I've been on 30mg Cymbalta since June of 2007. It helped when it was needed, but now I'm in a better place and decided to stop. My first attempt was about two years ago, didn't go well, tried the cold turkey method, big no-no. After three days I felt like I was coming out of my skin. On the third day at noon I couldn't take it any longer, I poped a pill and within 20 - 30 min I was back up and running.
My next attempt was earlier this year...I started pulling ONE bead a day from my original formula Cymbalta, was doing pretty good until my next script was filled, I was down 16 beads, the new generic had six large beads, or what I like to call pellets. So, I had just enough of the old pills to ramp back up and level out before I started reducing pellets. I was a bit aprehensive starting a generic...never know how a new companies formulary will actually work. But, after one week on the generic with NO problems I decided to pull a pellet, that was March 8. I actually had no side effects dropping 5mg, maybe a slight dizzy spell once, but that could be attributed to glucose levels...who knows.
So, after 21 days, I took another leap-of-faith and pulled two pellets. The first day on 20mg I felt a bit out-of-it. Just a bit of brain fog. It wasn't until day five on the 20mg that I had anything attributable to withdrawal symptoms...mild nausea, night sweats. I think what kept me going in a positive direction was that I stayed super busy with family and friends.
Today I feel like my old self again...my thoughts are to continue removing one additional pellet every 21 days. I'm pretty sure I can do this