 brzghoff


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:00 PM

insurance sucks





insurance in this country is all over the place. i dare you to wrap your head around what i am about to tell you.


the vast majority of americans get their insurance through their employer. depending on your employer you may pay 0% of your premium or up to 60-75% of it. i am not sure what percentage an employer is required to pay as per the new healthcare law, the ACA, more affectionately known as obamacare. employer insurance is not through the ACA program but there are certain coverage mandates per the law. employers who value their employees tend to pay more of the premium than what the law requires. 


companies with less than 50 employees are not required to offer them insurance. the obamacare program is for those people as well as the self employed. it is still private insurance, you just sign up for it through a government internet portal and then your income is registered and if you make below a certain amount the feds will pay part of your premium. the plans suck and aren't nearly as affordable as before obamacare started. one reason is that insurance companies can no longer refuse to insure people with "preexisting" conditions. that has always been a very controversial topic in the US. now that all plans have to cover preexisting conditions, somebody has to pay, and it is through higher premiums, of which the government picks up a lot of the tab. employer health plans have always covered preexisting conditions - just not plans sold to individuals.


when you ask about co-pays and such, that differs based on the policy you have and how much you pay a month for it (the premium cost). we also have deductibles - a certain $$ amount you have to pay before most of the major medical coverage kicks in. and then  insurance companies only pay a certain amount - again that percentage, usually 50%-80% is determined by your policy and the monthly premium. deductibles can be high ($6000-$9000 per person per year. those are more like a catastrophic policy - you pay a lower monthly premium and are protected from serious  hospitalization costs. if you are healthy, that's the route you go. if you need to see a doctor all the time, get lots of tests, procedures, etc. then you may want a plan with a higher premium but have a lower deductible. there are also co-pays, out of pocket maximums and in network and out of network expenses. all of that is also determined by the "style" of insurance program you have: there are HMO's, PPO's, EPO's, HSA's and for those under 30, catastrophic.


its nuts. however, we have a better choice of doctors than most countries with private healthcare. we are never assigned a specific doctor - we can pick from a list - most doctors participate with most plans. if we don't like a doctor, we can pick another. the exception is with the state medicaid programs. those who qualify pay nothing but have little if any choice of the doctor they see or what hospital they use. for me, i would make sure i pick a hospital that only has single private rooms. if you are on medicaid, you don't get that choice. 


there are programs for families and individuals who live below the official "poverty level". each state has their own name for the program but it falls under the broader title of medicaid. those who have medicaid do not have to pay one thin dime. no premium, no co pay no nothing. not to be confused with medicare which is a federal government healthcare program for individuals 65 and older. all working US residents pay into the medicare system through taxes and therefore have a right to use it. it is part of our federal social security program. it is not total free healthcare, there are copays and deductibles but you don't pay a monthly premium (TFL tell me if i am wrong about that) . you do not need to be a citizen of the US - medicare is earned. you just have to have paid into the system as a legal documented worker for a certain period of time. well, supposedly, but we're learning its not hard to beat the system. 

#6152 TryinginFL


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:18 PM

sucks terribly



That was a great explanation, brz!  Gail may have a difficult time with it, but those of us here get it, and I could never have expressed it as well as you did!


Regarding Medicare - no, it does NOT cover all of a medical expense and there is a monthly amount deducted from Social Security for this.  I also have United HealthCare which is a supplemental insurance for all medical - and another part of it is for meds.  Sheesh - yes, this is why I am paying through the nose ($250.00/month) in addition to what is taken out of my Social Security.  In the long run, it is still less than if I had to pay for all of my medical as Medicare doesn't pay that much. I have no deductibles or co-pays this way.


Now, did any of that make any sense? :huh:

#6153 brzghoff


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:38 PM

terribly expensive,


yes, TFL, what you wrote i understand. i don't know if gail will - its taken me years and years to understand what is going on and how it has all changed under the new law


gail:  to give you some real numbers to understand how much it costs down here: my husband and i pay 20% of our annual gross income on health insurance premiums every month. the law says its supposed to be 9% but somehow the math doesn't work out like it supposed to - ever. our coverage includes a $2000 deductible per person (per year). then insurance covers 80% of expenses. once my "out of pocket" reaches $6275 (not including copays), then they pay 100%. copays are separate. they are not applied to the deductible. i pay $30 per visit to a doctor. an urgent care clinic is $100 co pay and the emergency room is a $200 copay (waved if they check you into the hospital overnight). usually brand name drugs are not covered at all. i must by generic. if there is no generic, i have to pay a very high % of the cost. pharmaceuticals are in three tiers of coverage as part of the "drug formulary". our healthcare insurance in the US has created an entirely new lexicon.


