i have had great improvement in withdrawal/discontinuation symptoms since totally being off cymbalta for over 14 weeks now. however (there's always a but) a chronic symptom that won't go away is a sensation, not pain, just an obsessive sensation of razors nicking, cutting, gouging, etc my shins! its like anxiety in my skin (instead of my brain) that is the best way i can describe it and the word that mostly closely defines my experience is paresthesia - the creepy crawly tingly sensation that occurs with withdrawal of a wide range of drugs. the bizarre manifestation i experience is almost embarrassing to discuss. i think other people would think i'm psychotic. other than this forum, only my husband, therapist and psych know. my therp asked me if it hurts, and i tell him not in a way that we normally think of "pain" but it is an obsessive experience that can spin my head around in no time. of course he points out that since i don't have any actual pain to not give it any energy, practice mindfulness and occupy myself with something that engages my brain as a distraction. same as managing anxiety. during the day that works okay and takes the edge off, but when i go to bed, the only thing i want to engage is sleep. its getting worse and i haven't yet gone back to seem him.
the first time i ever felt these types of sensations was when i went on my first anti-d in 1996, zoloft. it was really only during the "ramp up" period and when the doc would increase or lower the dosage and it would usually go away after a week or so. ditto with subsequent ant-d's. however, the paresthesia kicked into high gear once i was totally off the C.
its maddening and is the primary reason i cannot sleep at night. it also triggers anxiety which of course makes sleeping even tougher. i can deal with anxiety these days but not the feeling in my legs. i have to constantly put pressure on my shins to get any relief. that means pillows, blankets or holding them with my hands, but that strategy doesn't work very well. long pants of course help, like tight jeans or to a lesser degree leggings (heavier the fabric the better) funny thing, when i actually shave my legs i don't have the feeling (probably the pressure) but just before and after i go nuts
i take benedryl to help me sleep. in the past one 25 mg caplet was all i needed and it can help with the paresthesia. lately benedryl hasn't worked so well so last night i took two. it did help with the paresthesia but i never slept. no anxiety was just awake - very drowsy but laid in bed for 3 hours before drifting off. at least i was comfortable. my concern there is the obvious tolerance i am building up. if i can't sleep on 50 mg, 75 is next and then so on and so on. i know when that starts to occur the insomnia, anxiety and paresthesia will return as i wean off. in other words, i get nowhere. that is why i refuse to use benzos. i know their use is meant to be only temporary but not having any idea how long my C withdrawal will continue, the prospect of dependence is very real. i will not put myself in a position where i have another round of anxiety issues. i would rather lose one of my senses than to experience the outright terror and fear that i did during my first couple months off the C. i know my body and benzos are a dangerous option.
does anyone else have experience with this particular manifestation of paresthesia? any remedies that work? if there is a lifelong symptom of withdrawal for me i suspect this is it. i am really looking for strategies that might help learn to tolerate this.
other than mild anxiety that comes and goes, some lingering neuropathy and mild fatigue (likely due to the insomnia) the paresthesia is the only side effect i have left. i know i've come a long way and continue to improve and for that i am truly thankful.
thanks a bunch.