ending deleterious
She is ending a deleterious relationship.
Good morning all!!!
Posted 09 April 2015 - 07:02 PM
with friends
Yes, Gail... My friends are very helpful in this! Oh, I certainly would not forget Max - I have to watch him, though, as he tends to get carried away!
I just made several new friends on FB through some Cymbalta Withdrawal pages - very interesting!
Posted 10 April 2015 - 08:02 AM
friends count
Yes TFL I do know how lucky I am. One of the worse feelings is the emptiness of loneliness. (Sounds like the title of a country song!!)
Luckily you are not alone.
Hey, don't blame me for Max's psychological issues. You all didn't have to tell him what I had planned!! Besides it would have made it easier for me to seduce him into my frying
Posted 10 April 2015 - 10:38 AM
pennies count
What you don't realize is that your dogs and Max are enough. Even so you have so much more as even the love of one good friend is a gold mine of security and you have more than that. You must also learn to live within yourself and be at ease with yourself and who you are. You can not truly make someone else happy until you are happy with yourself. Knowing yourself and being comfortable even with your faults brings peace and strength to be happy and reach out to others.
Never forget, we are all there for you. You are not alone.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:02 AM
count blessings
Thanks, FH! I can count blessings for all of you here!
Don't know why but this has been an extremely hard week.... Sometimes I feel those same waves that were part of the withdrawal - guess they are still there..
Getting hair done this afternoon - should be an uplift to my mood
Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:31 AM
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