we also have certain procedures that are no additional charge (as required by the new law). a screening colonoscopy (not diagnostic, you pay for that!) is "free", a screening mammogram is "free". your annual obgyn visit is "free". (nothing is really free, its worked into the premium) as for screening vs diagnostic - it is a huge scam that most people don't realize until after they come out from under the anesthesia during the colonoscopy. screening means you're having it done as part of your general healthcare wellness check. if your doctor orders it cause he thinks you have cancer, that's diagnostic and you pay. IF your screening colonoscopy turns up a polyp and they snip it - it is no longer a screen, its diagnostic and you pay. if you ever had a polyp snipped in the past, all your colonoscopies are categorized as diagnostic. there ya go. people are being scared out of getting their "free" wellness colonoscopy because they might wake up after the procedure to learn they had a polyp (that could become cancer one day) and have to pay $2000 (average price for a colonoscopy).


now that we have the "affordable care act" implemented in the US, if hospitalized, i would end up shelling out over $6000 - not including the outrageous amount i pay every month in premiums. (i guess that's better than paying $150K+ for chemo or open heart surgery). a couple years ago when i was hospitalized for a week, my premiums were half what they are now and i only paid $3K of a $33,000 hospital bill.  there are couples who make $63,000 a year, pay $1200 a month in health insurance premiums, have a $6000 a year deductable (per person) and pay $60 for doctor visit copays. 



but on the upside, gas right now in my town is $1.96 a gallon. what's that, 50 cents a liter?

#6154 TryinginFL


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:56 PM

expensive alright



OMG, brz, I had no idea what others are paying for insurance - yours is through the roof!  Guess I should not complain - as an example, I have had foot surgery twice and didn't pay a cent.


Just last month, I had a cataract film (which can happen after the cataract is removed) lasered off and if I looked at the insurance bill correctly, I think the total was well over $1000 and I paid nothing.


I will be thankful for the small things...  

#6155 fishinghat


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:30 PM

alright now


Most insurance around here that companies provide costs the employee from $100 to $200/month for each covered family member. There is a $3,000 - $5,000 deductible then they pay 70 to 90% after that. It includes drug coverage with some minimum copay. Ours runs around $2 to $10 per prescription per month. Because of my anxiety disability I can't get private insurance (unless I am very poor). Heck I can't even buy long-term care insurance (nursing home, etc) and no medicare supplemental insurance. I guess if I had a bad heart it would be OK though!!  Sheesh!!

#6156 TryinginFL


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:41 PM

now, why?



Why are you not able to get supplemental insurance, FH?  Is it due to a pre-existing condition?  I have no long-term insurance either.  Guess that means my sons will have to get a Granny Nanny for me when I can no longer take care of myself. :(  I will have to stay here which I figured I would until the day I die... 

#6157 gail


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 07:41 PM

Why? Wow

Will have to read and reread all this. This is so troubling, thank God that it's different here. No pain, no hastling around, no paying for exams, tests, rmi or whatever. Aren't we lucky not to have to worry about all this!

Thanks Brz for taking the time. Wrapping my head around all that is like asking me to fly to the moon. I have to reread it when I am less tired. Remains one thing, so darn expensive!

Speaking of gaz, we are at 1.14 a liter.

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Posted 18 September 2015 - 07:45 PM

Wow, surely!



Tried to answer on my tablet but can't do it...



p.s.  Wow - it did go through!  Just have to wait longer.. lol :lol:

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:24 AM

Surely time

Yes, you made it! You will fall in love with it.

Good morning!

#6160 TryinginFL


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Posted 19 September 2015 - 08:54 AM

time out



Good morning!


I have to take a time out when playing with that tablet - not sure about that "falling in love" thing! :unsure:

I still get frustrated....

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 04:34 PM

Out there

So do I! Lost the volume on the videos I have. I make comments on what I see and boom! No sound when looking at them, it must be out there but cannot figure it out!

Seems like a lonely place here today!

