Hi All,
I'm not new to trying to ween off cymbalta, and like so many I started taking this drug over 10 years ago for fibro pain.. At first I though wow something is helping. As it did .. But as the years went I have had all kinds of side affects that I didn't really associate with the wonder drug that was taking my pain away . Long story short... it tured out that i had lyme disease... and began treatment for that. and noticed even more of a decrease in my pain.. basically none!!! WOW.. so here I am on this drug and decided well I don't think I need this any more.. AND that is when the hell began , and my search to see if others were having the same problems I was trying to ween off.. I was on 60 mgs. every day of cymbalta.. I weend my self down to 20mgs. the lowest dose as you all know.. Chatted with my DR. about the fact that I could not go to the every other day dose as was suggested with out getting violently sick...she really didn't have much to offer.. And my search began.. I read about bead counting. and started that.. with not luck, guess I may have been going to fast. THEN it happened.. I picked up my refill of cymbalta.. and noticed it was DIFFERENT!! Well I didn't think to much of it cuz ya know what they say. Generics are the same.. hahahahaha... Wrong!!! I had been out of work due to back problems.. during this time. Thankfully.. As I went into a whirlwind.. I can't even explain... BUT I didn't put two and two together.. so a couple months pass and I notice I start feeling better.. Leveled out .... hummmm ... Ok.. so now I figured it out.. der..... Then my thought, I may as well take advantage of the time off from work to get off this monster... decided to start counting beads again.. WELL to my suprise when I opened the capsual instead of all these tiny little bead which are difficult to count.. there were only 4 small pellet sized beads.. Hummm so being a 20 mg dose each much be 5 mg's each.. So I started with one bead.. And yes it is not pleasant. but I did notice not as severe as what I had experienced with the tiny beads.. I'm now On my second week of what I believe is 15mg. I'm doing ok.. functioning.. I plan to stay at this dose till I feel I level out again and then eliminate another.. I just thought I'd share my experience with ya all.. Not saying it is the way to go.. but after the shock of the generic in my system and the now ween.. I'm doing ok with it.. Good luck.. I also started juicing in hopes it helps with detox. and using detoxing methods I had to do while battling lyme disease.. One word of advice ... Get checked for Lyme disease.. and do so with what is called a lyme literate DR.. our medical testing is lame and the blood test your PCP will give you called the Elsia test is 60% inaccurate... I had to pay to have my test done buy a lab in california called Igenex. another good source of information on lyme disease is to watch a move called under our skin.. you may just see your self there.. it may be worith it.. This has been a 12 plus year journey for me.. I'm not done with lyme treatment, but I felt I needed to come off this drug to see where the hell my body is at with all this.. Good luck and blessings...