tests negative
My GI issues came back all tests negative.
Psychiatric drugs alter our bodies extensively, and after long-term exposure it takes an unknown amount of time to restore equilibrium once the drug is withdrawn. There is no restorative blueprint for this work-- it's trial and error; the body seeks to establish equilibrium and serviceable function, not to reproduce an identical previous state.
In the later stages of withdrawal, some functions may appear to be improved, some may emerge similar to a previous benchmark, some functions may feel palpably different, and some systems may end up giving problems for an unknown time to come. But it all fades and becomes less noticeable.
It gets better and better-- but like an injury to a joint (knee, shoulder, elbow)-- while it continues to improve, there will always be some residual symptoms from time to time; that's normal following any injury-- including injuries at the level of the neurotransmitter.
Liz, I would be surprised if they find anything clearly identifiable, but you are doing the right thing because you never know. Fingers crossed here!