#6162 TryinginFL


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Posted 19 September 2015 - 06:12 PM

there are



Yep, Gail!  There are no members on here today!


I certainly agree with the tablet thing - it's enough to drive one crazy! :wacko:

#6163 gail


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Posted 19 September 2015 - 06:36 PM

Are not

Off to bed, big day today, and going hunting manana for treasures.

Have a good night sleep with the boys.
By the way, where does Master Max sleep?♥♥

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:02 PM

not here



Actually, Max sleeps in a lounge chair that  is in my room!  :D

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:13 PM

Here now

That is recomforting to know, what a nice family

Having hot flushes or flashes, my mom had them till 80.
Keeps me awake, pyjama flying all over the place and ten minutes after I put them back on and so on.

Weaned the oestrogen over the period of nine months and here I am sweating like mad. Never could sleep in the nude in my life till now!

If it's not one thing its the other. Hey Fisherman!

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:19 PM

now listen



Gail, I feel so bad for you.  I actually had a hysterectomy when I was about 30 or 31 so I never went through all that horrible stuff!


Sometimes it is so hot here that I sleep in the nude and enjoy it! 


Seems that it is just you and me - I hope you find some treasures tomorrow!  I wish I could go with you ;)

#6167 gail


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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:32 PM

Listen to

You have not experienced this, listen to me, you have missssssed nothing. Lucky Liz!

Bring your tablet so you can video what we will see. Real passion till you don't end up walking on a dead body! Meaning that almost no one ventures into the woods but moi. People stay in the trails.

I saw Fisherman's nose a few minutes ago, but since we are not talking about food, he got bored.

One last trial for bed, with the f*** fan on! ♥

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 07:36 PM

to what




Why don't people go off the trails?  I am like you - love adventures!


Yes, I thought I saw FH peeking around the corner, like he didn't want to be caught! :lol:

#6169 Carleeta



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Posted 19 September 2015 - 09:11 PM

what nonsense


Just read all about the medical insurance input from brz, tfl, fh, and gail.  Its all total nonsense to me.  One addition to BRZ, info on Medicare. If you are on SSD, you automatically receive Medicare (with a payment of course) even before the age of 65.  The government insurance works as such with the changes this year are also reflected differently for each state (which brz stated). It's all understood by me and this is where I fell its all total nonsense. As FH mentioned, its almost impossible for any individual to afford LTC. 


Gail, I do pray you find the answers for the medical coverage you are searching for.  

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 07:34 AM

Nonsense behind

It took years for Brz to get it, so I will forget about it.

So I will put all that nonsense behind and stick to what I need to know. Simpler here.

On that, good morning.

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:08 AM

Behind (the) door





Treasure hunting today, Gail?  I hope that you find something... :)

If so, hide it behind the door!

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:28 AM

Door opens

Early bird Liz today. Then the door opens, and what do I see?

#6173 fishinghat


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:29 AM

opens options


Hey everyone. wanted to thank liz for the picture of max in her livingroom chair.



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:39 AM

options given



Thanks FH -  that had me laughing for several minutes! :D :lol:


I have saved it - see what options I'm given...

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:56 AM

Given permission

Oh wow FH, this is too much. The cutest thing. I love it!

Given permission to send the other ones. Did I say I love it? love it,love it!

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 09:00 AM

permission granted




Oh my!  Permission granted to send any other pictures that you may have!


Did Max sit in a chair when he visited you, Gail?   He is so cute when he does that!

#6177 gail


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Posted 20 September 2015 - 10:05 AM

Granted loan???

Max preferred the bed and kept playing with the electric device for the bed, up and down and the vibrating of the bed.

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 10:11 AM

loan shark




Wow - you have a bed like that, Gail? 


Thank you for letting Max have fun! :D

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 10:50 AM

Shark tank

It was my mom's. Next time Max comes, I will have to hide the device, the vibration is upsetting the neighbors. I really don't know what is the purpose of the vibration besides making noise.

But, but I will let him play with the computer and we will eat junk food, which is rare here. And we will take car rides, put a casket on him and pretend that he his my beau!

Lunch and away I go. See you later!

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 11:00 AM

tank full



Just wondering, Gail...

What did you mean about putting a casket on Max?  (A casket here is what a dead body is buried  in! :o)


Definitely hide the vibrating device from him  -  he tends to get carried away!  All the other fun things he will love!


Have a great adventure! :D

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